How to stop loving your ex

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 14 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
I Can’t Stop Loving My Ex - I Can’t Get Over My Ex (and How to Break Free) - EFT Love Talk Q&A Show
Video: I Can’t Stop Loving My Ex - I Can’t Get Over My Ex (and How to Break Free) - EFT Love Talk Q&A Show


Letting go of a loved one is never easy. The pain of separation can last from several weeks to several years, in some cases. While most mental wounds just take time to heal, it will take some effort for you to reduce the amount of time you spend grieving over relationships. If you are ready to let go of your ex and move on, then this article will show you the direction you need.


Part 1 of 2: Forgetting your ex

  1. 1 Stop communicating with this person, at least for a while. Some couples are fortunate enough to remain friends after the breakup. If you are still in love with your partner, then this means that you are absolutely not ready for friendship with him yet, at least not now. It may seem to you that it is impossible not to see and not communicate with this person, but it will be much more painful for you to pretend that you are friends if in fact you want to renew the relationship.
    • Try to overcome your desire to get this person back by continuing to communicate and spend time together. If your ex no longer loves you, then nothing you say or do will make them love you again. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get him out of your head and out of sight.
    • If you go to the same school, live in the same city, or have a common group of friends, then it will be difficult for you to avoid accidentally meeting him or her. If you do collide, be polite and say hello, but try to keep your conversation short and casual.
  2. 2 Don't ignore your feelings. It's great that you decide to move on and delete your ex from life, but the worst thing you can do for yourself, especially in the early stages of a breakup, is to ignore the feelings you are going through. It's normal and okay to feel angry, scared, confused, hurt, jealous, or insecure after you've broken up with someone you love. Instead of trying to suppress these emotions in yourself, understand that feeling overwhelmed is a natural part of your life. Being aware of your emotions will help you sort them out more clearly and quickly than if you were hiding them from yourself.
    • If you feel you need to cry, then cry. If you feel like screaming, then screaming. Do whatever is necessary to let your emotions out, even if you feel that you are being overly dramatic or overly emotional. If you keep your feelings locked up, they will begin to haunt you in the future.
  3. 3 Try not to dwell on his or her positive qualities. When we love a person, we try to idealize him, and concentrate our attention only on positive qualities. When we remember him, then remember only the good, and we experience only positive emotions. There is nothing wrong with remembering your ex fondly, but if you want to stop loving him or her, then you need to get to the bottom of your memory, and try to remember aspects of his or her personality and relationships that bothered you.
    • Obviously, you broke up for a reason. This means that you were missing something in the relationship. Even if you cannot find a single negative quality in this person, then the simple fact that you have drifted apart should be enough. It doesn't matter how wonderful this person is, the fact that he doesn't want to be with you means that you are not the right fit for each other.
  4. 4 Unleash your emotions. Whether it's talking with a close friend, family member, writing to a magazine, or expressing emotions through art, you need to find a healthy way to express your emotions.Talking to a friend who has gone through an equally tough breakup can help you put things back together and make you feel like you're not alone.
    • Being able to pour out your heart to your friends is great, but you need to know your limits. A breakup conversation only helps up to a point. A little later, this will only fuel your obsession and lead to the fact that you start to reconsider the situation (not to mention that your friends will get tired of it).
  5. 5 Stop looking for answers. A lot of people take the time to figure out what went wrong in their relationship. Very often they blame themselves for pushing their partner away, which leads to feelings of inadequacy and rejection. However, sometimes, the answer to why you broke up is never found, since you simply did not fit together.
  6. 6 Don't have sex with your ex. A night of passionate sex with your ex-lover will only complicate the process of your separation. Resist your urge (no matter how strong it is) to sleep together, given the fact that no matter how good you are, you will feel much worse afterwards ..

Part 2 of 2: Move Forward

  1. 1 Make small, positive changes in your life. Trying to forget someone can go against common sense, because the more you try not to think about them, the harder it is to get them out of your head. By improving the circumstances of your life, just a little, you can miraculously heal the emotional wounds after a breakup, and take a break from the person who broke your heart.
    • Now that you are free, it's time to take care of yourself and think about the aspects of your life that you would like to improve. Are you happy with your career or your school performance? Are you satisfied with your body? What about your life situation?
    • The goal is to improve your life so that it is better than it was during your relationship. While this may seem difficult, it is quite possible. You will need to do some introspection in order to understand where you need to give all your efforts.
    • You don't need to make huge, all-consuming changes in your life. Even small changes like rearranging the room can dramatically improve your mood.
  2. 2 Try to appreciate all the benefits of being a bachelor. Everyone wants to find a person whom he will love, and who will love him in return. Rest assured that one day, you will meet someone who will make you happy, but until then, you should value the freedom and joy that a bachelor life brings.
    • Spend time doing things that you enjoy but that you couldn't do when you were in a relationship. Plan a meeting with friends and remember to approach each situation in a positive way. Be open to meeting new people, visit new places, create new memories.
  3. 3 Give yourself enough time. Despite all your efforts, it will take time for you to forget your ex. Remember that there is nothing wrong with this, and sometimes, time is the best medicine.
    • No matter how awful you feel right now, remember that from now on, you will only get better. You will soon feel normal, and if you try, you will be happier than you might imagine.


  • Don't force yourself to switch to someone else. It's okay to be alone a little, regardless of age, gender, or the opinions of your friends and family.
  • You may want to know how your ex has been doing since you broke up. If you still love this person, then visits to his pages on social networks can only hurt you. Concentrate on your own life and your well-being.