How to smooth folds from a leather jacket

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 2 July 2024
How to Unwrinkle a Leather Jacket : Leather & Fabric Care
Video: How to Unwrinkle a Leather Jacket : Leather & Fabric Care


Wrinkles in leather clothing occur when you do not wear it for a long time or store it improperly. Leather must be handled differently from cotton and other fabrics. It requires a careful attitude, because it is very easy to damage it.


Method 1 of 3: Steaming the jacket

  1. 1 Hang your jacket on a hanger. Make sure the hanger is strong enough to support the weight of your jacket. In fact, long-term storage on a cheap hanger can cause wrinkling. To steam your jacket, you need to hang it on a sturdy hanger.
    • Use a wide hanger for proper storage. This will keep the jacket from wrinkling at the shoulders.
  2. 2 Turn on the shower in the bathroom. Allow the water to warm up sufficiently before switching the mixer to shower mode. Plan to shower at the same time so you don't waste hot water just steaming your jacket. The steaming process will take 10 to 15 minutes.
  3. 3 Hang a jacket in the bathroom and take a shower. Find a place in the bathroom where your jacket can hang without getting wet. After hanging your jacket in a safe place, take a hot shower. Take your time and have the entire bathroom filled with steam.
    • This is the cheapest way to steam your jacket and will save you the hassle of taking it to the dry cleaner.
    • A convenient place to hang your jacket is on the inside of the bathroom door. It usually has a hook for clothes and towels. However, you can also hang the jacket over the sink if you don't have hooks at all in your bathroom.
    • Try to hang your jacket where it won't get wet.
  4. 4 Put on your jacket. After steaming the jacket for 15 minutes, put it on. Put it on and wear it all day. During this time, the jacket will cover the figure, and new folds will not form on it.

Method 2 of 3: Ironing the jacket

  1. 1 Turn on the iron. You can iron the jacket with an iron, setting the temperature to the lowest setting. Do not use an iron that does not have this setting.
    • Consider purchasing an iron with a wider temperature range. This will allow you to take care of a lot of clothes at home.
  2. 2 Prepare your jacket. Place it on the ironing board. Smooth the jacket in sections by placing it on the ironing board and gradually remove any wrinkles. Alternatively, you can use a hard surface. There is less chance of damaging the floor or table if the iron is set to the lowest temperature.
    • Place a thin layer of cotton fabric on top of your jacket. This will additionally protect it from high temperatures.
  3. 3 Iron the jacket. Do not wet it as you do with other fabrics when ironing. Smooth small areas of the jacket. Also, do not forget to constantly move the cotton cloth along with the iron, so as not to accidentally burn the jacket. Use the iron quickly and smooth small areas. This will help protect your skin from excess heat.
    • If all instructions are followed correctly, the process will take a long time.Be patient and resist the temptation to raise the temperature to save time.
    • If you're worried about ruining your jacket, try ironing a very small area first.

Method 3 of 3: Flattening the jacket

  1. 1 Unfold the jacket. Place it on a table or hard floor. The jacket should be spread out on a firm, level surface without bumps. Spread out the jacket with your hands and make sure there are no wrinkles on it.
    • Use your hands to smooth wrinkled skin. Try to understand which areas require more attention.
  2. 2 Spread heavy books over the surface of your jacket. The jacket should be flattened underneath when placing the book. This will help align it. Unfolding books is like crushing grapes; each of them simply flattens the jacket.
    • At this point, you can ask a friend for help. Ask him to stretch a piece of skin, and place the book there.
    • Old hardcover textbooks work best. Heavy dictionaries and collected works are also great options.
  3. 3 Let the jacket flatten. Leave it under a mass of books overnight. It takes a long time for the jacket to flatten. If the wrinkles persist, leave the jacket on for longer.
    • Check regularly how books improve the look of your jacket. You can add more books if necessary.
    • You may find this method works best when combined with others.
  4. 4 Put on your jacket. This will help her return to her previous shape. After flattening the jacket, you need to wear it all day. For 30 seconds, cross your arms and wave them back and forth.