How to make a girl laugh

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 6 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Make a Girl Laugh | 5 Tips from a Comedian
Video: How to Make a Girl Laugh | 5 Tips from a Comedian


The ability to make a girl laugh is a great way to make her sympathetic. If a girl smiles and laughs, then she is interested in spending time with you! But if you're not sure how to make your girlfriend laugh, don't worry, there are tons of ways to do this. Stock up on an impressive collection of funny stories and expressions, and don't be afraid to fool around sometimes. Try to figure out what exactly your girlfriend thinks is funny, and build your humor in that direction. And when you're not around, try texting her with funny messages to make her laugh!


Method 1 of 3: Talking Fun

  1. 1 Find yourself a repertoire of funny stories. While the hilarious anecdotes you tell shouldn't be overly feigned, it's a good idea to keep in mind a supply of good stories to refer to when the situation is right. Stick to generalized light and fun topics, avoiding rough and intimate topics unless you know the girl very well. Remember, the fact that your friends think a joke is funny doesn't mean that your girlfriend will treat it the same way!
    • Think of something interesting that has ever happened to you personally. For example, you may have put on your shirt inside out on the day of your school album photo shoot.
    • And if you have a pet, there are probably a lot of funny stories to tell about it too!
    • To keep your repertoire always fresh, regularly visit websites with funny stories, such as the Runet Quote Book, and feed your stock of jokes from there when you lack your own inspiration.
  2. 2 Remember a few one-line witticisms. Such witticisms and jokes should not be used to boast of your wit, but they can be great help if you decide to fool around. The sharper the phrase, the better! You can apply it in relation to the girl herself, or use it in general. Just avoid awkward, sexually suggestive jokes. Despite the fact that some are convinced of the opposite, girls do not find such jokes very funny, sometimes they even make them feel uncomfortable. Below you will find some examples of funny jokes that you can use.
    • “Hey, did you tie the laces on my shoes together? It seems that because of this I have a crush on you! "
    • “You have something beautiful on your face today. Oh yes, it's you yourself! "
    • “Once the computer beat me at chess, but in kickboxing against me it simply had no chance!”
  3. 3 Create your own style of humor by playing around your strengths. Think about what you do or say that you regularly make friends, especially women. If you are good at physical humor, turn to it. If you are a master at imitation and imitation, try to unleash this talent. If in conversations you skillfully throw caustic response phrases, try to voice a couple in the presence of a girl. Just make sure they are fun, not malicious!
    • If you are not sure which humor is closer to you, ask your friends.
  4. 4 Learn to laugh at yourself. Don't humiliate yourself too much, but remember that some purposeful jokes about yourself can make a girl laugh. Rely on your past experience for this, or learn to laugh at yourself at the right time. For example, if you stumble over something while walking with a girl, you might say, "This is how my dream of becoming a catwalk model is crumbling!" So you will cheer up the girl and show that you do not mind laughing at yourself and take it completely calmly.
    • Try not to rely too much on this tactic, as it may seem strange and will stop being funny after a while. However, occasional pertinent jokes about yourself will be invaluable.
    • Be prepared for the fact that sometimes not all of your jokes will be successful. In such cases, use the failed joke to build a new one so you can continue the conversation.
  5. 5 Make funny comments based on past conversations and situations with the girl. You can start with such a simple phrase as: "Do you remember when in history class ..." - after which you should remember a funny incident. Or you can try to make a funny comment on what the girl told you earlier. Most likely, she will not only laugh, but she will also be flattered that you remember such details.
    • For example, if a girl has talked about her interest in fashion, ask her for professional advice and describe your ridiculous outfit you are going to dress in for the upcoming event.

Method 2 of 3: Chatting Fun

  1. 1 Explore the potential of hilarious memes. Memes are not always funny, but from time to time there is always something incredibly funny among them, right? When you come across a funny meme, save the image and send it to the girl through the messenger you use. Of course, you will not hear the girl laughing, but it is quite possible that you will receive a laughing smiley face in response! If you know that a girl likes something in particular, look for memes on that particular topic.
    • If a girl, for example, is a fan of Game of Thrones, then your possibilities are almost endless! If she likes fashion or animals, look for memes that are just that.
    • However, refrain from constantly sending memes. For some girls, this kind of persistence can be annoying and very odd.
  2. 2 Share links to funny videos on Youtube. For example, look for videos from StandUp shows, especially ones that touch on a topic that is well known or fun for a girl! Or you can turn to something simpler, for example, to funny episodes with animals or excerpts from the girl's favorite comedy series.
    • For example, if you know that a girl likes the TV series "Bachelorette Party", there are sure to be episodes in it that you can send her to make her smile.
    • Try not to send links all the time, do it only periodically to make the girl laugh.
  3. 3 Search for fun GIFs to share, or create your own. GIF files include short video episodes, and there are a lot of them on the Internet, so the resources to find such files are almost endless.A lot of funny GIF files are found on social networks, or you can simply search the Internet for the phrase "GIF + a theme that your girlfriend likes" (without quotes) and check the search results.
    • If all else fails, download some meme generator app and create your own funny GIF!
  4. 4 Take your own funny photo and apply a fun Snapchat filter over it. This is not the most recent trick, but the result can be quite spectacular! There are many filters to choose from, so try experimenting with different options. If you doubled over laughing when you created the image, it is very likely that your girlfriend will also find it funny.
    • She may even reply you with her own similar image to support the theme!
    • You can also just show the girl your funny photos, for example, children's ones.

Method 3 of 3: Choosing the Right Humor

  1. 1 Learn to pick the right moment for humor. When it comes to humor, timing is very important! This is especially important for the humor that affects the current situation. For example, if one of you just knocked over a glass of a drink in a cafe, it's time for a funny joke that will cheer you up. But be careful if the girl at this moment is very upset about something happening in her life.
    • If a girl has recently passed away with her pet or has failed an exam, trying to cheer her up with your witticisms is likely to fail and even upset her even more.
    • Also, if you're in trouble or in the mood for jokes, don't force yourself to joke.
  2. 2 Try to understand what exactly seems funny to your girlfriend, and act in that direction. All girls are different, so try to match your friend's personality to make her laugh. Ask her simple questions to gather useful information for yourself. For example, you can ask: "Have you watched yesterday's issue of" Evening Urgant "?" If she says yes, then she probably enjoys atmospheric jokes in the style of this show! If she mentions a certain comedy movie or TV show, try to use a similar style of humor.
    • For example, if a girl mentions the series "Sasha + Masha" or a specific episode of "Good Jokes", then you will have a certain idea of ​​her preferences.
  3. 3 Remember to keep humor light. Of course, some girls like black humor and sarcastic lines, so they are also acceptable when you are sure of your friend's preferences! In general, everyone will be better off if you stop at light and funny jokes. Being utterly sarcastic or cynical can seem aggressive and strange. If you constantly demonstrate black humor, the chances are that the girl will get tired of this atmosphere or she will think that you are under the influence of drugs.
    • Be sure to avoid sarcastic remarks about the girl herself, especially if you don't know her very well yet.
  4. 4 Laugh with the girl, not at her. Laughter is contagious, and sharing fun in a funny situation can strengthen the bond between you and make the girl more sympathetic to you. However, there is no need to laugh at the girl. If you yourself are laughing and having a good time, your girlfriend should be able to do the same.
    • Imitating her sense of humor is one way to laugh with a girl. If the girl's humor is rather risky, you can also try to go a little beyond the bounds of decency. But if possible, keep it natural: if your usual humor is cheerful and tactful, trying to switch to black humor and sarcasm can turn out to be very unnatural.
    • Only follow the girl's example if you are completely confident in her style of humor.And forgive the disturbing silence on her part if she doesn't know how to react to your actions.
    • Ask her about her favorite comedians, comedies, or sitcoms. Watch or discuss them together to help create a relaxed and fun atmosphere.
  5. 5 Don't feel like you need to be funny all the time. Of course, everyone loves to have fun and laugh, but sometimes people need serious conversations and the opportunity to share something personal. If you joke all the time, the girl will probably not take you seriously or decide that you cannot talk to you about anything personal, since you use this information as the basis for your next jokes. Find a balance between jokes and serious communication so that your friend understands that you are a versatile person.


  • Make sure that the humor is relevant to the girl herself and the current context of communication.
  • Find inspiration for your humor in fresh, funny stories and in your current relationship with your girlfriend.
  • Introduce into your everyday life some catchy phrase or wit, understandable only to the two of you, which the girl can repeat, demonstrating your joint involvement in this joke.
  • Check out some of the episodes of StandUp to see if certain jokes are timely. Make a note of what might work in your situation.
  • If you want to flirt in private messages or even in a group chat, stick to light humor aimed at the girl in your conversations. It couldn't be easier.