How to recognize termites

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to identify termites in 10 minutes - The Houston Home Inspector
Video: How to identify termites in 10 minutes - The Houston Home Inspector


Termites can cause serious structural damage to homes and other buildings, as well as wooden furniture. Humans usually only find termites when internal parasite infestation is already clearly visible, although you may also find termites near dead stumps, decayed planks, or other wood waste. Termite colonies are divided into different classes and most termites only appear in the dark. The most common class that you can see outside the colony is the winged or winged termites. Winged termites are a reproductive class and they swarm before mating. You can recognize termites by their body shape, legs, and wings.


  1. 1 Catch a termite or insect you think is a termite in a small jar, separating it from a swarm of winged termites, or pick up one that has thrown its wings off the floor. Termites may swarm inside a building infested with insects, or you may see them swarming around windows and doors at night as they are attracted by light.
  2. 2 Examine the physique for a wide waist and soft body. Many people find it difficult to distinguish between termites and ants. Winged ants, unlike termites, have a narrow, wasp-like waist.
  3. 3 Note the black or dark brown body color of the winged insect versus the white color of worker termites. If you find a working termite in thermite passages, it will usually be white and almost transparent. Termite passages are usually soil colored and about the size of a pencil diameter. They can be found on the outside of infected buildings. You can cut an open passage for termite research.
  4. 4 Look at the straight tendrils. For comparison, ants have curved antennae, or "geniculate".
  5. 5 Measure the termite by placing the insect on a piece of paper in front of a ruler. Winged underground termites are usually about 0.95 cm long. Smaller workers and that will be the difference between species.
  6. 6 Count and study six short and stubby legs.
  7. 7 Check to see if a termite has 4 equal sized wings that are twice its body length. In winged ants, the size of the wings is equal to the body length; the front pair of wings of winged ants is larger than the pair of hind wings.
  8. 8 Check the remnants of the wings if the termite has already shed its wings. The termite will have small stumps sticking out of the body where the wings were attached.
  9. 9 Use a magnifying glass to see the patterns on the wings. Underground termites usually have 2 main veins on their wings and several transverse veins. Wood termites, which form their colonies in wood rather than soil, have 3 main veins and many cross-veins on their wings.


  • Winged termites can distinguish eyes, but worker termites do not.
  • Submit a sample for professional evaluation. You can submit the sample to a pest control unit for examination, or to local government agencies that have specialized specimen testing services. Alternatively, you can contact the etymology department at your local university or college for identification.

What do you need

  • Flask or small jar
  • Alcohol
  • Termite sample
  • Magnifying glass