How to solve a secret

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 25 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Solve The Secret Word Logic Puzzle
Video: How To Solve The Secret Word Logic Puzzle


Have you always wanted to reveal a secret? Here are certain steps to help you find answers to your questions, so you can feel like a real detective!


  1. 1 Find something mysterious- this is really important. Try to find something nearby so you can easily get to where you need it when you need it.
  2. 2 Take some friends with you.
  3. 3 Assemble your detective set, read more about this in the section 'What you need'.
  4. 4 Study directly the place (s) of the incident, while it is necessary to pay attention to everything unusual; if this is a house, then its owner may tell you what is in its place or, on the contrary, appeared recently.
  5. 5 Take notes of EVERYTHING related to the investigation, remember that if you miss something, you may be leading your investigations down the wrong path. Rush under pressure should not be allowed.
  6. 6 Return several times to the scene and look at it from a new perspective. It is also worth trying to do it alone in order to minimize the possibility of distraction, but care must be taken. You may find it helpful to limit your stay in time: if you stay at the scene for more than ten minutes, then friends are waiting for you outside could come and check how you are doing.
  7. 7 Interview all people who are relevant to the scene, but do it carefully and carefully. They may be aware of things that you do not attach much importance to, but this information may be important to your investigation.
  8. 8 Check out any versions you have, if someone drops a concert ticket, then go to that concert and see if you can recognize anyone there.
  9. 9 Be carefull. If you're good at it, then 'do not advertise your achievements... It is likely that someone does not want their secret to be revealed.
  10. 10 Be prepared. Sometimes, if you feel in danger, then maybe you should consider stopping your investigation, or call friends, or even a few armed policemen.
  11. 11 Explore every millimeter of the building that any of your versions will lead you to, tap walls, floors and ceilings to check for hidden doors, secret passages, traps or even criminals' havens! Have you seen films in which bookcases rotate when one or more books are taken out of them? You can try this too, but be careful, because you risk ending up in a dungeon. (Most likely, this place will seem empty and unpleasant to you.)
  12. 12 Find hiding places. Chests of drawers, wardrobes and other similar furniture may have secret walls, bases or secret passages in the back.
  13. 13 Ask for the information you need. Make sure the crime you are trying to solve has not yet been revealed.
  14. 14 Don't put your life in danger. When it comes to a serial killer, then refer the case to the police.
  15. 15 Be on the lookout. If the investigation has led you to an area that is not 100% familiar to you, then never go there alone or in the dark, bring a police escort or a group of friends who are familiar with the area.
  16. 16 Don't joke or be fooled. When solving a case, it is for the sake of your future investigations. don't put anything on public display.
  17. 17 Play your part.Change your appearance when interviewing suspects, but do it in a subtle way: you might want a natural looking wig, unstable paint, glasses, and clothing in a color you usually don't wear.


  • Don't believe everything you seeyou may be faced with a lot of distractions (fake evidence).
  • Take some time to learn how most of the aspects are related.
  • Some secrets may be more important than others. Do not get carried away too much, because the process of solving some mysterious cases can become a real mess for you.
  • Questions like “Where were you at night of such and such, and then disappeared from sight?” Are not very pleasant and completely unsophisticated. Try asking this differently, so what are you up to on Saturday night? ’Or’ Saturday night was great, I went to a party (which is naturally a lie), and what were you doing? ”
  • Always carry important items from your detective kit with you in your backpack or bag, you never know when you will have the opportunity to find a secret passage or work out the next version.
  • If you are meeting someone alone, it would be nice if one of your friends (preferably a strong person) watched your meeting from a secluded place and protected you if necessary.
  • When spying on someone or trying to sneak in, make sure you have enough space to hide quickly and effectively.
  • If you are planning to sneak somewhere in the dark, then do not wear black clothes. She will give away your silhouette, and you will be noticed; no matter what you've seen in the movies, always wear camouflage or dark blue, dark green, dark red, or deep purple clothing.
  • If your investigation has reached a dead end, then try to investigate other related cases, you may have new ideas that require additional verification.
  • Never tell anyone about the scene just for fun.
  • When observing a suspect, have a car or other means of transport ready for a quick evacuation; you may be able to rent a car overnight, so no one will recognize you.
  • Always get a surveillance permit (like a search warrant).
  • It might be worth documenting the cases being investigated, and even writing about them in books.
  • Don't advertise your accomplishments.
  • In books, the culprit is always the person from whom you least expect it. But when you solve a real case, the perpetrator can be both your prime suspect and your partner.
  • If during your investigation people around you wear jeans and T-shirts, then you should wear the same, and if they are dressed in the latest fashion, then do your best to blend in with them.
  • Do not approach people with a magnifying glass and a laptop in their hands, do not be like the second coming of the Holy Inquisition.
  • If you are interested, then you can determine for yourself which places in your house create the most squeak / noise during your movement. After that, you can practice hone your penetration skills at night. You can use them in any other home (for example, if the floorboards in the middle of your kitchen squeak a lot, then you should avoid these areas in other homes), and you may get silent movement. The presence of a squeak can be checked as follows: touch your toes to the place you want to check, gradually increase the pressure, if you hear a squeak, then slowly return to the original position (however, do not forget that you may lose your balance and fall).
  • Wear gloveswhen you are at the scene.
  • DO NOT wear "camouflage clothing and paraphernalia" such as a coat, beret, tie and smoking pipe, or you risk going to a mental hospital.
  • If, while exploring the street, you look suspiciously at someone or something, and a metal object flashes in your jacket pocket, then people may scream from you. Conclusion: the investigation must be able to be done skillfully and subtly.
  • It is in your best interest to consult with the police about the assistance you are providing, otherwise you risk becoming a suspect.
  • Dummy tip: neon yellow combined with the latest fashion (which could be provocative, chic pants or something else), colorful, glow-in-the-dark, bright, reflective, shiny, noisy, thin and paper-like new clothes will not work for a real detective.
  • Specialty shops offer cheap, interesting surveillance clothing; Get yourself these clothes: they are well suited for both detective work and disguise.Since these are cheap clothes, it doesn't really matter that you (may) have to wear them just once.
  • Don't walk up and down the street, looking at the ground through a magnifying glass and rubbing your chin, snapping your fingers and exclaiming 'elementary! ’(Or whatever detectives say in such cases).
  • Make sure you know well how to look the moment you lie.


  • It never happened to the Hardy brothers, but you could be seriously or even fatally injured during the investigation.
  • If you are threatened, then report it to the police, and if they strongly advise you to stop the investigation, then do so. You may feel uncomfortable if you refuse to investigate. You can pretend to leave the case, but in reality you will continue the investigation, but do it quietly so that no one will notice.
  • If several months have passed since the completion of the investigation, but there has been no new development of events, then try to get down to business again. But if this does not lead you to anything, then this means that the trace of the incident may have already cooled down, and therefore you will not be able to solve the case.
  • Try not to get carried away with the investigation on an overly emotional level.

What do you need

  • Bag (possibly with special compartments).
  • Magnifying glass
  • Torch
  • Screwdriver
  • Pen
  • Notepad / laptop
  • Long-lasting food and plenty of water / drinks.
  • Adhesive tape (scotch tape)
  • Lock pick set
  • Fingerprint kit
  • Gloves
  • Means for quickly changing appearance, disguise
  • Change of linen
  • Night kit for inevitable delays
  • Friends
  • Dictaphone
  • Camera
  • A well-thought-out fictional story to divert your eyes
  • Mobile phone
  • Walkie-talkies
  • Signaling device
  • Codes of laws
  • Some money
  • Permission
  • Victims
  • Plastic or resealable evidence collection bags
  • Access to research tools
  • Good sense of humor, determination and the opportunity to have fun!