How to show muscle relief

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Relieve Muscle Soreness and Recover FAST (4 Science-Based Tips)
Video: How to Relieve Muscle Soreness and Recover FAST (4 Science-Based Tips)


You will be able to achieve muscle definition in your arms by changing your diet and the way you exercise to target the muscles in your arms and shoulders. To look like in a picture in sleeveless clothes, you must be ready to change your life in the following way in order to achieve the relief of the muscles of the arms in the near future.


Method 1 of 5: Biceps Exercises

  1. 1 Do concentrated curls. Sit on a chair or bench with your legs slightly apart. Take a dumbbell in the hand with which you will be working. Lean forward so that the elbow of the hand with which you are holding the dumbbell is at the level of the knee (but not lying on it). Slowly lower your hand to the floor and then lift to your shoulder.Do a set of 10 reps. Do this exercise with both arms.
  2. 2 Do vertical deadlifts. Stand up straight and grab two dumbbells, one in each hand. Hold the dumbbells in front of you, parallel to your hips. Bending your elbows, raise the dumbbells to your chest. At the same time, keep the dumbbells parallel to each other, imitating a stroke with two oars. Slowly lower the dumbbells down towards your hips and do 10 reps.
  3. 3 Do biceps exercises on the expander. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, an expander under your feet. Grasp both arms of the expander with your hands and slowly lift it to your shoulders. Lower your arms by reducing the stretch on the expander.
  4. 4 Do hammer exercises with dumbbells. Take a dumbbell in each hand and stand straight. Hold the dumbbells as you would a hammer. Bending your arm, raise the dumbbells to your shoulder. The ends of the dumbbells should be directed up and down. Slowly extend your arm (in such a motion as if you are hitting a snail with a hammer in slow motion) and then again raise the dumbbells to your shoulder. Do 10 reps in one set.

Method 2 of 5: Triceps Exercises

  1. 1 Do bench push-ups. In this exercise, you need to put your hands on one bench and your feet on another. Your body is like a bridge between two shops. Having turned face up, on your hands lower yourself below the level of the bench and then push yourself to the starting position. To increase the difficulty of the exercise, do push-ups with weights on your feet.
  2. 2 Straighten your arms with dumbbells back, standing in an incline. Get one knee on the bench. Put your hand on the same side against the bench. With the second leg, straight, you need to stand on the floor, and with the other hand, hold the dumbbell. Arm with dumbbells, bend at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees. Then pull your hand back. Slowly return your arm to its original position at a 90-degree angle. Do 10 reps.
  3. 3 Do push-ups with a narrow grip. Take a prone position. Place your hands so that your thumbs and forefingers form a diamond. With your hands, slowly squeeze out of the floor and return back to the starting position. When doing push-ups in this way, keep your elbows closer to your body in order to load the triceps rather than the pectoral muscles. To reduce the difficulty of the exercise, kneel or rest your hands on a horizontal surface.
  4. 4 Do the French press on a gymnastic ball. Lie with your back on a gymnastic ball. Extend your arms; in each hand a dumbbell. Slowly lift the dumbbells so that they are parallel to your forehead, then lower the dumbbells back on outstretched arms. Do 10 repetitions of this exercise.

Method 3 of 5: Shoulder Exercises

  1. 1 Extend your arms to the sides. In this exercise, you work your deltas and improve the appearance of your arms and upper back. Stand up straight and take a dumbbell in each hand. Sit down slightly and extend your arms slightly so that the little fingers are closest to the dumbbell pancakes. Spread your arms out to the sides and up (like wings). Slowly lower your arms to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
  2. 2 Do vertical deadlifts. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. The expander should be under your feet. Hold the expander in front of you with both hands and, spreading your elbows to the sides as in rowing, pull the expander to your chest. Slowly lower your arms down and repeat the exercise.
  3. 3 Do vertical rows with dumbbells. Take a dumbbell in each hand and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows and lift the dumbbells towards your shoulders and then lift the weight directly over your head. Slowly lower the dumbbells down onto your shoulders and repeat the exercise.
  4. 4 Do the Arnold Press Exercise. Sit on a bench with two dumbbells. Without pressing your elbows against your torso or hips, bend your elbows and raise the dumbbells above shoulder level. Release the pressure slowly and lower the dumbbells down so that they are parallel to your knees.

Method 4 of 5: Working on the upper body relief

  1. 1 Do an axial rotation exercise on a gymnastic ball. In this exercise, you need to put your shins on a gymnastic ball and, fingering your hands in a circle, move around it. This exercise not only engages the upper girdle muscles, but also helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles.
  2. 2 Do a Pilates side bend exercise. Lie on your side so that your body is perpendicular to the floor. Push slowly and with your hand support the stretched body as long as you can. Do this on each side. In addition to building muscles in your arms and shoulders, you will also strengthen your back and abs.
  3. 3 Do standard push-ups. Push-ups give good relief to the chest, arms and shoulders. And all thanks to one exercise. Lie on your stomach and with your hands push off the floor, standing on your toes. Slowly lower yourself to the floor so that your arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. Repeat the exercise; if the exercise is too difficult, get on your knees and do push-ups not from your socks, but from your knees.

Method 5 of 5: Change your diet

  1. 1 Cut back on your sugar intake. Like all groceries, sugar is empty energy, devoid of nutrients, giving you nothing but calories. As a result, you get fat, lose muscle tone, and feel sleepy. As much as possible, avoid sugar, which is found in cakes, junk foods, and baked goods. Replace it with healthy sugar - the one found in fruits.
    • You should not abruptly completely abandon sugar, because it is very difficult to immediately restructure your diet. Instead, reduce your daily sugar intake little by little. Start by giving up one thing one day, such as the soda you drank at lunch or the sweets you eat.
    • If you really crave sweets, eat a little, but be sure to add fresh fruit to it. In the end, you will be able to get by with only fruit, and you will not have such a craving for sweets.
  2. 2 Don't eat saturated fat. Like processed sugar, saturated fat is high in calories and low in nutrients. Thanks to recent research, many products have been labeled with saturated fat on their packaging. Thanks to this, you can reduce your intake of saturated fats and replace them with fats found in coconut oil, walnuts, and avocados.
    • If you have a lot of saturated fat in your diet, you don't need to cut it out completely. Instead, reduce your daily intake a little each week until you can completely eliminate saturated fat from your diet.
    • Eat foods such as fish oil to help your body get omega 3 fatty acids, a special type of fat that is essential for muscle growth.
  3. 3 Reduce your sodium intake. If you have a lot of salt in your diet, it can lead to swelling and problems with blood pressure, among other things. You will get more energy from low sodium foods. Don't eat salty or fatty foods - this is the main cause of high sodium in the body.
  4. 4 Eat more fruits and vegetables. While this may sound like a jaded record, fresh fruits and vegetables are versatile foods that burn fat and affect muscle growth. Fruits and vegetables contain more fiber and nutrients. Thanks to this, after them you feel fuller than after a full plate of convenience foods. Try to eat at least 1-2 bowls of fruits and vegetables a day. Look for the brightest fruits and vegetables as they have the most nutrients.
    • Vegetables such as kale, spinach, broccoli, carrots, and eggplant are best for burning fat and gaining muscle mass.
    • When gaining muscle relief, blueberries, pomegranates, apples, bananas, and blackberries are best.


  • Muscle relief will not appear immediately. In general, it takes about six weeks before the first changes in muscle size and shape are noticeable.
  • Consider yoga as an option to strengthen your arms.Any posture in which you need to hold yourself on your hands or with your hands to resist gravity will give your hands a relief. Yoga develops isometric strength, which increases your endurance, as opposed to concentric and eccentric muscle contractions, which develop explosive strength.


  • Load each muscle group equally. If you work on biceps for a long time and do not do triceps exercises, you run the risk of injury.

What do you need

  • Dumbbells
  • Expander
  • Shop
  • Gymnastic ball
  • Yoga mat