How to spend your time

Author: William Ramirez
Date Of Creation: 19 September 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Seneca — How to Spend Your Time
Video: Seneca — How to Spend Your Time


Time is the only thing that we can measure, store, sell and buy, but we cannot see it, touch it, hear it or have it ever in abundance. For this reason, wasting time (not to be confused with the term "killing time") is when you have already finished everything you wanted to do. If you want to be anti-productive, you've come to the perfect place.


  1. 1 Make a plan. Write down a list of what you need to do and start planning for something else. There are so many situations where you just aren't ready! Here are some ideas:
    • How to renovate your bedroom.
    • Your next vacation.
    • How would you take over the world.
    • What could you do under the threat of a zombie attack.
      • Okay, but serious. If zombies attack, which of your friends should you leave behind because they are slower than you? What skills should you start developing just in case?
  2. 2 Calculate some numbers. What if the digits on your Social Security number are 66? You probably don't know how they work? So find out! Here is a list of things you could calculate using calculations:
    • Your budget.
    • How many minutes do you live or the number of days until your birthday / Christmas, etc.
    • Just some percentage of $ 1 million that you would give to your loved ones and / or donate to charity.
    • How many people have you met in a year, and what percentage of them do you really like?
  3. 3 Imagine a crazy scenario. You can really let your mind wander about with these thoughts and hope that you will stumble upon some real mine of gold. Sure, you've envisioned yourself as a billionaire on a yacht in the Mediterranean with Kim Kardashian having his dream job, but have you really tried to go beyond your creativity?
    • Imagine that you are locked in the bathroom for the next thirty minutes. How will you get out?
    • Imagine that you have to teach a bear to dance or something. What is your teaching method?
    • Imagine that you have turned into a werewolf right now.What would be the first thing you would probably want to do? Werewolves have little control over them, they are impulsive, so it is very important to stay realistic.
    • Imagine that you are out hunting or packing your own lunch. What would you take from food, ultimately?
    • Imagine everyone around you wearing kilts. After all, why not?
  4. 4 Make a list. We're not talking about what you need to buy at the grocery store (which would be really helpful), we're talking about all these preferences that you don't know about, but which you actually have. Consider the following examples:
    • Make a list of all the words you can make from the letters of your name.
    • List the ten most attractive people you know.
    • List the ten ugliest people you know.
    • List the questions you would like to answer.
    • List your most impressive moments.
    • Make a list of the things you would do and / or the people you would arrest if you were given dictatorial powers.
  5. 5 Remember something. The first 36 digits of pi? As simple as the Fibonacci sequence. Here are a few things you might want to remember to know like the back of your hand (if you can remember anything):
    • The order of the books of the Bible.
    • List of the kings of England.
    • Dates and sentences of the most famous cases of the Supreme Court.
    • Lyrics of the song "Gangsta's Paradise".
      • Who are we trying to fool? This is all very useful!
  6. 6 Replay some old memories. Take a moment to rest, relax and remember your glorious days. They're out there somewhere, aren't they?
    • Try to remember all the passengers on the bus this morning or your trip to work. What details can you remember?
    • Think back to your bedroom. Are there any memory gaps?
    • Think about who your best friends were like when you were young and your fond memories of your time together.
    • Think back to the last time you praised / yelled / laughed / helped someone out.
  7. 7 Challenge yourself. Who needs other people's help? You can just challenge yourself! Your best abilities! The options are:
    • See how long you can not blink / breathe / speak / use the letter "n", etc.
    • See how many times you can fold a piece of paper.
    • See how well you can balance on your fingers, on a house of cards, playing Jenga yourself, etc.
    • See how easily you can get embarrassed by publicly imitating an animal, walking around with your clothes on, or humming loudly.
  8. 8 Come up with new uses for the objects around you. Is that a lamp on your desk? It's not just for lighting, it's a hat. And this stapler is very similar to maracas. Get to the point of actually thinking about your environment. What do you just take at face value?
    • Is this your computer charger? New Age necklace or belt? But this is not just clothes - this is painting, your watch is a frisbee, and these ingredients in the kitchen are simply asking to be included in some new recipe you invented.
  9. 9 Make useless arguments. "Stalin was just the best" or "people just don't understand the cultural meaning of anachronisms The bachelorette... Just make sure you can keep your face serious and pick a topic that people don't know so that no one knows you are joking.
    • If you're a dedicated hipster, persuade you to believe that Starbucks is a godsend to capitalism. Pick something believable so people can actually argue with you.
    • Note that this can (definitely) cause problems, especially if you're not careful. Some people may never think of you again if you've spent 5 minutes in the podium talking about how you plan to donate to the Honey Boo Boo's College Foundation. Or, let's say, if you whip with religious / political / economic views that you don't actually believe in yourself.
  10. 10 Refer to your computer. Now it's time to get back to reality: the Internet was invented as a time-wasting tool. If we had a list of ways to waste time, we would be stuck here in an endless loop of anti-performance.
    • Dig into blogs. There are blogs about everything. There are even listings out there to refer to, all the way down to teenage Wordpresses, and access this jewel.
    • Take part in some quizzes, tests, or play some games. As if Facebook hadn't already alerted you to all the trending directions.
    • Diagnose yourself on WebMD. Just make sure you have your phone close at hand so you can call your mom when you get a real worry.
    • You can read the news, but that would make too much sense.
    • If it's too obvious, you can always defragment your hard drive and look at it until the process is complete. It will take AAAAA what time is it. Scanning for errors and backing up files are also good times to waste.
  11. 11 Take on the challenge of WikiHow. WikiHow is not part of the Internet, it is your own steps. But you already know that. So why get caught up in the dangers of cyberspace when you can stay here and benefit from it? Are you ready? Challenge accepted:
    • How long do you have to get out of the shower and regain control of the terrified Camel? How about using Flo cosmetics for a progressive girl? How to improve your personality using WikiHow?
      • Remember, you can only click on the Wiki link on the page. It's like playing on Wikipedia, but more interesting overall.
  12. 12 Play a dirty trick. Again, this can be dangerous if not done carefully. You have to make sure you are pranking the right people at the right time.
    • Think of something out of the box. Lemon juice on a toothbrush? Reorganizing your workplace in such a way as to shift everything a couple of centimeters to the left? Something's tricky to get shine everywhere! Some jokes require the right presentation, otherwise it's just scary to imagine how much time will be wasted.
  13. 13 Do everything as in slow motion. Ten bucks to annoy yourself more than anyone else. But you could be forging ahead anyway! Good luck, like pouring a cup of coffee!
  14. 14 Annoy the people around you. You could sit for hours on sites teaching "how to annoy people" that would allow you to seriously question whether your whole life was not a waste of time up until this very moment. What are you waiting for? Forget memorizing pi, you already have troubles to do something about.
    • Well, when we say "annoy," we mean a lighthearted and fun manner. We want to pretend to be mimes every hour just to meet up with friends and run into trouble. I mean talking to a stuffed monkey in a history museum at the risk of being kicked out. Have fun together! Having fun, which can have consequences in the form of rounded eyes or hustling and laughing, can lead to being pulled out.
  15. 15 Think of another way to do everything. People are programmed to do things as efficiently as possible - at least in most situations. You probably understand this life moral, but what are the other options?
    • How could you wake yourself up in the morning without an alarm clock?
    • How could you send a message to a friend without using your phone or computer?
    • How could you get from here to the kitchen without touching the ground?
  16. 16 Do something to undo something. Dig a hole and then fill it up again. Rearrange the books by author and then by cover color. Make your bed and then jump on it. Write a WikiHow article about how you died and then delete it before anyone else sees it. The world is your oyster. If you are a little non-standard, then that's okay.
    • This is ultimately a waste of time.So rearrange all the closets, even if Mom is going to force you to put them back tonight. Color in the picture and then paint over it. Make all the sarcastic edits you wanted to write in the very first WikiHow article that appears when you click "random article" and then edit it yourself. Because ... why not?
  17. 17 Read this entire article in its entirety. Congratulations! You have achieved the main thing! You officially wasted 20 minutes trying to waste your time! You didn't even know you were wasting your time until you actually wasted it! This is actually nirvana for the technological era. How does it feel? Would you do it again if you could?
    • It's okay if your answer is no. You probably have something to do right now. Homework? Taking a shower? Saving the world? So go ahead, time killer, with new knowledge that time is your slave. You can do whatever you want with it!


  • Just look out the window and you will be surprised what you have seen and not noticed for several days!
  • If someone asks you what you are doing, answer: "I was just thinking about how our global economy has been in decline over the past decade, and how greenhouse gases are destroying the ozone layer" - no one will bother you, and you will continue to waste time staring at the ceiling. They will think that you are coming up with a way to stop these annoying greenhouse gas emissions and allow you to ponder your scientific and political thinking.
  • Set your personal best for holding your breath, then surpass it and do it over and over again.
  • Repeat words until they lose their meaning: make the whole world lose all meaning! People can also give you strange visions.
  • Go online and search for games, build a website, or even the correct WikiHow pages. Google can do it all, find your favorite TV shows on IMDB or Wikipedia.
  • Reread this article and see how long it takes to remember all of this. Then use this. You are wasting triple time!
  • Try blowing bubbles: make some soap bubbles by blowing them through a straw from a cup of soapy water and pop them! Better to do it outside.
  • Think about thoughts: how can they work so well that your brain is constantly being replenished with so much information?
  • Look up to the sky: go outside and look for strange looking clouds or try to find hidden UFOs.
  • Click on pictures of ordinary things around you and see them from different / new angles.
  • Hide the money: Take a few pennies and stuff it in places where only young children can find it.
  • Go to Tumblr. Sign up, follow some people and text them within a few hours.
  • Try to have a conversation with yourself: find traits in yourself that you never knew about!
  • Play table tennis against the wall.
  • Get your hands on something. Move around and look busy!
  • Try something challenging but impressive, like a push-up.
  • Look closely if you are at work or school while you have to do paperwork or something else. People will see that you are thinking about something when you look at them.
  • No matter what, don't look at the clock. This will make the time go much slower. In fact, it would be best to keep all nearby clocks closed so that you cannot see them until you are done. Note: Don't do this if you really need to be somewhere on time, it might make you late.
  • Dream: Think about the "if" in your life. It's better than thinking about the "LE" in your life when you're done!


  • Spending too much time will not be able to do anything useful. Do the good things first, then waste your time.
  • Waste of time can cause feelings of depression, loneliness, or isolation, combined with crushing low self-esteem and self-disappointment.
  • Don't waste too much time, especially on the Internet, it can lead to a lack of social life.
  • Don't waste too much time in school or college, it will bring you a lot of problems. You might even get kicked out.
  • Don't waste too much time at work, you might get fired!
  • Remember, the time you wasted you can never get back. Life is shorter than you think.