How to Glorify God (Christianity)

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 19 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Glorify God | 5 Ways to Glorify the Lord
Video: How to Glorify God | 5 Ways to Glorify the Lord


As a Christian, you are most likely in awe when you think about the power and greatness of God. Expressing these feelings is called glorification. You can praise God directly by praying to Him, or you can express it in other ways, including through music and art, attending church services, or telling others about God's greatness. You can glorify Him anywhere and at any time - the main thing is that it comes from the heart!


Method 1 of 2: Praise God Through Prayer

  1. 1 Begin your prayer of praise with an appeal to God. In the Bible, Jesus gave Christians the model prayer (Our Father) that can be used in any situation. His prayer begins with a direct appeal to God. Of course, the Lord will already understand that you are talking to Him, however, starting with the address, you can tune in the right way.
    • For example, you can use the following phrases: "Heavenly Father", "Dear God" - or simply: "Lord."
  2. 2 Praise God for His kindness and strength. One of the simplest things to praise God for is simply because He is kind and the ruler of the world. Psalm 95: 4 says: "For the Lord is great and praiseworthy, fearful more than all the gods." This verse does not mean to fear God. This means that He is more powerful than all other gods or other powers that people can worship as a deity.
    • In your prayer, you can say: "Lord, it is so amazing that You, so powerful that you created the heavens and the earth, still care about such a small creature like me!"
  3. 3 Tell God about specific actions that you are grateful for. If you are grateful for the mercies of God in your life, use the prayer of praise to tell Him about it! Think about significant things / events in your life, or thank Him for directing His grace to you (for example, because you recently got a promotion or found a new friend).
    • For example, you can say: “I am constantly amazed at how much You help me in my life, and that I feel Your presence when I serve other people. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to earn a living doing what I love! "
  4. 4 Praise the Lord even in difficult times. You don't have to bathe in grace to glorify God. Even in the most difficult times, you can still praise Him for giving you life, for example, or for sending Jesus to die for your sins and then raising him from the dead. Praise like this will remind you of God's greatness and empower you in times of discouragement.
    • For example, you might say, “Lord, even though I am going through bad times, You continue to guide me. Thank you for giving me life every day and helping me not to lose faith in a bright future. "
    • Psalm 117: 1 describes a moment when the Israelites faced certain death in battle against an army that was vastly outnumbered.However, as they marched in formation, they continued to praise God with the words: "Praise the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever." In the end, God blessed them with victory for their faith, and there is no reason to believe that He will not do the same when you face difficulties in life.
  5. 5 Ask God to continue to bless your life. At the end of the prayer, you can add a request to God to continue to show you his presence and love. This will show Him that you are grateful for what you have and that you consider it His merit.
    • You can simply say, "Lord, continue to bless me every day according to Your wisdom."
    • Conclude the prayer by saying something like, “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Method 2 of 2: Find Other Ways to Praise God

  1. 1 Raise your hands to God, praising Him as you worship. Whether you attend church services or worship God in the privacy of your home, one way to praise God is to raise your hands to him. This action symbolizes that you are reaching out to the Heavenly Father and directing your spirit to him.
    • This action is described in the Bible in Psalm 133: 1-2: “Bless now the Lord, all the servants of the Lord who stand in the house of the Lord at night. Lift up your hands to the sanctuary, and bless the Lord. "
    • Clapping your hands can also be a form of praise, especially during prayer chants.
  2. 2 Praise God through songs that praise him. The Bible is full of examples of people using music to praise God. For example, Psalm 39: 4 says: "And he put a new song in my mouth — praise to our God." This verse not only indicates that music is a wonderful way to glorify God, but that He actually gave it to us for this very reason.
    • To glorify God, you can also use musical instruments, as described in the second book of Chronicles 5: 13-14: “And there were, as one, trumpeting and singing, uttering one voice to praise and praise the Lord; and when the sound of trumpets and cymbals and musical instruments rang out, and they praised the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy endures forever. "
  3. 3 Use art as a form of praise to use your God-given talents. If you think you have no musical talent, think of another gift that God has given you. For example, you may be a talented writer, artist, or actor. Whatever talents you have, you can use them to glorify God.
    • For example, if you love to paint, paint a painting with your favorite landscape. As you draw, contemplate that God created a world full of stunning natural beauty.
    • If you are a writer, you can write a poem that praises God.
    • If God has blessed you with the gift of acting, play in a miniature that praises Him (or even make one yourself).
  4. 4 Read Bible passages that will inspire you to praise God. If you need a little help getting yourself in tune, search the Bible for examples of God's followers praising him. When you have explored all the options, you may be tempted to reproduce some of them!
    • The Psalter is a great way to study praise. For example, Psalm 33: 2 says, "I will bless the Lord at all times."
  5. 5 Praise God by sharing His mercy with others. If you feel the presence of God in your life, you may feel an inner call to tell others about His love and how He has blessed you. Sharing faith with others is a powerful form of praise because it shows God that you value Him so much that you cannot help but share it with others.
    • Not everyone will be receptive to God's message, and there is nothing wrong with that. Most importantly, do not let this indifference cool your enthusiasm for faith!