How to get hair tested for drugs

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 13 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hair Follicle Testing With Dr  Dixon
Video: Hair Follicle Testing With Dr Dixon


A drug test can be the only obstacle to success in a generally healthy and sensible person. Failing a test may result in a person not getting a job or facing legal problems. If you need to have your hair tested for drugs, it is important not to panic. With the information in this article, you can increase your chances of getting a negative result.


Method 1 of 4: How to Assess Your Chances

  1. 1 Know when you will need to take a drug test. The rules regarding this analysis depend on local laws and employers. It is not uncommon to take a drug test when applying for a job, especially for entry-level and low-paid jobs. There are a number of professions where these checks are regular and mandatory. It is up to private companies to decide how and when to carry out these checks, and conditions may vary.
    • Drivers, machinists, and pilots usually undergo drug testing.
    • In some cases, it is necessary to take an analysis not only when applying for a job. Spot checks may be carried out, which will be stated in the employment contract, or you may be asked to take an analysis after an incident in the workplace. Make sure you understand the company policies before accepting a job offer.
    • Check your local laws if you are unsure if your employer has the authority to do drug testing.
  2. 2 Know what drugs are tested for the most. Usually the analysis is done for the presence of five specific classes of drugs in the body. These drugs include:
    • amphetamines (methamphetamine, amphetamines, ecstasy (MDMA));
    • cocaine (powder and crack (mixed with baking soda or other substance));
    • tetrahydrocannabinol (marijuana, hashish, edibles with cannabis);
    • opiates (heroin, opium, codeine, morphine);
    • phencyclidine (PCP (Phencyclidine), angel dust);
    • sometimes a drug test also includes an alcohol test.
  3. 3 Know what other drugs employers can screen job seekers and employees for. Private companies may use advanced rather than standard analysis, and many choose this test. It includes an analysis for the following substances:
    • barbiturates (phenobarbital, butalbital, secobarbital and other sedative drugs);
    • benzodiazepines (Valium Roche, Elenium, Xanax);
    • methaqualone ("Kvaalud" (excluded from medical practice));
    • methadone (a drug used to treat heroin addiction);
    • propoxyphene (narcotic analgesic);
    • nicotine (and the nicotine metabolite cotinine).
  4. 4 Find out which drugs are not being tested. The following substances can be detected by hair analysis, but they are rarely tested for:
    • hallucinogens (LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms, mescaline, peyote);
    • volatile substances of narcotic action;
    • anabolic steroid;
    • hydrocodone (Targin, hydrocodone in combination with paracetamol).
  5. 5 Find out how a drug test works. After using the drug, active chemicals circulate in the body. These substances, as well as substances that are produced in the body during the breakdown of the drug (metabolites), can accumulate in the hair follicles. As the strand grows back, the follicles release substances into the hair. A drug test examines a small section of hair.
  6. 6 Know how the sample is taken. When analyzing, small strands of hair are cut off (usually 1-2 strands of 50 hairs). Usually, strands are selected at the back of the head and below so as not to spoil the hairstyle.
    • Typically, drugs in hair can be detected within 90 days... Since the hair grows back about 3-4 centimeters during this time, it is this length from the roots that is cut off. The longer the hair, the longer it takes for drugs to be determined. For example, in hair 15 centimeters long, theoretically, there can be traces of drugs used a year ago. However, most often employers are interested in a period of 90 days, so longer strands are shortened to 3-4 centimeters before analysis.
    • Hair analysis can show if a person has stopped using drugs, but this is not always possible. It all depends on the drug and the type of test. For example, opiates are closely intertwined with the structure of the hair shaft, while cocaine can travel through the hair. In this case, certain tests can reveal the approximate date of use of the opiate, depending on its location in the hair shaft, and this is not possible with cocaine.
    • If you do not have any hair on your head (due to baldness or shaving), you may have body hair samples taken.
    • Important: since the hair does not begin to appear above the surface of the head immediately (sometimes only after a week), a drug test may be negative if drugs have been recently taken... Therefore, many employers also require a urine test that detects drug use in the past few days. Find out what checks you will need to pass.
  7. 7 Stop taking drugs as soon as possible. As soon as you know that you will need to get tested for drugs, stop taking them. If possible, stop accepting them before you start looking for a job. Hair analysis can show the presence of certain substances (such as cannabis) up to 90 days after ingestion. Because of this, it is better to stop taking drugs three months before actively looking for a job.
  8. 8 If you have no other choice, try to remedy the situation with folk remedies. If you have been using drugs frequently in the past 90 days and need to get tested at the end of the week, try using a remedy or home remedy to increase your chances of testing negative. The effectiveness of these methods has not been scientifically proven., it is based only on unverified rumors.

Method 2 of 4: Home remedy with vinegar

  1. 1 On the day of the test at home, soak your hair with white vinegar. You may not like the scent, but it can help. To soak your hair with vinegar as much as possible, apply the product slowly, stretching the process for 10 minutes.
  2. 2 Leave the vinegar on your hair for 15-20 minutes. Don't wash it off. This will allow the vinegar to absorb into your scalp and hair.
  3. 3 Then apply a salicylic acid acne treatment to your hair. You will need a remedy with two percent the concentration of salicylic acid. Apply slowly to completely saturate the hair. Leave the vinegar and acne remedy on your hair for 30 minutes.
  4. 4 Spread one cup of liquid clothing detergent into your hair. Don't rinse off the vinegar and acne remedy.
  5. 5 Mix a spoonful of laundry detergent with a little water and make a paste. Massage the mixture into your scalp and hair. Leave everything on your hair for 20-30 minutes.
    • If possible, try to distribute the bulk of the mixture to the back of your head. Most often, the analysis is taken from this side of the head.
  6. 6 Rinse off all substances in your hair. Don't use shampoo or conditioner.
  7. 7 Dye your hair with regular hair dye. Rinse your hair thoroughly. Apply the conditioner that came with the paint.
  8. 8 Repeat as needed. Those who have tried this method advise different things: someone recommends repeating the procedure once a day in the last 4-5 days before the analysis, someone thinks that once is enough.

Method 3 of 4: Prepared Products

  1. 1 Look for specialty products on the market. You can find a wide variety of shampoos and products on the internet that should help you successfully pass a drug test. They can be expensive, so look for products that are well-reviewed and affordable.
    • Be aware that there are a lot of fake reviews and reviews on the internet. Unscrupulous manufacturers often buy good reviews or write them themselves.
  2. 2 Review the information for the selected product. Do not rely on reviews on the website that sells the product. Explore forums and review sites. Usually, if a tool does not work, there will be reports and complaints on the Internet.
    • Choose a product whose manufacturer guarantees a refund if the product does not work. It seems obvious, but it's worth mentioning. Since funds can be expensive, it’s worth taking care not to lose money if the tool turns out to be useless and you don’t get a job.
  3. 3 Use the product in accordance with the instructions. Remember, since these remedies are not scientifically proven to work, results cannot be guaranteed.

Method 4 of 4: Dealing with Analysis Results

  1. 1 Contact a lawyer. Chances are, you won't get a job if you took a hiring test. However, if you were required to undergo a drug test after an incident or after a probationary period, you could face criminal liability. The lawyer will explain to you whether the results of the analysis can be disputed and will draw up an action plan.
  2. 2 Focus on race. Racial stereotypes are often associated with drug use. If you belong to a racial minority, you have a chance (albeit small) to prove that you have been discriminated against. If you have a sample taken and the other candidate does not, you can file a complaint.
    • Some people think that thick, curly hair can give a false positive, but this has not been scientifically proven. However, you can try to refer to this if the employer does not know about it.
  3. 3 Try to get reanalysis. Challenge the results of the analysis in all possible ways in order to get the opportunity to pass it again. You can argue that the positive result is due to the fact that you have consumed a harmless substance that can give a false positive result. These substances include:
    • Poppy seeds. Because opiates are derived from poppy seeds, poppy seed muffins or bagels can give a false positive result.
    • Drugs for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Typically, these drugs belong to the amphetamine family.
    • Certain cold and flu medications. OTC drugs may contain pseudoephedrine, a substance used in the manufacture of methamphetamine.
    • Nicotine replacement therapy (chewing gum, patches, prescription inhalers, and other adjuvants) may test positive for nicotine and cotinine.
    • Often, secondhand smoke (inhaling cigarette smoke) can also be beneficial, even if you have not used nicotine or tobacco yourself.
    • Some employers screen employees and candidates for the presence of nicotine / cotinine, and a positive result can lead to job loss or job rejection, even if you have been prescribed nicotine replacement therapy by your doctor and if you do not smoke, but simply live where others smoke.
  4. 4 Agree to the proposed treatment options. Sometimes employers do not fire an employee who has not passed a drug test, but offer him a treatment program or ask him to take it on their own. Treating an employee is cheaper than paying layoff compensation.Don't give up on treatment, even if you control your habit. If this is not done, you will most likely be fired, which will also affect your pension and other benefits.


  • For analysis, not the hair follicle is taken, but only that part of the hair that is on the surface, above the scalp. Don't worry - no one will pull out your hair.
  • By far the surest way to get tested for drugs is not to use drugs.


  • If you decide to try the vinegar method, consider if you might be allergic to any of the substances you need to use.
  • Detergents and anti-acne preparations can dry out the skin when applied to the scalp. Be careful: if you come in for the test with a visibly irritated scalp, the technician may realize that you were trying to bypass the test.
  • It's important to repeat this again: folk methods may not work.

What do you need

  • 7.5 liters of vinegar
  • 1 pack of hair dye
  • 1 spoon of washing powder
  • 1 cap of liquid detergent
  • 1 bottle of salicylic acid for acne treatment you will need a liquid product (cream) containing 2% salicylic acid