How to get in shape in a month

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
I Did Murph Workout for 30 Days, Here’s How My Body Changed
Video: I Did Murph Workout for 30 Days, Here’s How My Body Changed


1 Be active every day to prepare your body for weight loss. Before you start to seriously work on your muscles, you need to get into basic shape. If you suddenly start doing intense exercise, you will most likely feel overwhelmed and stop exercising, or even harm your health. Start training your endurance: Get off the couch and become more active in your daily life.
  • If you have a choice, take the stairs rather than the elevator.If you are using a computer or studying, do it while standing, not sitting. If you need to get anywhere no more than a kilometer away, walk instead of getting into a car. To relax, go for a walk or jog, rather than sit in front of the TV. There are many ways to be active in your daily life, even without exercise.
  • 2 Start with basic exercises to increase your endurance. Start toning your muscles using simple exercises. This will increase your stamina and help you get in good shape so that you can then move on to building a beautiful body with more targeted exercises.
    • Try running, cycling, or swimming. Most of these activities are inexpensive or free, and you can train on your own without expensive gym membership or equipment.
    • These basic exercises should take up to three hours a day every day for a week or two.
  • 3 Do monkey hands. Monkey Hands is a great exercise for the arms and upper body. Do it with dumbbells in each hand. In the starting position, lift the dumbbells to the armpits, pointing your elbows to the sides. Then straighten your arms to the sides and raise them to shoulder level. Bend your elbows again so that the dumbbells are under the armpits and repeat.
    • If you don't have dumbbells, you can cheat and use food cans or other heavy, but not too heavy objects.
    • Combine this exercise with squats for a full body load.
  • 4 Perform pelvic raises on a fitball. After the first week of frequent training, you can move on to more intense exercise. You will need a gym ball (fitball) for this exercise, but it is great for working on the muscles of the whole body. Starting position - as for push-ups, but do not leave your feet on the floor, but put your shins on the fitball. Lift your hips up, rolling the ball down your legs until your toes are on the ball. Then lower yourself so that the ball rolls slowly up your body and reaches your hips. Your body should remain erect and look like an inverted V in profile.
    • A fitball is not very expensive, but you can save even more by purchasing a large rubber ball from a toy store.
  • 5 Do the burpee exercise. Burpee, or jumping out of a lying position, looks difficult, but once you get used to the movements, it will be quite simple to perform. This is one of the best exercises for using the muscles of the whole body. Take a starting position standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Place your palms on the floor in front of your feet, jump back to be in a push-up position, and do one push-up. Then jump forward so that your feet are next to your hands again, raise your arms above your head and jump as high as you can. Repeat the exercise for at least 10 minutes.
    • You can skip push-ups or jump up, but this is not recommended, as they will be much more effective with them.
  • 6 Do the plank exercise. The plank is one of the most effective exercises that significantly increases core and leg strength in much less time than other exercises. Get into a push-up position. Then lower your body by resting your elbows on the floor. Just stay in this position, keeping your back and legs as straight as possible for as long as you can.
    • Try to hold this position for as long as you can, but you should know that in order to hold this position for a minute or longer, your abs must be very strong. Start by holding the position for ten seconds, then take a 30-second break, so repeat the exercise for ten minutes. Gradually increase the holding time from thirty seconds to a minute.
  • 7 Do squats. Squats work out the muscles of the abs and legs; they can even train your arms if you squat holding dumbbells in your hands. Squats are performed in a standing position with feet shoulder-width apart. Squat as if you were sitting on an invisible chair. Keep your back straight in order to do this exercise correctly.
    • If you are new to squatting, use a chair or table to maintain balance, which will make the exercise easier.
  • 8 Expect a certain part of your body not to lose weight. There are no exercises that can remove fat from a specific part of the body. There are exercises aimed at strengthening specific muscles, but if you want to get in shape quickly, it is best to focus on workouts that target the muscles of your entire body using the exercises recommended above. Focusing on just one part of the body and doing certain exercises (like lifting a lot of weights) can lead to muscle growth rather than tightening.
  • Part 2 of 3: Eat a Healthy Diet

    1. 1 Eat portions of food that are appropriate for your activity. If you are trying to lose weight, then you should start burning all the excess fat using a healthy diet. Regardless of your weight, eating according to your activity is the right choice. Talk to your doctor about the amount of calories you need according to your weight, age, and activity level. Calorie counting is optional, but use your doctor's advice to get a general idea of ​​the amount of food you need. You may be eating too much, but on the other hand, you don't want to be malnourished.
      • For most people, fat burning begins when they consume more calories (a type of energy) than they consume. If you have excess weight that you need to lose in order to look more fit, then you need to make sure that you are consuming slightly fewer calories than your body really needs. However, do not make the transition too abrupt. If you consume too few calories, then your body "thinks" that hunger is imminent and begins to store as much fat as possible.
      • For example, the average girl of sixteen, who weighs about 50 kg and plays sports once a week, should consume about 1800 calories to maintain her weight. If she wants to lose weight, then she should consume about 1300-1350 calories.

      Michele dolan

      Certified Fitness Trainer Michelle Dolan is a British Columbia-based personal trainer certified by the British Columbia Recreation and Parks Association (BCRPA). Has been working as a personal trainer and fitness instructor since 2002.

      Michele dolan
      Certified Fitness Trainer

      Michelle Dolan, Certified Personal Trainer, recommends: "To build muscle, your body needs a diet where at least 20% of its calories come from protein."

    2. 2 Avoid junk food. To burn fat without damaging your health, you should avoid junk foods that are high in calories and provide no nutritional value. It is often our favorite food that makes us overeat.
      • Generally speaking, you should avoid unhealthy fats (saturated or trans fats), sugars and carbohydrates that are low in nutrients. These include: butter, chips, fries, commercial baked goods, candy, pizza, mayonnaise, sodas, processed meats, and white bread.
      • You should also be careful with some "healthy" foods. Cocktails, for example, are very often high in sugar.Even the healthy cocktail options on offer at some fast food outlets contain the equivalent of 24 lbs of sugar; if you want to drink a cocktail, make sure it is sugar-free and consists mainly of vegetables, soy or almond milk. The amount of fruit should be kept to a minimum.
    3. 3 Give preference to nutritious foods. Instead of eating junk food, opt for nutritious foods. Vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins will provide you with all the nutrients you need, and some fruits and dairy products can also be very beneficial.
      • Healthy vegetables: cabbage, Swiss chard, broccoli, spinach, green beans, carrots, Brussels sprouts, peas.
      • Healthy whole grains include brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal, bulgur, buckwheat, and barley.
      • Healthy Proteins: Lean proteins such as salmon, turkey, anchovies, sardines, soy nuts (and other soy foods), almonds, walnuts, and lentils.
      • Healthy Fruits: Lemons / limes, oranges, grapefruit, kiwi, strawberries, raspberries, and pears.
      • Healthy dairy products include cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, and eggs. We often consider dairy products as the main source of calcium, but many other foods are also high in calcium and less saturated with fats (such as cabbage and beans).
    4. 4 Drink plenty of water and avoid unhealthy drinks. Your body needs water to function properly, but if you exercise, your body needs water doubly for building muscles. Adequate water intake can also help you lose weight. Stop drinking coffee, energy drinks, sodas and juices, and start drinking more water instead. This will help your body stay hydrated and stay healthy.
      • The amount of water you need depends on the needs of your body. The recommended eight glasses of water a day is a very general calculation. A clear or light colored urine is a good indicator that you are drinking enough water. If your urine is bright yellow or dark, it means that you need to drink more water.
      • While exercising, you need to raise your electrolyte levels, but don't assume that your only source is energy drinks. Electrolytes are actually salt dissolved in water. For example, almost anything containing elements from the first or second group of the periodic table (for example, sodium, potassium, and magnesium) will act as electrolytes when consumed with water. Such salts can be found in table salt (sodium chloride), bananas (potassium), and vegetables that are rich in minerals (cabbage). While exercising, you can, for example, eat a banana and some salted nuts (while not forgetting to drink water) - this is a much healthier way to eat, which will maintain the necessary electrolyte balance, as well as avoid sweeteners and artificial colors.
    5. 5 Don't rely on weird diets. On the Internet and in magazines, you can find many advertisements "screaming" that this or that diet will help you look like a movie star in two weeks. Be that as it may, at best, such diets are not realistic, and at worst, dangerous. Fasting is definitely not an option. Yes, you should be eating fewer calories than usual, but you shouldn't stop eating completely. You should also avoid diets that completely prohibit certain food groups, such as the Atkins diet. Your body needs a variety of nutrients, and it is the variety in your food that will help you stay healthy and energized.
      • It is recommended that you consume at least 1200 calories per day. Whatever happens, you should not consume less than 1000 calories a day, as this can cause health problems such as gallstones.

    Part 3 of 3: Maintain regularity

    1. 1 Create a workout schedule. You should be careful and plan your workouts correctly, as well as be attentive to the stress that you put on your body. If you train too quickly or use exercises that only target your legs, for example, it can lead to injury. Start slowly to reduce the chance of injury, especially if you are not in your best physical condition. Rest your body between workouts, and also never engage in intense workouts lasting more than two hours without interruption. Change the muscle groups on which you are giving the load, such as training the legs, then the arms, then the abs, and so on. It will also help you not get too tired.
      • For example, try the Monkey Hands exercise for half an hour in the morning, walk up and down the stairs for half an hour at lunchtime, and spend half an hour swimming in the evening.
      • Another example of a workout schedule is cycling for half an hour on the way to school or work, walking to the gym every day, burpee for thirty minutes in the evening, and fifteen minutes of plank exercise before bed.
      • Stick to your schedule for at least three to four days a week, increasing your training frequency for two weeks to daily. You can choose one schedule or both of the above options. Alternatively, you can design your own. Try to train for an hour to two every day, this will allow you to tone your muscles in just one month.
    2. 2 Take time for exercise and proper nutrition. You can deal with reluctance to exercise if you make it a habit to follow a schedule. Just as you set aside time each day for brushing your teeth or breakfast, take time to prepare a healthy lunch and exercise. It will take a bit of determination to get used to it, but once this lifestyle becomes a routine habit, it will become completely customary for you to follow your schedule.
      • For example, set aside half an hour of exercise before bed. Before you shower and brush your teeth, exercise for half an hour, such as jumping rope.
      • Reward yourself to meet the specified timeline. For example, for each week that you follow the planned schedule, give yourself a gift - go to the movies with a friend. You can even reward yourself with food, such as one cookie (buy an expensive cookie from a fancy store so that you are not tempted to eat more than one), on the one hand, you can reward yourself, and on the other, you will not feel deprived of everything. pleasures. There are even several apps that can help you achieve results at a specified time. Look for them on the internet.
    3. 3 Choose exercises that suit your lifestyle. Another way is to choose exercises that you enjoy and become your passion, something that you can do every day because it is part of your daily routine. This is done by climbers who visit the gym at least once a week and go to the mountains every weekend, or runners who start each day by jogging.
      • For example, let's say you are interested in martial arts. You can start practicing judo. Choose a judo section in your city and attend training every day.
    4. 4 Stay motivated. The most important part of losing weight is combining a healthy diet with lots of exercise. This means that the best way to tighten your body isn't with a specific exercise or secret ingredient, but finding a way to stay motivated. You need to find a reason that will keep you exercising every day and sticking to your diet. There are many ways to motivate yourself.You can try the following ones:
      • Do the exercise you enjoy and eat the food you love. Do exercises that you enjoy and find combinations of foods that suit your taste. It can help you stay motivated. Try to find exercises that you are interested in doing, even if they are not the most effective. You will be doing these workouts for a long time and it is important not to stop them.
      • Train with other people. Start a group run, or even sign up for yoga with your mom at a local club. Studying with someone else will help you feel more responsible and more likely to keep going even when you are tired or too lazy to study.
    5. 5 Focus on long-term solutions. The beach season is coming and you want to look great in your swimsuit. We know. But it's important to realize that quick fixes like losing weight in a month don't have a lasting effect. If you don't make significant changes in your lifestyle, your weight will return and you will lose muscle tone. Losing and gaining weight in this way can be very negative for your health, as well as lead to diabetes, heart disease and hormonal disorders. The right choice is to focus on long-term decisions and set goals for life, not just focus on looking good at your brother's wedding.


    • Drink plenty of water. Water will reduce muscle density and also help regenerate them faster.
    • Do not focus on the number of pounds lost, muscle weighs more than fat.
    • Eat a healthy diet.
    • Eat protein, but don't overuse it. Fish, eggs, nuts, and chicken are good sources of protein.
    • If you want, you can alternate a few days of running with cycling or swimming.
    • Wear comfortable clothing.
    • Sticking to your initial plan is the only way to be successful.
    • Design your own workouts if the above is too difficult or too easy for you. If the exercises are too difficult, then you risk injuring yourself and hating the sport. If they are too simple, then you will not see results.
    • Do not eat immediately after training; eating before exercise can lead to stomach cramps and pain.
    • Play sports with your friends. This will help avoid the monotony of a repetitive schedule.


    • Exercise is most effective when combined with a healthy, balanced diet.
    • Warm up well before training and stretch afterwards.
    • Be smart. Bring casualness to your fitness routine.
    • Do stretching exercises.
    • Do not recycle.
    • Seek medical attention if you feel dizzy, severely short of breath, or too tired.