How to train your rabbit

Author: Bobbie Johnson
Date Of Creation: 10 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Teach Your Rabbit to Come When Called! (& Other Commands)
Video: Teach Your Rabbit to Come When Called! (& Other Commands)


Rabbits can be aggressive, and it can be shocking if you expect a very different behavior from your furry pet. However, most rabbits can be tamed over time with proper training. You should let your rabbit get to know you better and teach him to associate you with pleasant things (stroking and eating).


Method 1 of 3: How to train your rabbit to be yourself

  1. 1 Prepare yourself. If you have an unpredictable rabbit, consider your safety. Wear protective clothing and gloves. But first you need to understand whether these precautions are warranted. For example, if every time you pass a rabbit it tries to bite you, you need protective clothing.
  2. 2 Say hello to the rabbit in the cage. You should spend more time near the cage if it is large enough. Open the door and sit near the entrance if you can't fit inside. Let the rabbit come and sniff you. Do not rush him - so he can get to know you better.
    • If your rabbit is just shy of you, try lying down next to you. When you get closer to the ground, he will no longer perceive you as a predator.
    • But if the rabbit attacks you and tries to bite you, you should not go to bed.
  3. 3 Watch the rabbit. Sometimes you just need to wait for the signs. Rabbits are like cats: it is best not to touch them until they themselves ask for attention. The rabbit can snuggle against the cage wall to get your attention. If he does, try stroking him through the bars and talking to him.
  4. 4 Release your rabbit indoors where you are. Release the rabbit in a room where it cannot chew on anything. Sit on the floor and bend over to the rabbit. Let your rabbit explore the area around you. Every time the rabbit comes up to you and sniffs, give him a treat. So the rabbit will have an association with something pleasant.
    • Use the treats only the first few times. Then start feeding your rabbit its regular food for the day.
    • You can give vegetables that the rabbit likes. Rabbits eat green leafy vegetables: parsley, green or red salad, beet tops, Chinese cabbage, mustard leaves, collard greens. You can also give your rabbit some fruits: strawberries, pears, oranges (without peel).
    • To protect the room, hide the wires, remove plants that are toxic to rabbits (a list can be found at For example, plants such as daffodils, irises, tomato leaves, and mistletoe are hazardous to the health of rabbits. You should also cover any items that your rabbit can chew on (such as baseboards). Try installing a portable fence to restrict your rabbit's movement.
  5. 5 Pet the rabbit on top. When the rabbit gets used to you, try petting it. Bring your hand to the back of the rabbit's head, not to the face. If the hand is in front of the muzzle, the rabbit may jump forward and bite you. If your hand is on top, you can gently lower it and pet the pet, and it most likely will not bite you.
    • Hold your hand on your head for a second, then use your thumb to stroke the rabbit's forehead.
    • You can also stroke the place where the ears connect to the head.
    • If the rabbit tries to bite you, say no! You can also lightly press his head down to prevent him from jumping forward.
  6. 6 Spend time with your rabbit every day. It is impossible to tame a rabbit in one day. Don't expect your rabbit to become tame if you only do it once a week. You should interact with your rabbit every day and train him to be yourself. You need to spend more and more time with your pet every day.
  7. 7 Try picking up your rabbit. When the rabbit gets used to you, try picking it up. Place your hand under the chest and between the rabbit's paws. Support the back of your body with your other hand. Do not lift the rabbit by the scruff, paws, or ears. This can injure the animal.
    • The rabbit will be frightened as it resembles being captured by a predator.
    • Remember that some rabbits will not allow themselves to be lifted, although you will have to do so from time to time. Use this method to carry your rabbit short distances.
    • If you need to carry your rabbit a long distance, place it on its stomach and then press it against your chest with your back. Put one hand under the back of your torso and support your shoulders with the other. Place your thumb under your front paw to prevent it from jumping onto your shoulder and injuring itself.
  8. 8 Remove the house from the cage for 1-2 hours. To help the rabbit get used to you, remove the rabbit's nook and crate for a couple of hours. If the rabbit is shy, it will spend most of its time in the house, and if the house is cleaned, it will have more opportunities to communicate with you. But remember that the house is where the rabbit feels safe, so be sure to put it back in place.
  9. 9 Sterilize or neuter your rabbit. This is an important step in domestication. Unsterilized and uncastrated rabbits are more aggressive due to hormones. Take your rabbit to a veterinarian who deals with these animals.
    • If a female runs around you and tries to pinch you, it means that she is ready to mate. Sterilizing her will make her calmer.
    • But remember that the effect of castration or sterilization will not be instantaneous. You will notice changes in about a month.

Method 2 of 3: Understanding Rabbit Actions

  1. 1 Pay attention to the rumbling. Rabbits, like cats, purr when they feel good. This sound will let you know that the rabbit is happy, and you can repeat the action that the pet liked. Rabbits make this sound with their teeth, so when listening, look for the sound around the mouth.
  2. 2 Respond to aggression with calmness. If you react aggressively, the rabbit will become even more angry.Better speak to the rabbit in a gentle voice: "Look who came to us!" You can remove your arms and legs, but it is important to do it calmly and carefully.
  3. 3 If the rabbit bites you, make a special sound. If the rabbit tries to bite you, make a harsh sound. This will let the rabbit know that he is hurting you. It also teaches the rabbit to do this (in part because it scares him).
  4. 4 Determine which situations are triggers. All rabbits have things they don't like. For example, your rabbit may not like you touching his toilet. He may not like it when someone touches his paws or when someone is in his cage. By understanding what the animal dislikes, you can avoid these situations as much as possible.
  5. 5 Persuade your rabbit, but don't force it. Sometimes rabbits show people that they do not want to leave the cage by snuggling against the back wall. If you need the rabbit to come out, do not pull it out. Better open the cage and let him go out when he wants to. If your rabbit doesn't want to, put a treat outside. You can even put the treat in a carrier for your rabbit to hide in.

Method 3 of 3: How to Train Your Rabbit with Clicking

  1. 1 Try to train your rabbit to snap. In doing so, you will need to reward the rabbit for the desired behavior. You will need any device that makes a clicking sound. You can buy it at the veterinary store as it is often used in dog training. Reward the rabbit with a treat for good behavior and click at the same time. This will help the rabbit associate the click with something pleasant.
    • You can click with a regular pen.
    • Train your rabbit to associate the click with something good. Give the rabbit food, and when it starts eating, click. If this scares the rabbit, mute the sound next time. You can also click first and then feed the rabbit.
    • Repeat several times. Train your rabbit a little every day to get used to the sound. To check if the bunny has memorized the sound, try clicking just like that. If the rabbit comes running to you for a treat, it will mean that he understands everything.
  2. 2 Decide what kind of behavior you want to achieve. For example, you want a rabbit to come to you when you call him. When the rabbit learns to come on a click, try to accustom him to the name. Click and say the pet's name at the same time. Reward your rabbit with a treat.
    • Do this every day. After a few days, start simply calling the rabbit by name, without clicking.
    • The clicking sound is used because it is short, simple, and understood by rabbits. It will take time to accustom your rabbit to the name.
  3. 3 Gradually move on to touching. Once you have taught your rabbit to come to you, you can begin to teach him to touch. First, teach your rabbit to touch your hand with its nose, then move on to more difficult things. Don't forget to click and give treats.
    • When the rabbit comes to you, extend your hand. If the rabbit sniffs and touches the hand, click and give him a treat. Try to move your hand to different places and freeze in place so that the rabbit can reach the hand. Every time the rabbit approaches or touches the hand, click and feed the treat.
    • When the rabbit gets used to it, try petting the rabbit if it touches you. Click and give a treat. This will make the rabbit associate touch with food.
    • When the rabbit will allow you to touch its head, try touching its back or paws. If your rabbit enjoys stroking the head, you can reward your rabbit for letting you touch other parts of the body.
    • If the rabbit doesn't like it, stop doing it and go back to touching the hand. Wait until the rabbit is calm again.
  4. 4 Train your rabbit when it is hungry. To help your rabbit follow your commands, try exercising before eating.Then give the rabbit some of the food as a reward. The rabbit will have more motivation as it will be hungry.


  • Try talking to your bunny calmly so that he gets used to your voice.
  • Before you start taming your rabbit, find out which treats he likes best and use them. You can offer several treats to choose from and see which he likes best.
  • Do not scare your rabbit with loud noises or sudden movements.
  • If the rabbit gets scared, put him in a dark and calm place where he can come to his senses.