How to accept criticism at work

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 10 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Handle Criticism at Work - Project Management Training
Video: How to Handle Criticism at Work - Project Management Training


Now, you've just finished what you thought was a big project at work, but your boss has made a million shortcomings that need to be tweaked. Don't be discouraged, constructive criticism is a key part of any job. With this article, learn to accept criticism and improve in your craft.


  1. 1 Accept that you are not perfect. If you start each task thinking that everything will go smoothly, you are fooling yourself. You will make mistakes. It is important to learn from them and gain experience.
  2. 2 Double check your work. After you complete the assignment and before submitting it to your boss for approval, make sure to complete all the points carefully. This will allow you to avoid stupid mistakes and ensure that the boss will not jerk you over trifles.
  3. 3 Don't take it personally. If your employee criticizes your work, remind yourself that this does not mean at all that he personally does not like you, or that you did not do your job well. Your coworker is just trying to make sure you did your best.
  4. 4 Listen carefully. If you ignore criticism, you are doomed to repeat the same mistakes. Write down and constantly remind yourself how to fix problems. This step is the most difficult, as it means that you need to absorb pride and take responsibility for mistakes at work.
  5. 5 Ask yourself what you can learn from this criticism. If you feel like you want to defend yourself or you start to get angry, repeat the question again: "What can I take away from this?"
  6. 6 Agree with some of the criticism. When faced with criticism, most people focus on the negative part that may be present and ignore the rest. It won't solve the problem, and you won't learn anything. When you accept a constructive piece of criticism, you become open to learning. You don't have to accept everything, even accepting a small part of the criticism will create an atmosphere of teamwork. And then the focus will shift to solving the issue together, which will weaken your feeling of being attacked.
  7. 7 Analyze and evaluate what you hear. You need time to process the information, determine if it is a valuable criticism, and decide what you will do to fix the problem. If this is a discontent that you periodically listen to, you need to think about what the situation should teach you so that this does not happen again.
  8. 8 Do not harbor resentment. Anger / upset feelings can reflect on your future work. Try not to think about past mistakes, focus on getting the best you can on your next assignment.
  9. 9 Remember, there is a reason for everything that happens. If a certain employee is cool with you, or your boss just called the best employee of the month sneak, this is usually a good sign, as it is good for you. Good dedication, work and patience are always rewarded.
  10. 10 Clarify. If you are upset that your coworker criticized you, let him or her know about it as soon as possible, so that there is no bad feeling between you. Explain why you are upset and suggest changes that might strengthen your relationship.
  11. 11 Accept that others may notice things that you may not. Even if you disagree with the criticism, others may pay attention to something that you have not even thought about. If you are told that you ooze negativity and are too arrogant, and you do not think so, well, maybe you really are and just do not notice it. Accept that others may be right, too, and use this opportunity to look inside yourself.
  12. 12 Be happy with any criticism and don't let it humiliate you.


  • Whatever you do, be sure to do it the best way. People who have a hard time accepting criticism make less progress in their careers.
  • Always give yourself a little time to think before answering, it will save you from further problems.
  • If the opportunity presents itself, discuss the criticism with someone you trust and who can objectively assess it. This will help you understand if criticism is justified, or if someone is just using their position to assert their authority over others.
  • Oftentimes, employees find your mistakes to improve their own status. A good way to get rid of this is to make one blatant mistake that is easy to fix. Your boss and employees will be able to find it and point you to it (thus, they will feel rewarded). Once they have done this, their thirst for finding bugs will be satisfied.
  • Remember, your employee isn't doing this because they don't like you or your job. He does this because he wants to improve your work.
  • Always remember that it is your work that is criticized, not you personally. For example, if an employee criticizes a letter that you wrote, forget that it was you who wrote it. Pretend that someone else wrote it, and your employee will only ask you to correct this letter.


  • If you think the criticism given to you in writing is unfair, respond in the same calm manner, noting the points on which you disagree. The written form saves the entire history of the question, and if you are not going to answer, the recording will simply show the points on which your manager makes comments to you.
  • If you think you are being criticized unfairly, write down all such incidents and copy the letters.
  • Don't even think about fighting back, especially your boss. He has authority and authority, and he can exercise his power as he sees fit.