How to make a burger on Foreman's electric grill

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 17 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Getting Creative with the George Foreman Grill
Video: Getting Creative with the George Foreman Grill


There are many ways, and sometimes even incorrect ones, to prepare burgers. Even on our site wikiHow, there are many articles that tell you how to cook properly. What sets this article apart from the rest is that you don't need any culinary skills to prepare this recipe. Other articles describe the recipes for making burgers, but they do not turn out the same as in the picture. With time, with practice, you can learn.


  • 700 g ground beef
  • Non-stick aerosol
  • Dressing to taste


Method 1 of 2: Choose meat

  1. 1 To get started, you need 700 g of meat for burgers. Decide if it is enough for you.
    • Any minced meat will do. When you consider the meat / fat ratio, 80/20 is sufficient, but something lean is better.
  2. 2 Divide the minced meat by the number of burgers. These instructions describe how to prepare 1 burger. The rest are made in the same way.
  3. 3 Switch on the electric grill, usually by plugging it into a power outlet. Place a grease pan underneath in a comfortable position and spray top and bottom with non-stick spray.
  4. 4 Form the meat into balls.
  5. 5 Place them on a cutting board and flatten.
  6. 6 Turn over.
  7. 7 Press in the center with your hand and roll it out a little.
  8. 8 Turn over again.
  9. 9 Smooth the edges.
    • Your burger should be a little over 2cm and about 2.5cm thick.

Method 2 of 2: Make a burger

  1. 1 Season the burger any way you like, such as garlic or chili powder. If you marinate or garnish with BBQ sauce then use it.
  2. 2 Place your burger on the grill with the seasoned side and season on the other side (or top with the sauce).
  3. 3 Close the cover. Wait 1.5 - 2 minutes. You don't have to be too precise.
  4. 4 Open the cover. Flip over and also fry the burger on the other side at 90 degrees.
  5. 5 Repeat the previous 2 steps to cook one burger for about 6 to 8 minutes (4 grilled circles).
  6. 6 Ready.

What do you need

  • Grill by George Foreman.
  • Grease pan, which is supplied with the grill.
  • Meat grinder, which is sold as a set.
  • Access to electricity.
  • Free space on the table.


  • Your burger is far from ideal, but it is good in its own way. It will amaze everyone, but not special burger connoisseurs.
  • If you want to make your burger not just good, but great (and add juiciness without using fat), add diced onions and / or jalapenos as you roll out the balls. But not a lot, a few teaspoons per 200 g of meat will be enough. Stir in the meat and place on the grill.
  • A regular Foreman grill for $ 20-30 can make one burger at a time. Use a $ 50 grill with separate roasting areas. It is much easier to wash and can cook 2 burgers at once.
  • Using lean meat means you will eat more meat, but it will be dry. It is very good if you add ketchup, sauce or other spices.
  • You can also add some grated cheese.
  • If you want a richer burger, use the fatty meats. It won't be that useful, but if you like it better then do it.


  • The Foreman grill can only be set to one temperature: very hot. Do not touch hot baking sheets or even touch the outside of the appliance. Operate the grill with a special switch.
  • Do not let children use Foreman's grill. It may be easy to use, but very dangerous.