How to give muscles a relief

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 28 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
How to massage your partners upper back and neck: A guide by a Professional Massage Therapist
Video: How to massage your partners upper back and neck: A guide by a Professional Massage Therapist


It would be nice if your muscles became bumpy after going to the gym a few times, but it takes time for your body to form six cubes and pronounced biceps. If you want to get in a new shape, stick to a fat-burning and strength-gaining routine for at least 8 weeks to indicate your muscles.


Part 1 of 3: Lose Fat

  1. 1 Do cardio 5-6 days a week. Cardio training focuses on burning fat, while strength training works out the muscles. Both of these types of exercise are great for you, but it's best to combine them.
  2. 2 Exercise for at least 30 minutes. In most cases, the body uses up its carbohydrate stores in the first 15-20 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise. This means that you will begin to lose fat after this time.
  3. 3 Do high-intensity interval training for the best results. Try physical therapy, aerobics, or boot camp to get your best work done for 1-4 minutes and then rest for 1-4 minutes. Research has shown that high-intensity interval training is the best way to burn fat quickly.
  4. 4 Do longer cardio exercises on days when you are not swinging. Try exercising for 45-60 minutes instead of 30 minutes to burn more fat and strengthen your muscles better.However, excessive exercise can play a cruel joke on your body, so you should rest one or two days a week.

Part 2 of 3: Building Strength

  1. 1 Plan your strength training to do at least 30 minutes, three days a week.
  2. 2 Rest between workouts 36 to 48 hours. If you exercise correctly, a lot of muscle fibers will break. It takes time for your body to rebuild and strengthen your muscles.
    • If you have limited time that you can devote to general strengthening of the body, pay special attention to the upper body one day and the lower one the next day. Work to strengthen the abdominal area can be carried out with a 24-hour break.
  3. 3 Choose a training weight that allows you to do 12 to 15 sets. There is a debate that the more weight you lift, the more it gives you mass, and the less weight, but the more sets, the more defined and prominent your muscles will be. However, modern training shows that the middle ground is better.
  4. 4 Focus on quality of movement and good form. Don't contract your muscles until you can do it completely. Push and pull slowly.
  5. 5 Do a set that lasts from 30 seconds to a minute. Repeat three times.
  6. 6 Bring your muscles to fatigue. Three sets of biceps curls, push-ups should leave a feeling of trembling in the hands. If not, you should add more weight.
  7. 7 Engage as many muscles as possible. Don't work your biceps without working your triceps, shoulders, and chest. You will not achieve good definition if your body is not working at full strength.
    • If you don't know a lot of exercises, sign up for a few workouts with a personal trainer. It will help you create a well-structured workout cycle.
  8. 8 Evaluate how much your muscles contract during rest. As the muscles become harder, the relief begins to emerge. As you burn fat, your muscles become more defined.

Part 3 of 3: Changing Your Diet

  1. 1 Eat and drink protein-rich foods and drinks after exercise. Protein helps rebuild your muscles and get you back in shape faster. Try a protein shake: peanut butter apple, chicken, nuts, Greek yogurt, or cottage cheese.
  2. 2 Put nutrition in the spotlight. Coaches often say, “Abs is formed in the kitchen,” as many people consume more carbohydrates and fats than they can handle through physical activity. If you want to build muscle, you should be smart about what you eat, focusing on protein and vegetables, as well as complex carbohydrates.
  3. 3 Cook more vegetables and lean protein foods. You should increase your intake to help your body get in shape. If possible, get your carbs from vegetables like potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, and pumpkin.
  4. 4 Eat whole grains. Quinoa, spelled wheat, oat bran, amaranth and other grains are very rich in protein. Replace wheat and rice with these grains.
  5. 5 Drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercise. Your body may need twice as much water as it did before you increased your training regimen.
  6. 6 Try to drink coffee just before strength training. Some studies have shown that you can exercise better and build more muscle by consuming caffeine before exercise.

What do you need

  • Clock / timer
  • Protein-rich snacks
  • Whole grains
  • Lean protein
  • Vegetables
  • Water
  • Coffee