How to turn a regular guy into an attractive guy

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 3 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
The 12 BIGGEST Turn-Ons for Men | How to Be More Attractive to Men
Video: The 12 BIGGEST Turn-Ons for Men | How to Be More Attractive to Men


Are you a cute and nice guy, but not handsome enough? Does it bother you? Most guys pay little or no attention to their appearance. Of course, you cannot turn an ugly duckling into a swan, but you can try a little and significantly improve a person's appearance, raising his self-esteem and teaching him not to be ashamed of his appearance.


Method 1 of 3: Hygiene

  1. 1 Let's start with the obvious. For example:
    • If you have a hairy back or shoulders, get rid of that hair.
    • See a dermatologist or use acne treatments to get rid of problem skin. One way: Rub the pimples with lemon juice.
    • If the guy doesn't wash, make him wash.
    • Give him a good haircut. Most guys do cheap haircuts their entire lives. Take him to an expensive beauty salon.
    • Examine his feet. If it's a "walking disaster," wash them and give him a foot massage. Trim your nails, scrub them, and rub in with moisturizer if your heels are cracked.
    • Use a pumice stone.
  2. 2 Rub the lotion onto your elbows and other rough areas. If he is protesting against lotion (some men might), massage him with lotion and massage oil.
  3. 3 Make sure he brushes his teeth, flosses, and uses a mouthwash.
  4. 4 If he wears ugly glasses, buy him new ones or replace them with contact lenses.

Method 2 of 3: Sports and Fitness

  1. 1 Inspire him to charge (at least). Just 20 minutes a day will already bring results. Study together so that he does not get bored.
  2. 2 Let him start lifting you up and down to build muscle. 3 sets of 15 times every other day.
  3. 3 If he's not sports friendly, go for long walks, yoga, or other "smart" fitness classes.
  4. 4 Teach your guy to eat healthy. Remember, healthy food doesn't have to taste bad.
  5. 5 Even a little exercise can improve posture, which immediately increases a person's attractiveness and self-confidence.

Method 3 of 3: Clothing

  1. 1 Teach him to dress better. No one can physically change unless they change their clothes. Good and proper clothing is essential.
  2. 2 Get him interested in fashion, or at least clothes. Subscribe to Esquire or other men's fashion magazines.
  3. 3 Buy him shoes. A good pair of boots or shoes will help visually increase his height and improve his posture. Shoes are another area of ​​fashion that men don't know. Now is the time to change that.
  4. 4 Consider his personal style. It may seem that it does not exist, but lack of style is also style. If he himself wants to change and knows what style he wants to match, your task becomes easier. Help him become a hipster, geek or whatever.
  5. 5 Do a color analysis of his appearance and help him choose the shades that suit him best. Many guys do not understand all the subtleties, perhaps it will be interesting for him to read an article about this.


  • Give him a lot of love and support. If he changes, always compliment him. Major changes can be stressful, make sure they don't feel uncomfortable, especially at first.
  • Sometimes it's better to change together to motivate each other.
  • Take at least one step a week so he doesn't know what's going on. It all depends on his cleverness, whether he will reveal your Plan of Beauty or not.
  • If he asks what you are doing, say that you are expressing your love and appreciation for him, as well as your concern.
  • Make this experience fun! May it unite you even more!


  • Don't hurt his feelings by telling him he's scary. Better to say that you want to make a few improvements to his image.
  • You might think your boyfriend looks bad, but others may not think so. Beauty is a subjective concept. Make sure you do it for him and not for yourself.
  • if he is angry, defensive, or uncomfortable, don't push him too hard.
  • He may be angry that you want to change him, and this could lead to a breakup!
  • It's better to love a guy for who he is, not for how he looks.
  • If he is really ugly and realizes it, he may not appreciate your attempts.
  • If your boyfriend doesn't want to change, he won't. Don't force him to do it!
  • Even if you feel like your boyfriend doesn't have his own style, the lack of style may just be his style. And this is important to him.He may be happy the way he is and will not want to change.
  • If you turn him into a handsome man, he may leave you for a prettier girl. However, if he really loves you, he won't do that. If he left you for another, he wasn't worth it!
  • Make sure you want to change it. These changes can lead to other changes. For example, your boyfriend is a biker and you want to dress him up in a suit. Would you be happy if he starts wearing suits all the time?

What do you need

  • Enough money
  • Pumice
  • Moisturizer
  • Hair clipper
  • Good sense of style
  • Boy
  • Arms