How to Succeed in Life for Late People

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 25 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Jack Ma’s Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE
Video: Jack Ma’s Ultimate Advice for Students & Young People - HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE


Writer Robert Louis Stevenson says: "Being who we are and doing what we are capable of is the only possible outcome of life." In other words, the most important thing in life is to become yourself, whatever that means to you. Personal development can be different depending on the circumstances of a person's life. Therefore, it would be wrong to expect that this development will always meet expectations. If it seems to you that you have not reached your full development by a certain age, this does not mean that you will never be able to do what you are inclined to and what you really want. There are many opportunities for the development of body and mind, even at a later age. Whatever your age or social status, you can learn to achieve what you want. Perhaps you will simply come to success later than the people around you.


Method 1 of 2: How to understand your limitations and get rid of them

  1. 1 Determine if you are a person who matures at a later age. Some people may reach their potential later than their peers. Such people cannot be called failures - they just succeed later. There are many reasons why personal implementation can be delayed:
    • In the field of education. Perhaps at first you had poor grades in school, but then you caught up and surpassed many of your peers. Perhaps you were able to connect what you do in school with what you would like to do as an adult. Perhaps you were able to improve your life at the moment with the help of the knowledge gained in school. Whatever the reason, you can certainly succeed in your studies if you see the meaning in what you study.
    • In the field of career. Perhaps you spent 15-20 years looking for a job that would suit you, and then suddenly you found your place and started doing a great job. To be successful at work, you need to do what you "burn". You can be very enthusiastic about the people you work with or the tasks you do.If you do not feel this enthusiasm, ask friends and family if they could find it at work. Try looking for another job that can satisfy a person's natural desire to be passionate about something.
    • In the social sphere. Perhaps when everyone was getting their first experience of friendship and romance, you all felt alien and even intimidating. However, at some point, you realized that talking to people is not so scary, and your social circle has expanded noticeably.
  2. 2 Think about your limitations. Many of our decisions are based on the degree of security we feel in our environment, especially at a young age. Equally important is our ability to form interpersonal relationships with others. Even as adults, childhood fears and insecurities can tie our hands.
    • Try experimenting with limiting your environment to overcome your fears. This may open up new opportunities for you.
    • To overcome personal barriers, you need to try different things in different areas of life. Try something new whenever possible. Below we provide specific recommendations.
  3. 3 Experiment with your daily activities and environment. Psychologists believe that our individual abilities are related to the environment in which we find ourselves. Try to change life circumstances by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone.
    • Suppose you spend all of your time either alone at home or at work doing individual tasks. It is unlikely that you will be able to develop sociability or improve physical fitness without changing anything in your lifestyle. Nothing will work, even if you have certain genetic inclinations.
    • To overcome these limitations, try taking group classes at the fitness center every week. You can also just start walking in the park more often. In any case, a change in the usual environment or an attempt to do something new using the capabilities of your body can give you new emotions and ideas about what is available to you.
  4. 4 Make new social connections. If you interact with the same people every day, your development will stall. It is important to interact with people with opposing views. This will allow you to broaden your understanding of what you are capable of and how the world can be.
    • Meeting new people will expand your horizons. It will give you the opportunity to get rid of stereotypes and prejudices and try to live differently.
    • Talk to a stranger in a coffee shop, sign up for a meetup with people with whom you share common interests.
    • If you are having trouble finding new people, but you still have a desire to connect with someone new, try seeing a therapist or finding a coach. These people will listen to you and suggest options for getting out of your comfort zone in your interactions with others.
  5. 5 Reconsider your perception of yourself. We often prevent ourselves from reaching our potential due to unrealistic ideas about who we should be. These beliefs may be due to children's attitudes (for example, parental expectations). Even comparing other people's pages on social networks with your own can lead to the formation of an unrealistic idea of ​​life.
    • Whatever the reasons, it is important to step over them if you feel like they are getting in your way. If you encounter them, take a deep breath and think about what you can do right now to improve your life.
    • Try to base your expectations of the future on your perception of the present moment. Focus on the process of moving towards your goal, not on the end result.
    • Let's say you think you need a new friend. Think about how you can achieve this goal if you start now.Will you have a friend if you just want to, or will you need to talk to someone first? It will probably be helpful to at least surround yourself with new people for a start.
  6. 6 Don't compare your life to others. We are all unique people with different body capacities and body structure. This means that we are all developing at our own pace. People reach certain stages of physical development at different rates and in different ways.
    • Near the age of 30, the brain and body of many people stop developing at the rate at which they developed before. However, the body and mind retain a certain flexibility throughout life, so that drastic changes in personal structure and behavior are possible even at a more mature age.
    • Absolutely all organisms develop at their own speed and with their own characteristics. This means that you may not arrive at certain cultural and biological stages at the same time as others. Sometimes you may not come to them at all, and this is also normal.
    • For example, the age of adolescence can start with a significant time gap. The time to start is often influenced by factors such as race, body fat, and exposure to stress. There is no need to force the body to go through the ripening period before the body is ready. You will only put yourself under unnecessary stress and worry about wanting to be someone you are not.
    • If you are comparing your life and abilities to others, take a deep breath and try to focus on the moment. The best way to find yourself at any age is to enjoy what you do every day.
  7. 7 Do deep breathing and mindfulness exercises. Meditation and breathing exercises will direct your attention to the processes taking place in the body at the moment. These tools allow you to combat obsessive and / or unwanted thoughts about the past or future.
    • Try a simple meditation exercise: sit in a comfortable place, place your hands on your knees, and start taking slow, deep breaths. Feel the air moving through your body. Concentrate all your attention on your breathing. If your thoughts start to drift away, re-focus on the breath and the present moment.
    • When you learn to focus on the present moment, try doing things that interest you. Thanks to this, your goals and expectations for the future will be based on your desires and hobbies.

Method 2 of 2: How to Use Your Strengths

  1. 1 Take time to your inner state. "Late" people are often prone to deep reflection. They often try to control more factors in their lives than their peers. You are probably smart. Find a way to use reflection to your advantage.
    • Your propensity for reflection and life management can mean that other people are achieving their goals faster than you. However, because you take your time and think things through, you may be a more capable and prepared person if the opportunity is right.
    • Try writing. If you feel like you are spending more time at home than you would like, or are just looking for something to do with your time, try writing. It can be poetry or prose. This kind of work will help you develop your creative side anyway. Plus, it can lead to results you didn't expect.
    • Try making art or writing music. If you don't like writing, try visual arts or music. These activities are also useful for developing your creativity.
  2. 2 Write down your thoughts. Keeping track of your thoughts and capturing ideas will make it easier for you to understand what you want and what you are capable of. Your progress can also be beneficial to others, especially relatives.
    • Many character traits can be adopted.If your children or other close people learn something from your experience, it will mean that you have helped someone change their life for the better.
    • Take notes in your journal daily. Journaling can be a great way to explore your emotions and let them into your daily life. Don't force yourself to stick to certain boundaries. Better write whatever comes into your head. Sit down and try to collect associations. You may wonder what you come up with. This is a great way of self-reflection and deep thinking.
    • Always keep an idea notebook handy. Keep a notebook where you write down all your ideas, on your bedside table or in your bag. He can help you in times of indecision or lack of self-confidence. Write down ideas as they come to your mind. "Late" people often have many ideas. There are so many of them that a person simply does not know what to do with them. Perhaps when an idea comes up, you don't know if you need it or not, but it can come in handy later when you re-read your notes.
  3. 3 Know your strengths. The "late" people often have several very valuable qualities, for example: a tendency to reflection, sensitivity, patience. These people are often prone to abstract thinking and creativity.
    • Use your strengths to build self-confidence and lift your spirits in difficult times in life.
    • Other people may come to you with their problems because you have patience and a tendency to reflect. Use your qualities to help others. Your patience and sensitivity will help you in choosing a career or lifestyle. For example, you might make a great therapist or scientist.
  4. 4 Believe in yourself and your abilities. You are developing and able to overcome life's difficulties. If you start to doubt yourself, remind yourself that you are a knowledgeable person with valuable qualities.
    • You may take longer to achieve your goals than others. But remember, quick success doesn't come for everyone. Many people are afraid to take steps forward because they feel like they are in a hurry and do not know what they are doing. “Late” people don't have this problem because they take their time and always know what they are doing.
    • At the same time, learn from your mistakes. The obstacles that stand in your way to success don't equal failure. They can be a great source of helpful information on how to do things better next time.
  5. 5 Enjoy your successes and build on your future achievements. Once you've achieved something important in life, acknowledge that achievement. Use it as a motivation for further achievements.
    • You may have to go a long way towards your goal, but this will help you understand what you are doing better than those who will achieve it faster.
    • People may start to turn to you for help when they see that you are an experienced and knowledgeable person. You've had time to think seriously about life. Plus, you’ve come to your own conclusions, rather than borrowing them from others.


  • Help other "late" people find their way in life. Reassure them that they keep up with others and are no worse than others. We are all worthy of respect. Every life has meaning.
  • Develop a sense of humor. Laugh often, especially at yourself. Laughter reduces stress levels and helps you cope with life's difficulties.