How to overcome passionate love for your close friend

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 23 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Have you fallen in love with your close friend? Does he like someone else and now you feel like he is giving his full attention to her and not to you? Does it make you feel uncomfortable around him? If you want to overcome this, read on ....


  1. 1 First, you must stop thinking only about him. If you spot someone else you might love, don't miss this opportunity. Try to broaden your horizons and do not dwell on it only. Perhaps this will help you understand that he must not be as great as you thought.
  2. 2 Don't hold on to him whenever you, your friend, and his beloved are together. Even if the three of you are in the company. Otherwise, he will think that you are acting somehow strange, and perhaps he will understand that you like him.
  3. 3 If the girl he loves is sweet, try to befriend her. This will help you to be more relaxed around her and with him when you are all together.
  4. 4 Try not to worry so much about his opinion. His opinion of you will probably be important to you, because you are friends, and you probably already accepted his advice and point of view. Just ask someone else for the things that you would normally ask of him. This will give you a fresh, fresh perspective on many things.
  5. 5 If you have a close enough friend and she is a GIRL, try asking her for advice. Who knows, maybe she had some experience in a similar situation. Nothing beats another girl's advice. Just make sure you ask the right person.
  6. 6 Try to focus on one of its weaknesses. Don't make him a terrible person, just think of a minor trait that annoys or frustrates you every time you think of him.
  7. 7 Don't let this hobby ruin your life! Besides this guy, I'm sure you have something else to think about 24/7. If he's in your class, in the same class, in the same office, maybe even on the same team as you, there are still other things you can do without him. Do something with your girlfriend or friends, try something new for yourself ....
  8. 8 Don't let this crush ruin your friendship. While it is difficult to think of him as just a friend, you can still study, work, or spend time together. You are friends, aren't you? Remember that you were and still are friends, even if you like him.


  • Still spend time together and don't try to distance yourself from it. This will make you miss him even more, and most likely, it will make him even more attractive in your eyes.
  • It's not as difficult as you might think. Just remember: he is a great friend, and are you really willing to risk your friendship?
  • Use these steps and tips to help you. I was in a similar situation and I have experience in this matter. I know how jealous you are of him and how bad it makes you. Everything will be fine. Believe me!;)
  • Don't try to "act naturally" around him. He will most likely notice that you are acting a little strange and ask what happened. Be yourself and channel your energies into light flirting if you want. Do not do it explicitly, you can just look into his eyes when he speaks, smile often, remove a speck from his shoulder, etc.
  • There are many other guys around!


  • Stay true to yourself. If he's in love with someone else, don't try to be like her. Remember, he likes your personality. Why is he then friends with you, if this is not so?
  • DO NOT COMPARE yourself with the girl he loves.This will most likely lower your self-esteem because you will only see your flaws.
  • Don't think too much and worry too much about it! He is your friend, so both of you will be back on track when you overcome your crush on him.
  • If you're asking another girl for advice, don't go to the one your friend is in love with. She will most likely guess that this is about you (if you have not already told her yourself), and may get a little angry or feel uncomfortable around you or your friend. If your adored subject found out that it was because of you that the girl began to behave strangely in his presence, he would probably get angry with you (see paragraph 2 above), think that you are strange, or he would have guessed about your feelings for him.
  • He may also like you, so before you fight your feelings, first make sure otherwise.