How to prevent flaky skin after sunburn

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 18 June 2021
Update Date: 24 June 2024
Video: How to STOP PEELING SKIN| Dr Dray


Human skin is constantly exfoliated and renewed.If the skin is damaged due to excessive exposure to the sun, then a large number of cells are damaged at once, and well-visible white scaly areas appear. These areas are often surrounded by scorched, dry, blistered skin that looks ugly and uncomfortable. The best prevention is to avoid sunburn and to apply an adequate amount of high-protection sunscreen to your skin. If you forget to apply sunscreen or do it incorrectly, resulting in a sunburn, your skin has already suffered irreparable damage. However, the pain and discomfort of sunburn can be alleviated by moisturizing damaged skin, protecting it from irritants, and eating well.


Part 1 of 3: Preventing Scaling

  1. 1 Maintain water balance. Drink enough water so that your skin does not dry out and has enough strength to repair and regenerate. Sunlight increases fluid loss and dehydrates the skin, so after sunburn, care must be taken to rehydrate.
    • You can also drink iced tea without sugar. The antioxidants in green and black tea help heal damage caused by free radicals caused by sunlight.
    • If your body is fluid enough, your urine is pale yellow.
  2. 2 Avoid further sun exposure. If you continue to appear in the sun without proper protection, you risk increasing the flaking of the skin and exacerbate sunburn. This is because the outer protective layer of skin cells is already damaged and allows harmful UV radiation to pass through.
    • If you go outside after injuring your skin, wear a broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. In addition, wear closed clothing and protective accessories (hat, sunglasses) to avoid further damage to your skin.
  3. 3 Take an oatmeal bath. Oats have a soothing and moisturizing effect, so they restore the skin's natural moisture and prevent flaking. Fill the tub with warm water and add 1-3 cups (100-300 grams) of oatmeal. Soak in the bath for 15-30 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
    • After taking an oatmeal bath, apply a moisturizer to the skin to consolidate the effect.
    • Consider taking an oatmeal bath every night before bed to help prevent flaky skin after sunburn.
  4. 4 Apply aloe vera juice to the burn area. Natural aloe vera juice has long been prized around the world for its soothing and healing properties. You can buy aloe vera lotion or natural gel from the plant, or simply break off an aloe leaf and apply the juice directly to the flaky skin. Aloe vera promotes healing, relieves sunburn pain, and helps prevent infection.
    • Look for a natural remedy with 98-100% aloe vera juice so it doesn't get sticky.
    • Aloe vera juice can be kept in the refrigerator to keep it cool and soothe the skin even better.

Part 2 of 3: Other Ways

  1. 1 Use a moisturizer. Apply a moisturizer to the burns. Pharmacies sell special moisturizers that are designed for sunburned skin. Avoid moisturizers that contain alcohol, retinol, or alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), as these can dry out and further irritate sensitive skin.
    • If possible, apply moisturizer throughout the day and immediately after bathing to help your skin absorb as much moisture as possible.
    • Alternative moisturizers such as baby oil, honey, and coconut oil can also be used.
  2. 2 Apply tea to scalded skin. Natural tannin acids contained in tea are an excellent remedy for sunburned skin.Brew black tea in a saucepan and chill in the refrigerator, then use for compresses or moisturize damaged skin with a spray bottle.
    • Tea helps reduce inflammation and redness, and speeds up skin healing.
    • You can also brew tea bags and apply them to damaged skin.
  3. 3 Take baking soda baths. Soda baths help restore the skin's natural pH level and relieve burn irritation. Add about ¾ cup (200 grams) of baking soda to your bathtub and soak for 15–20 minutes, then rinse with clean water.
    • You can also dilute a heaped tablespoon (about 30 grams) of baking soda in a bowl of cold water, dip a face washcloth in it, squeeze out excess water, and apply a compress to the affected area.
  4. 4 Apply vinegar to the burn area. Place a spray bottle with white or apple cider vinegar and spray it over the damaged skin. Vinegar helps prevent unsightly blistering and flaking of the skin.
    • If the vinegar smells too strong, dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio and apply the resulting solution to your skin.
  5. 5 Apply whole milk to the burn area. Dampen a face washcloth with whole milk and squeeze out any excess liquid. Apply the tissue to the burned area for 10 minutes, then rinse the skin with clean water. Apply a compress with milk 2-3 times a day until the skin is completely healed.
    • Milk is very beneficial for burnt skin as the proteins it contains are soothing and the lactic acid reduces irritation and itching after a burn.
  6. 6 Apply mint leaves to burnt skin. Mint leaves help stop the flaking process, soothe the skin and promote its health. Mash fresh mint leaves in a bowl to release the juice, and apply the juice directly to the peeling area of ​​your face.
  7. 7 Consider balancing your diet. A balanced and skin-friendly diet includes plenty of water, fruits, vegetables and lean meats to help mitigate the negative effects of sunburn and stop flaking.
    • Get enough protein, iron, and foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E. These nutrients help the skin heal after sunburn.

Part 3 of 3: Avoid anything that makes your skin flaky

  1. 1 Don't brush your skin. Sunburned skin is often itchy, but scratching or peeling off loose skin will exacerbate tissue damage, exacerbate flaking, and increase your risk of developing a skin infection.
    • If you have a strong urge to scratch your burn, place an ice cube wrapped in a cloth or damp paper towel over it and gently rub it in small circular motions to temporarily relieve itching.
    • If you need to remove loose skin by all means, resist the temptation to pull it off with your fingers. Instead, take a small pair of scissors and carefully trim away any loose skin.
  2. 2 Do not swim in hot water. When showering or bathing, run cool or slightly lukewarm, but not hot, water. Hot water dries out the skin and increases flaking, while cool water soothes it and reduces the likelihood of flaking.
    • Do not rub your skin with a towel after bathing, as this can peel off the damaged top layer, which will increase the flaking.
  3. 3 Do not use harsh detergents or scrubs. Soaps can dry out your skin a lot, while after sunburn, you should moisturize it generously to speed up healing and prevent flaking. Minimize the use of soap and do not apply it to scalded areas.
    • If you do use soap, do not apply it with a washcloth or loofah, as their rough surface irritates the skin and promotes flaking.
    • Also try not to shave or pluck your hair.If you do need to shave, use a highly moisturizing shaving cream, gel, or lotion.


  • Frequent sunburns can cause skin cancer, premature aging and blistering. Try to protect your skin from direct sunlight by all means. When leaving the house, apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30 to your skin. Remember to reapply sunscreen, especially if you are swimming or sweating.
  • If your skin is severely flaky and is not related to recent sun exposure, consult your doctor. This could be a sign of certain medical conditions.