How to prevent motion sickness

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 21 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
Tips To Prevent Motion Sickness
Video: Tips To Prevent Motion Sickness


Motion sickness occurs due to the inconsistency of information about movement from the receptors of the vestibular apparatus and the organs of vision. Every third inhabitant of the planet has a tendency to develop seasickness with minor stimuli, the remaining two-thirds can experience the same symptoms in harsh conditions. There isn't much of a health hazard, but who wants seasickness to ruin a trip?


Method 1 of 2: Before Sailing

  1. 1 Start your medication 24 hours before sailing. The effectiveness of the medicine will increase if the active ingredient is in the blood when you first step on deck. This step will also eliminate the need to take medication while feeling nauseous.
    • There are prescription and over-the-counter motion sickness remedies on the market. Check with your doctor ahead of time which is best for you.
  2. 2 Maintain water balance by drinking plenty of fluids (water, non-concentrated juices, or light sports drinks). Dehydration can also increase the likelihood of motion sickness symptoms.
  3. 3 Eat light to moderate snacks before your trip, such as chips and croutons.

Method 2 of 2: At sea

  1. 1 Drink plenty of fluids. Drink water and diluted sports drinks. Ginger-flavored drinks, including stale ginger ale, are very helpful.
  2. 2 Observe the distant horizon so that the receptors in the inner ear and eyes receive the same information about movement.
  3. 3 Close your eyes and don't look at the horizon. The absence of a visual signal also removes the conflict of different receptors.
  4. 4 Pinch the auricle openings with your index fingers. At this point, you should feel an increase in pressure inside your ear. Under greater pressure in the bony semicircular canals of the inner ear, the movement of fluid slows down, so the feeling of movement is dulled.
  5. 5 Lie on your side parallel to the board with your head pointing towards the bow of the boat.
  6. 6 Use ginger or peppermint. Ginger is useful in any form - tea, pieces of ginger root, candy (ginger sweets are sold in eastern stores and some supermarkets). Peppermint, as well as basil, can be taken internally or only the scent of these herbs can be used to soothe motion sickness.


  • If you don't feel like swallowing water during a seasickness attack, keep it in your mouth. The fine fibers of the mouth are very effective at absorbing fluid.
  • If possible, stand at the helm. Holding the rudder helps to tune in to the movement of the ship.
  • Do not read or do things that fix your gaze at one point. Better to look into the distance, at the horizon or approaching ground, while trying not to focus too much.
  • Stay on deck if possible. You will get access to fresh air and be able to observe the horizon.
  • Consider using a pressure bandage (available from ship's personnel or pharmacies).


  • If you are about to lean overboard, ensure safety by securing yourself securely to the side with a harness or other means.
  • Be sure to check with your doctor about the possibility of taking different medications, including over-the-counter medications.
  • Attach yourself to the ship if you need to sit on a hard, unsecured chair.