How to prevent urinary tract infection in cats

Author: Alice Brown
Date Of Creation: 26 May 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Treat Urinary Tract Infections in Cats
Video: How to Treat Urinary Tract Infections in Cats


Cats can suffer from urinary tract infections caused by bacteria, fungi, parasites or viruses. A urinary tract infection in a cat can lead to blockage of urine, a condition requiring immediate veterinary intervention. There are several simple ways to prevent a urinary tract infection in cats that can help prevent a deadly blockage that is very costly to treat.


  1. 1 Feed your cat slightly smaller meals. Break the same amount of food per day into smaller portions.
    • Feed commercially available cats diagnosed with urinary tract stones (triple phosphate). Most commercial pet foods contain ingredients that contribute to the formation of acidic urine. Triple phosphate can form as a result of infection.
    • Do not combine commercial food with medications that increase the acidity of your urine because too much acidity can lead to mineral imbalances, kidney disease, or a condition called metabolic acidosis.
    • Limit your cat's intake of magnesium mineral supplements to 40 mg per 100 calories of food. Commercial cat foods usually meet this standard. Excess magnesium can lead to the formation of triple phosphate.
  2. 2 The cat should always have fresh, clean water. Her water bowl should be washed regularly.
  3. 3 A sufficient number of litter boxes must be provided for the cat or cats. The rule must be followed - there should be 1 more trays than cats in your house. If you have 2 cats, for example, then the house should have 3 litter boxes.
    • Check trays frequently and remove waste as soon as you find it. Wash the litter boxes with soap and water every time you change your litter box.
  4. 4 Minimize changes in your cat's daily routine. Try to feed her at the same time every day. Be aware that a change in the weather or moving to a new home can cause your cat to have urinary tract problems.
  5. 5 Watch for symptoms of urinary tract infection in cats.
    • Observe if the cat strains while urinating, if it tries to urinate again. Pay attention to any strange noises, howls, meows, or screams while urinating.
    • See if your cat licks the genital area for too long and thoroughly after urinating.
    • Look for urine in the bathroom or on the tiled floors. If your cat urinates outside the litter box, it could be a sign of infection. Some cats with urinary tract infections prefer to urinate on smooth, cool surfaces.
  6. 6 See your veterinarian urgently if you see blood in its urine, or if it cannot urinate at all.


  • Some cats prone to urinary tract infections may develop other conditions, including blockage of urine and triple phosphate. If you suspect that your cat's urinary tract is completely blocked, take it to your veterinarian immediately. Without probing or other treatment, death can occur within 24 to 48 hours. A cat's urethra can be blocked by mucus, triple phosphate, cells, or proteins.
  • Try not to feed your cat with tuna, especially if it's a spayed cat. Overfeeding with tuna can lead to a blockage in the urinary tract, causing pain and even death.