How to properly pass the sign "Continuous movement is prohibited"

Author: Ellen Moore
Date Of Creation: 18 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
BotW#051 - On The Move Shrine Made Easy - Jee Noh Shrine
Video: BotW#051 - On The Move Shrine Made Easy - Jee Noh Shrine


No non-stop traffic sign, or stop sign, is used to regulate traffic and is usually installed at intersections. Stop sign sets the sequence of crossing intersections, which helps to avoid accidents and incidents. It is an octagon with white lettering on a red background. If you see such a sign at any turn or intersection, you must stop completely and continue driving only when the road ahead is clear, yielding to those to whom you must yield according to the rules.


Method 1 of 2: How to Stop

  1. 1 Be Prepared To Stop. Sometimes the sign is visible at a great distance, sometimes hills and blind turns interfere with this. In some cases, another warning sign is placed some distance from the intersection. Whatever the situation, be prepared to stop when you see a stop sign.
  2. 2 Remember that it will take you time and distance to stop on time. The exact time and distance will depend on many factors, including speed, weather and road conditions. However, you should start slowing down at least 50 meters in front of the sign. If you are driving fast, if the weather is bad, or if the road conditions are very dangerous (for example, the sign is at the bottom of a very steep slope), you will need more time and more distance.
    • As a rule, by observing the speed limit, you will be able to slow down and stop in time, even if you cannot see the sign from afar.
  3. 3 Stop completely. Stop sign prescribes a complete stop of the vehicle. Don't just try to slow down or pause.
    • Try to stop smoothly, rather than hitting the brake pedal suddenly.
    • If the intersection has a wide stop line or pedestrian crossing markings, you must stop before the markings and do not cover it with a car.
    • If there is no stop line, stop before the stop sign so that you can see the intersection in all directions.
    • If you have difficulty seeing all directions, roll forward slightly and stop again.
    • If another car stops in front of you at the stop sign, you must stop behind it and then stop again when you pass the sign yourself.
  4. 4 Determine the type of intersection. The stop sign is used in several cases, and they all require different rules to be followed. It is important to know what situation you are dealing with in order to understand what rules should be followed.
    • The sign can be placed at the intersection of two roads so that only cars moving off the secondary road must stop.
    • The sign can be placed at the intersection of two roads from all directions, that is, cars moving from all directions must stop.
    • The sign can be placed at a T-shaped intersection (in this case, one road abuts against the intersection that forms the letter T). At such an intersection, a sign can be installed in three places, and either the entire flow following in all directions must stop, or only cars that approach the intersection along a road that has no continuation after the intersection.
    • In some countries, the stop sign indicates the type of intersection alignment with this sign.
  5. 5 Look both ways. After stopping, you must skip all vehicles that are moving along the main road. If there are no cars, you can pass the intersection or turn after a complete stop. If cars are visible in the distance and do not have time to reach the intersection, keep driving. Remember to cross the intersection at the permitted speed. Do not enter the intersection if other vehicles are approaching.
    • You should only cross an intersection if all moving vehicles are at a great distance from it. Distance depends on the speed of the moving vehicle and other factors, so always assess the situation and think about safety.
    • Remember that there may be not only cars on the road, but also cyclists, motorcyclists and other road users.
  6. 6 Pay attention to pedestrians. If there are pedestrians at the intersection who walk, run, ride a bike or skateboard, you will need to skip them first and then go through the intersection. This rule applies even if there are no other cars at the intersection. You must always allow pedestrians to pass, even if they do not cross the road at a pedestrian crossing.
  7. 7 Make way for those cars to which you have to give way according to the traffic rules. If another vehicle (car, motorcycle, bicycle) stops at the stop sign in front of you through an intersection, it must go through the intersection first. This vehicle can turn left or right (right or left of you) and continue straight on. In any case, you need to give him the opportunity to drive first.
    • If two vehicles stop at the stop sign at the same time, the driver turning left must give way to vehicles moving straight or right.
    • In all cases, safety must be a priority. Do your best to prevent accidents. If another participant in the movement began to make a maneuver, although he should have let you pass, do not interfere with this maneuver and start moving when the road is clear.
  8. 8 Cross the road. When there are no cars or pedestrians on the road, and after you have passed everyone you must pass, go through the intersection. Observe the speed limit.

Method 2 of 2: Compliance in Special Situations

  1. 1 If applicable in your country, observe the order of passage of an intersection with a stop sign on all sides. In some countries, traffic regulations specify the sequence of crossing an intersection if a stop sign is installed on all sides. Usually, drivers must drive through the road in the order in which they arrived at the stop sign, regardless of direction, while first giving way to pedestrians.If two cars arrive at an intersection at the same time, the car on the right will have an advantage.
  2. 2 Stop at tram stops. The rules prescribe a stop when the tram drops off passengers in the middle of the road. Stop completely until the tram opens the doors and wait for all pedestrians to cross the road. Continue driving only when you are sure that all pedestrians have crossed the road.
  3. 3 Stop to let pedestrians pass even if there is no crosswalk sign. Pedestrians should be allowed at the crossing, even if the crossing is not at an intersection. If a pedestrian crosses the road in the wrong place, you must still stop and wait for the pedestrian to stop moving.
  4. 4 Do not enter an intersection if there is a traffic jam. If you come to a stop sign and there is a traffic jam at the intersection, do not go to the intersection. Wait until the congestion clears, and only then continue driving. If you try to cross the road in such a situation, you can block traffic and increase the likelihood of an accident.
  5. 5 Always give way to special purpose vehicles. If you come to a stop sign and hear the sound of an ambulance, police, fire brigade siren, let this car pass and only then go to the intersection.
  6. 6 Follow the directions from the traffic controller. If there is a traffic controller at an intersection, you should follow his instructions. Start driving at the sign of the traffic controller, even if it is contrary to the rules of the intersection.
  7. 7 Contact the traffic police if you notice a place where a stop sign is required. If you think that there is a missing stop sign in some place, send a request to the appropriate authority, but remember that you must have a justification for this. It is important to know that:
    • Stop signs do not help to combat speeding. Research has shown that many drivers increase their speed in front of stop signs.
    • A large number of stop signs lead to increased air pollution and congestion.
    • The decision to install a sign is usually made taking into account a number of factors, including the number of accidents at that intersection, the amount of traffic and visibility at the intersection.


  • If the traffic light at the intersection is red, follow the same rules as for the stop sign.


  • Traffic rules may vary from region to region, so always follow local rules.
  • Driving is dangerous. Never drive while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Always be alert to other vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians.
  • For violation of the rules of passage of the stop sign, fines or other administrative liability are stipulated.