How to meet a girl in public

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 8 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Approach Girls (works EVERY time)
Video: How to Approach Girls (works EVERY time)


1 Go to a crowded place. To get to know someone, you need to go public. Only meet girls in public places. If you approach a girl in a dimly lit alley, an abandoned gas station, or an empty subway, your attempts are doomed to failure. Do not do that.
  • Go to a coffee shop. Many people visit this place during the day, so you will have more opportunities to start a conversation.
  • Go wherever you're interested, such as a comic book store, bookstore, or a Renaissance fair. There you will surely meet a girl with the same interests.
  • Go to a bar or club.Be sure to follow the instructions below for dating girls at a bar. Not every girl wants to meet you. Pay attention to body language, although the environment itself is not very familiar to you.
  • 2 Make eye contact. If you like a girl, try making eye contact before talking to her. Continue to look her in the eye as soon as you catch her eye.
    • If a girl glances at you every now and then, this is a sure sign that she is not opposed to meeting you. If a girl looks at you three times, most likely she is interested in you.
    • Why is the gaze so powerful? Scientists speculate that eye contact activates the brain's pleasure center, the ventral striatum. What does this mean? Our DNA tells us that if we are stared at, then this is a reason for joy!
    • Smile. A friendly smile is a great way to show a girl that you care about her. A good sign will be the answer with a smile to a smile, and thus she shows that she is also not averse to getting to know each other.
    • Once you exchange a few glances and smiles, start watching her gesture. This is the best way to find out if a girl has sympathy for you.
  • 3 Observe your body language. While it is NOT easy to accurately interpret another person's body language, be it a girl or a boy, there are a few things you can do to determine if a person is interested in dating. Respect the girl's right to be alone.
    • Has the girl turned her back on you? Are her arms crossed over her chest? Is she listening to music or reading a book? Is she frowning? Is she deliberately turning her back on you? Although these are not entirely accurate indicators, such facial expressions and gestures rather indicate that the girl wants to be alone.
    • Body language isn't everything. Women are taught from childhood to be polite no matter what happens. If you are going to get to know a girl, pay attention to her reactions and words in response.
  • 4 Approach the girl you are interested in. Start your acquaintance with common phrases. Perhaps the girl is reading the same book as you, or she is wearing a T-shirt with your favorite band. Or maybe the bus is late, which will give you a reason to talk to her.
    • Leave her alone if she is not in the mood for conversation. There are many ways to determine this: the girl does not look you in the eyes, answers in monosyllables, looks around and looks for an excuse to avoid continuing the conversation.
    • If the girl is interested, you know right away: the girl is looking you in the eye, smiling, or moving closer.
    • As soon as you get to know a girl and realize that she is interested in you, proceed directly to communication.
  • 5 Talk to the girl. The conversation starts by itself as soon as you say the first phrase, but if not, here are some ways to strike up a conversation.
    • Ask her if she made her own dress, earrings or other accessory. You might even say something like, "I couldn't help but notice that this dress is perfect for your amazing eye color." This will make her feel attractive regardless of her appearance. Like all people, girls prefer to be liked not only for their appearance.
    • If you are in a bookstore or comic book store, ask the girl what books she likes.
    • Listen carefully to what she says. This way you will learn more about her and it will be possible to continue the conversation. In addition, she will understand that you are interested in you as a person.
  • 6 Make plans for the future. Make plans for future dates if you are interested and determined yourself.
    • Give her your phone number or email address. This will make her feel like she is in control. You will know for sure if she likes you if she calls or writes to you.
    • Ask her for a phone number or email address. If she says no, leave it as it is.After all, she does not owe you anything, even if she liked to communicate with you.
    • Immediately ask her to go on a date with you. Ask her if she would like to have a cup of coffee. Always choose public places for spontaneous dates, because the girl should feel safe. Mentally choose the right coffee shop or ask the girl if she knows where you can sit and drink coffee in peace. This will let her know that she is in control of the situation.
  • 7 Be polite. This is the most important aspect of meeting girls in public or in any other situation. If she is not interested in you, give up your idea.
    • Remember that different girls have different requirements for guys, or lack thereof. The girl may just feel that you are not her type. But there are other girls who might be crazy about you.
  • Tips

    • Hygiene is very important. Wash regularly, brush your teeth and ears, trim your nails, and so on.
    • Don't be discouraged if your original plan didn't work. This is life, and this does not mean that something is wrong with you.
    • Try not to talk about obscure hobbies, unless it will be interesting to both of you. For example, if you both love sports, you can talk about sports teams or watch a game together on a date.
    • Be yourself, especially when you first meet. You don’t want to show yourself as someone who didn’t like her at the first meeting.
    • Don't be stingy. If things are going well, pay for drinks, meals, or taxi rides home. If she insists that she wants to pay herself, say, "I will pay for this one, and you will buy the next one." But if she really wants to pay, don't insist. Just tell me you will pay next time. Hint: This is a good reason for your next date.
    • Ask your sister, mom or friend for advice, because only women can give you the right advice.
    • Try to get both of you involved in the conversation. There is nothing worse than communicating with a person who is fixated exclusively on himself. Ask what she thinks about this or that, and listen carefully to her answer. This is a sure sign that you care about her opinion and that you know how to listen.


    • If you are denied in public, do not react negatively, just smile at her and leave.
    • If you are dating a girl surrounded by friends, be prepared to impress the whole company.
    • Don't ask a girl to smile if she doesn't. Women are constantly told this, and this does not at all dispose to communication.
    • Don't be a fool who thinks you are an expert in female psychology. If a girl says that she is not interested, she does not try to play with you at all, she really is NOT INTERESTED IN THIS!
    • DO NOT meet girls in the gym. They go there for sports, not flirting.