How to improve academic performance

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 26 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
8 Scientific Ways To Improve Academic Skills | Enhance Your Study Skills In Just 3 Minutes!
Video: 8 Scientific Ways To Improve Academic Skills | Enhance Your Study Skills In Just 3 Minutes!


There is no magic way to get your 2 to 5 grades right - it takes knowledge and effort. By working on your homework and following the guidelines in this article, you can improve your grades in no time.


Part 1 of 4: Basic Steps

  1. 1 Be attentive in class. The best thing you can do to improve your grades is to focus on new information. It is very easy to get distracted when the teacher says something that you are not interested in, but you still need to be attentive. Listen to what the instructor has to say, and take notes and ask questions.
  2. 2 Outline the lesson (lecture). Taking notes is a great way to improve grades.The abstracts will come in handy in your further studies. What's more, they serve as proof that you are serious about your studies. Don't write down everything the teacher says, but jot down the main information briefly (you can write down the most important things in more detail).
    • If you do not understand something, make a note about it to ask questions to the teacher or read additional literature.
    • Take notes by hand, not on a computer. This way you will memorize information faster.
  3. 3 Ask questions if the lesson material is not clear to you (it does not matter if the teacher expounds this material or you read it in the textbook). Smart people don't become smart instantly - they learn and ask questions if they don't understand something.
    • If you are embarrassed to ask the teacher a question in class, ask it after the lesson (when you are alone with the teacher).
    • Don't think that the instructor will be angry with you for asking questions. Most teachers are happy to be asked for help because they see your diligence and interest.
    • If, after the teacher's explanation, you still do not understand the lesson material, try searching for an explanation (or additional information) on the Internet. Videos with lessons in basic school subjects can be found on YouTube; there are also specialized forums and other sites on the network where you can ask questions.
  4. 4 Study additional material. The teacher will probably introduce you to the curriculum at the beginning of the year. Do not limit yourself to this program, but study additional material (after consulting with the teacher).
  5. 5 Snack during the day. You will not be able to concentrate on what you are studying if you are hungry. Snack and drink between lessons to help you focus on lessons and better understand the material.
    • The food should contain protein, which will give you energy. Try snacking on almonds or soy nuts.
  6. 6 Develop your own learning style. Each student has their own learning style. Some people remember material better when they move. Others need to look at visuals (pictures, cards). Still others need to listen (words, music). Think about what will help you memorize the lesson more quickly and easily, and develop your own learning style.
    • For example, if you are an auditor, ask your teacher if you can record lectures on a dictaphone (or similar device).
    • If you cannot determine your style of perception, take this test (or any other similar test on the net). You can also analyze your listening style directly in class.
    • If you are a visual, draw diagrams or other diagrams that visually represent information that is meant to be remembered.

Part 2 of 4: Effective Learning

  1. 1 Start learning from the first days of class. Do not wait until the end of the quarter (or semester) to learn the material, much less cram it just before the exam. You will not be able to understand and remember the material and, as a result, you will get a bad grade. Cramming leads to the fact that the student (student) does not fully understand the subject or misunderstands it. It is best to review the material you learned last week to bring it back to memory and learn it better.
    • Thus, before the exam, you will only need to look at your notes and remember the material studied.
    • Repeat the material covered as often as possible to remember and understand it.
  2. 2 Review the notes to refresh your memory of what you have learned. If you do not quite understand it, the synopsis will help you find the information you need. Organize your notes by topic and skip through topics one by one (don't read the entire summary at once).
    • Sometimes related topics are taught at different times. You may need to link the material you learned in September with the material you learned in January in order to understand the topic correctly.
  3. 3 Make a tutorial. Sometimes teachers distribute teaching aids themselves; otherwise, do it yourself. The study guide provides the information that will be asked in the exam, as well as the most important facts and ideas. Study guides are usually used to prepare for exams (tests), but they can also be used to better understand the subjects being studied. Do the study guide after finishing one topic and you will be ready for whatever the teacher has in mind (tests, tests, exams).
    • Prepare flashcards based on what you have learned. To help you study the material, write down key definitions and concepts on separate cards. Study 2-3 flashcards a day, repeating the material you learned earlier.
  4. 4 Create a learning wall. It is similar to a mental map. Write down key facts and ideas on cards and hang them on the wall (on a board), and then attach cards with related information to it. Also draw diagrams and graphs on sheets of paper and stick them on the wall. Links between cards and / or charts can be displayed with adhesive tape. Study the material with the help of the learning wall, and as the exam approaches, you can easily find and remember the information you need.
  5. 5 Use the technique memorizing information. You need to learn to memorize information that you cannot quickly recall. Different people are good at memorizing information in one way or another, so you need to experiment. Most importantly, learn a particular technique beforehand (and spend a lot of time learning) so that your brain has enough time to master the technique. Test the following techniques for memorizing information:
    • Work with little information. For example, when memorizing foreign words or place names, never work with more than five words / names. First, memorize five words / names well and only then move on to memorizing the next five.
    • Use mnemonics. Mnemonics is the use of abbreviations or other techniques and techniques that make it easier to remember. For example, the expression “every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting” is a mnemonic for memorizing the arrangement of flowers in a rainbow.
    • Use cards. Flashcards are used to learn words and dates. Write a word in your native language or a description of a historical event on one side of the card, and on the other side it is a word in a foreign language or the date that the event occurred.
  6. 6 Take breaks to allow your brain to rest. It is recommended that you study the subject for 50 minutes and then take a 10-minute break. During the break, it is recommended to have a snack and do short physical exercises.
  7. 7 Make sure you have a good study environment. During class, nothing should distract you (so turn off your cell phone!). Concentrate exclusively on your studies at this time. Once you get distracted, it will take 25 minutes to focus again.
    • Find a quiet place; Think outside the box - Consider studying in the basement or in the bathroom (if other rooms are noisy). You can also study subjects in the library or in a quiet café.
    • Too often, people think they need music or television to keep them focused, when in reality it's just an excuse for distractions. If you are an auditor, speak the material out loud, rather than study the subject with the music or TV on (this will only distract you).

Part 3 of 4: How to Improve Performance

  1. 1 Get enough sleep and eat right. Improper nutrition negatively affects the functioning of the brain, as it lacks nutrients. The same goes for sleep. Scientists currently believe that during sleep, the brain is cleared of toxins and other hazardous substances that prevent clear thinking. Sleep for at least 8 hours (or long enough to fully restore your body to work) and eat a healthy, balanced diet.
    • Avoid junk food, sugar, and excessive amounts of fat. It is best to eat fruits, vegetables, and healthy sources of protein such as fish and nuts.
  2. 2 Get organized. Take notes in notebooks, and keep separate sheets in folders. In the calendar, mark the dates for homework (or dates of seminars, tests, etc.) so as not to forget about them. It will also help you plan your study and leisure time.
    • Organization also includes your workplace. Remove items from the table that might distract your attention.
  3. 3 Start with the information you know. As you study the material, start by determining what information you already have. Postpone the repetition of such information until later (until the last moment), but at the same time make sure that you are really familiar with this material and review it a few minutes before the exam (control work, test). After that, start studying the material that you do not know or do not understand.
  4. 4 Prepare for the exam (test, test). Prepare carefully for the exams by spending more time studying the relevant materials. Ask your instructor for advice on how best to prepare for the exam. At the very least, ask your teacher about the format of the exam and how to evaluate it.
    • Prepare for the exam in the room where it will be held; this is especially important for visuals. Your brain will associate the information it receives with visual “clues” (objects in the room), which will help you remember what you learned more quickly.
    • But some studies suggest that changing rooms in preparation for exams can help you recall what you have learned more quickly. However, using this method, you may be distracted from studying the material, so use it with caution and if it does not work in your case, stop using it.
    • Take a practice test. This will help you cope with your anxiety before the test. Get together with friends and take some practice tests. You can even ask your teacher to help you!
  5. 5 Time your time right. Time management is critical to getting good grades on completed assignments and exams. Perhaps you spend more time studying the material than you have (because you are distracted), or maybe you are spending little time studying because you think you have so little free time. Do not waste time on unnecessary activities (for example, computer games and social networks), and you will have enough time for both classes and rest. Prioritize correctly and you will find plenty of time to study.

Part 4 of 4: Get Help

  1. 1 Ask your instructor for advice. If you are really working to improve grades but are not seeing any progress, try talking to your teacher. Talk to him after class or during recess and explain to the teacher the essence of the problem: you are trying to improve grades, you study a lot and take notes on lectures, but it does not lead to anything. The teacher will most likely help you find your weak points and give advice on how to overcome this problem.
  2. 2 Ask for an additional assignment. If you practice hard and demonstrate that you have really changed the way you teach, ask your instructor for an additional assignment or even a special project (such as a term paper or essay). This will help you fix bad grades you received earlier.
    • Be sure to explain to your instructor that you take teaching very seriously. Many teachers don't like giving out extra assignments (and giving extra grades), but he will probably sympathize with you if he realizes that you are actually striving to improve your grades and gain knowledge.
  3. 3 Hire a tutor. If you find it difficult to study, hire a tutor (ask your tutor for advice on where to find a tutor).Tutoring is not an admission that you are not being taught, but a learning tool like textbooks. Any student is confused about something, so arm yourself with all the tools available to overcome this obstacle.
  4. 4 Study the material in groups. By studying a subject with others, we join forces to better understand it. You can check your notes and discuss what you have learned, which will lead to better learning. But remember: when working with other people, do your best; otherwise no one wants to work with you.
  5. 5 Immerse yourself in context. Moving learning to virtual reality or immersing yourself in context to visualize what you are learning will help you better grasp the subject. Find a way to see the subject under study in reality (or in the virtual world), and you will have the opportunity to study the subject in a completely different way.
    • For example, seeing real things in a history museum will help you internalize history. Or, instead of reading about physics experiments, do them in reality.
    • If you want to do a scientific experiment, wikiHow can help you. For example, try making a colored flame or a cloud in a bottle.
  6. 6 Look for online tools. These tools will help you understand the material you are studying. You can simply join online communities (groups) studying material that you do not understand, or you can open websites specifically designed to help pupils (students). But remember that your task is not just to find the answer (to copy it), but to understand the material in order to gain knowledge and improve grades. Here are some useful sites:


  • Always try to take part in classroom activities. Even if you make a mistake, the teacher will immediately point out the mistake, and you will not make it again in future assignments.
  • Find additional help. If your parents are too busy to help solve difficult tasks, don't make it difficult for yourself. Teachers can help you understand the material, so feel free to contact them throughout the school year.
  • If the results of self-study or test work are considered in the classroom, carefully follow what the teacher said. This will help you avoid further mistakes, especially if you've made a few yourself. If the results are not discussed in the classroom, take a close look at the proven work at home.
  • If you get stuck on something, ask a friend who knows it well to explain the topic, or talk to your instructor. He can be of significant help to understand the topic and move forward.
  • The calculator is not forbidden in mathematics, but it is better to use it after completing the task to check the correctness of the result.
  • When doing your math homework, check your results against the answers at the end of the textbook. If everything is correct, then it will not take long, but if the answer does not agree, solve the problem again.
  • Chat with teachers. Helping students is one of their tasks.
  • Another good idea is to make audio recordings of lectures. Listen to them and then write down everything that you remember. This way you can find out what else you need to learn, and you will also be pleased with how much material you have already memorized.
  • Organize a study group with fellow students or classmates.
  • Don't put off your studies until later, but focus on completing assignments.


  • Don't cheat for ratings. Cheating includes lying and stealing. Otherwise, you will make it worse not only for yourself, but also for others.
  • Don't be superficial about class and homework. Even if you have a good grade for independent work in the classroom, completing your homework will significantly deepen your knowledge. There are subjects in which you can get good grades on the test, and get much less points for class work.
  • Don't throw away what you need.If you are unsure, ask your teacher what materials you should definitely leave behind.