How to Increase Testosterone Levels: Can Natural Remedies Help?

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 26 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
5 Secrets to Naturally Boost #Testosterone and How to Check Testosterone Levels From Home
Video: 5 Secrets to Naturally Boost #Testosterone and How to Check Testosterone Levels From Home


Testosterone is a hormone that regulates the functioning of the genitals, metabolism, and bone loss; it also affects other bodily functions.Both men and women suffer from a lack of testosterone. Some people consider a lack of testosterone to be a serious disease, but scientific studies have shown that the greatest impact on testosterone levels is a person's lifestyle: exercise, sleep duration, stress and excess weight. In this article, you will learn how you can increase your testosterone levels naturally.


Method 1 of 5: Diet and Nutrition

  1. 1 Talk to your doctor about your annual health checkup. Ask for a detailed analysis of your body weight. If you are overweight, it may be causing your blood testosterone levels to decrease.
    • An obese person's body produces more aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. Your metabolism will continue to slow down as aromatase production increases, and the problem will get worse. Work with your doctor to develop a weight loss plan.
  2. 2 Eliminate processed foods and processed foods from your diet. Obesity and low testosterone levels reinforce each other, leading to a vicious cycle of weight gain and hormonal imbalances. Change your eating habits to prevent heart disease and diabetes. Eliminate processed and processed foods from your diet.
  3. 3 Try to eat natural foods. Eliminate foods high in sugar, animal fats, preservatives, and so on from your diet. Include in your diet:
    • More fruits and vegetables
    • More fish and poultry without skin, eliminate red meat
    • More complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, lentils, beans, and vegetables
    • More nuts and seeds
  4. 4 Cut back on your sugar intake. Avoid high sugar foods (like high fructose corn syrup) and artificial sweeteners. If you can't go without sweets, use stevia, a herb that is a natural sweetener that is 60 times sweeter than sugar.
  5. 5 Increase your healthy fat intake. These include the fats found in nuts, avocados, cold-pressed nut oil, fish, egg yolks, olives, and olive oil. Healthy fats are good for your health.
  6. 6 Drink plenty of water. Correct drinking regime is extremely important for health. In addition, water helps to relieve hunger.
  7. 7 Only eat when you are hungry. Eat smaller, less frequent snacks. Try to eat only when you are hungry.
  8. 8 Avoid extreme diets. Severe calorie restriction can send false signals to your body that will not increase testosterone levels. It is better to cut calories by 15% in the first week.
    • All weight loss plans should be reasonable. Aim to lose 500 grams per week by improving your diet and increasing your physical activity.
  9. 9 Eat after exercise. Whey protein, high protein yogurt, and some vegetables can help you build muscle. The increase in muscle mass in turn will help burn fat and increase testosterone levels.

Method 2 of 5: Get regular exercise

  1. 1 Develop a strength training regimen. If you have never done strength training before, start exercising with an expander and machines. Hire a trainer or consult with an exercise therapy specialist. These people will teach you the correct technique and set up a training program.
    • If you are very weak, start with an expander. This gentle form of strength training allows you to train weak muscles before starting your weightlifting routine. Exercise 2-3 times a week for the first 3-4 weeks. If you have back and joint problems, you will need to gradually increase the rigidity of the expander and not switch to strength machines.
    • You can increase your testosterone levels by 20% by doing weightlifting 3 times a week for 11 weeks.
    • Strength training in the evening can increase testosterone levels in the evening. However, the effect is usually less. But he still exists.
  2. 2 Exercise on strength machines or barbells and dumbbells 2-3 times a week. Men should choose a weight that, when lifted, will tire the muscles in 5 repetitions. Do 3 sets. After strength training, you should feel muscle fatigue. Rest your muscles for 24-48 hours.
    • Endurance training should be preferred for women or people in poor health. For example, you can choose a slightly lighter dumbbell weight and do 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
    • In between sets, do half sets. This means that you must perform half the movement from bottom to top or top to bottom to load fast-twitch muscle fibers along with slow-twitch fibers.
    • Lift the weight smoothly. Breathe slowly and do not drop the dumbbells or barbell, they should be very smoothly returned to their original position.
  3. 3 Do interval cardio workouts. 30 minutes of cardio 5 times a week will be enough.
    • Interval training requires a warm-up, intense workout for 90 seconds, followed by a moderate workout of 2-4 minutes (cool down). Exercise for about 30 minutes, including warm up and cool down. The length of the intervals and the type of cardio exercise depend on your fitness level. If you are a beginner, ask a trainer to help you choose a training plan.
    • You can set up cardio equipment, including the stepper, stationary bike, elliptical trainer, and treadmill, for interval training if you don't want to manually set values ​​and keep track of the time.
  4. 4 Exercise so that you sweat after a 30-minute workout. Light exercise is also beneficial, but testosterone levels increase due to the active work of the cardiovascular system. This applies to both strength and cardio loads.
    • Don't overdo it. If you're already in good shape, excess cardio will lead to lower testosterone levels. Your goal is to keep your metabolism high, giving your body plenty of time to rest and recover.
    • Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout. Dehydration results in less testosterone being produced after exercise.
    • Exercise also strengthens the cardiovascular system, helps to get rid of extra pounds, and develops endurance.
  5. 5 Try intermittent fasting. The combination of short, intense workouts and intermittent fasting causes testosterone levels to rise in men and prevent them from declining. During the fasting period, do moderate to vigorous exercise. Intermittent fasting adjusts hormonal levels, promoting the production of more testosterone and the loss of excess fat.

Method 3 of 5: Changing Your Lifestyle

  1. 1 Get a good night's sleep. Doctors recommend sleeping 7-8 hours a day. Less sleep can lead to a 10% decrease in testosterone levels.
  2. 2 Lead an active lifestyle. By moving more, you will normalize your hormones, stop being nervous and be able to lose weight.
    • Buy a pedometer. Take at least 10,000 steps a day while doing your usual activities.
  3. 3 Eliminate sources of stress. As a result of stress, the body produces the hormone cortisol and stops the production of other hormones, including testosterone.
    • Find a balance between work and free time. Try to do what you enjoy every day. If possible, reduce your workday to 10 hours.
    • Start with meditation, deep breathing, and / or yoga. These exercises will help you calm down and sleep better. If you think you don't have time, exercise 2-3 minutes 4 times a day, taking 25 deep breaths in between.
  4. 4 Have sex in the morning. In the morning, your body's testosterone stores are at their maximum, and you're less likely to run out of them quickly. Therefore, have sex in the morning, not at night.

Method 4 of 5: Vitamins, Minerals, and Herbs

  1. 1 Be in the sun more often. Vitamin D also affects testosterone levels. Try to spend time (15 to 30 minutes) in the sun. Maintaining adequate vitamin D levels can increase testosterone levels by 20%. Ask your doctor about taking vitamin D supplements if you work all day and cannot spend time in the sun.
  2. 2 Take zinc supplements. Low zinc levels can lead to low testosterone levels. Ask your doctor about taking zinc supplements.
  3. 3 Take herbal supplements. Studies have shown that some herbal supplements increase testosterone levels and combat the effects of low testosterone levels. Herbal supplements that can be taken to increase testosterone levels:
    • Tribulus terrestrial increases sexual activity. Studies have been conducted on animals. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Ashwagandha increases the quantity and quality of sperm. It is recommended to take 450 mg four times a day.
    • Ginkgo biloba increases testosterone synthesis. Take 270 mg of ginkgo extract 4 times a day. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.
    • Yohimbe is used to treat erectile dysfunction and to enhance sex drive. Recommended doses range from 5.4 mg (3 times a day) to 10.8 mg (3 times a day). Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Method 5 of 5: Diagnosing Testosterone Deficiency

  1. 1 Pay attention to the symptoms. Low testosterone levels have a number of symptoms. Among them:
    • Erectile dysfunction (ED), including decreased erection
    • Decrease in the size of the testicles
    • Decreased sperm count
    • Decreased muscle mass, decreased strength and endurance
    • Changes in cholesterol and lipid levels.
    • Osteopenia (a decrease in bone mineral density and bone mass) and osteoporosis (a decrease in bone density)
    • Tides
    • An increase in the size of the mammary glands of varying severity
  2. 2 Pay attention to changes in emotional health. In addition to physical symptoms, people with low testosterone levels can experience mood swings. In addition, you may experience the following symptoms:
    • Decreased sex drive (libido)
    • Fatigue
    • Mood swings, depression, irritability and anxiety
    • Problems with memory, concentration and self-confidence
  3. 3 Donate blood for analysis. Along with examining your symptoms, your doctor will recommend that you have a blood test. As a rule, this analysis is given in the morning. Testosterone levels are highest at this time of day.
    • A doctor will be able to diagnose if symptoms and laboratory results indicate low testosterone levels.


  • If you are looking to boost your testosterone levels but are taking pain relievers, anabolic steroids, or prednisone, talk to your doctor. These drugs can lower testosterone levels. However, you should not stop taking them without your doctor's approval.
  • Be patient. Increasing testosterone levels and shedding those extra pounds can take a while.


  • If you decide to use herbs, talk to a herbalist. The doctor will help you choose the required dose of the herbal remedy.

What do you need

  • Doctor
  • Personal trainer / physiotherapist
  • Foods rich in healthy fats
  • Zinc-rich foods
  • Protein-rich foods
  • Expander
  • Strength machines or free weights
  • Water
  • Interval workouts
  • Dream
  • Pedometer
  • Free time entertainment
  • Meditation / yoga
  • Vitamin D