How to Lose Weight Using Self-Hypnosis

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Hypnosis for Weight Loss (Guided Relaxation, Healthy Diet, Sleep & Motivation)
Video: Hypnosis for Weight Loss (Guided Relaxation, Healthy Diet, Sleep & Motivation)


Ever wonder how people get hypnotized? Have you ever wondered if you have to be suggestible for this to happen? Anyone can become hypnotized, and here's how to use hypnosis to help you lose weight!


  1. 1 Make yourself comfortable and pleasant in a place where you will not be disturbed. It can be any quiet place - your bed, sofa, comfortable chair, or even in the sun in silence. Just make sure the head and neck are supported on something.
  2. 2 You may find it easier to relax by listening to calm music while hypnotizing yourself, so listen to something instrumental, without words. You can easily find a lot of this kind of music on the Internet or inexpensively at places like Amazon or iTunes.
  3. 3 Close your eyes and take a few good deep breaths, then exhale slowly. As you exhale, allow all of your muscles to relax. You can start at the top of your head and move downward or upward from your feet, it doesn't matter, just do whatever works best for you.
  4. 4 Slowly imagine each part of your body in turn, so if you started with the head, imagine all the small muscles supporting the skin on your head and imagine them releasing and relaxing - slowly move down to your face, relax your forehead , eyes, lips and cheeks, until they are all expressionless and relaxed. As you relax, think sweet words to yourself, for example, "With every breath you become calmer." or "The deeper I relax, the more and more my whole body gets rid of any tension."
  5. 5 Gradually work your way down through your entire body, freeing and relaxing your shoulders, your back muscles can relax more deeply, through your waist, hips, and calves to your feet. At the same time, tell yourself that everything becomes calm and very relaxed.
  6. 6 When you completely relax in this way, you should feel cool and completely calm. Your attention should be focused on hypnosis, and by this time you will be on your way to sinking yourself into a hypnotic state.
  7. 7 Now is the time for what we call "immersion" - the part that completely immerses you in hypnosis. So imagine yourself somewhere at the top of a flight of stairs - the steps can look whatever you want. They can be smart, wooden, simple stone, spiral - whatever you like. There are ten steps, and you are going to slowly go down them and count at this time, ordering yourself to go deeper. For example: "10, I step down one notch ... I descend deeper. 9, I begin to feel calmer than ever before ... deeper and deeper down. 8, deeper and deeper, into wonderful relaxation," and so further, until you can see yourself at the bottom of the stairs, and you step over to the first step.
  8. 8 By this time, you will be in a state of hypnosis, you may feel light or heavy. You may see bright lights or different colors, or perhaps nothing at all. People are often afraid they won't be able to get it right - but it really doesn't matter what you feel or see at that moment - you will be hypnotized.
  9. 9 Now imagine a picture of a door in front of you, it is a door to your subconscious mind, and it will allow you to speak directly to your subconscious mind how you can begin to make permanent changes in your life. Go and open the door and enter the hall and then see what is there. This could be a room inside the house or an unfamiliar place. It could be a garden or an outdoor lakeside area, or you might find yourself on the beach. Be that as it may, this is the place for you. This is what we call a "safe place" - a place where you can go in your imagination whenever you need to rest or change outdated habits or beliefs.
  10. 10 Now you can start talking to your subconscious mind. But it is important to remember that your subconscious mind perceives everything in black and white. Therefore, you should ONLY make positive statements formulated in such a way that your consciousness perceives well.
  11. 11 For example, if you want to lose weight, you might say: "With each passing hour, you will see your decision getting stronger and stronger." You don't have to say, "You always eat sweets, but now you can stop." In the second example, your consciousness will only hear: "You always eat sweets!"
  12. 12 So let's take a look at some other positive weight loss claims - you can create your own list. It's best to have three or four on the same list so you don't overwhelm your subconscious.
    • "I can now eat healthy food because it tastes so much better."
    • "I feel more confident when I eat a healthy diet."
    • "I won't eat anymore (insert your food problems here) because they just taste bad to me, instead I will eat healthy fresh foods because they are delicious and good for me."
    • "I look at myself in the mirror and I am proud of my achievements."
    • "I become much happier, my weight goes down easily."
  13. 13 See. how positive is each statement? Your subconscious mind will hear direct instructions and will perceive them.
  14. 14 Try writing your own list of suggestions.
  15. 15 So you've told the subconscious what it should do, and now it's time to end the session. This is accomplished by counting back from 5 to 1, roughly as follows:
  16. 16 "5, I'm starting to feel my surroundings. 4, the sensation of all limbs is now returning. 3, I begin to move my arms and legs little by little. 2, now I'm almost at the top, and 1, I open my eyes - the feeling is fantastic!
  17. 17 The more you practice, the deeper you will go into hypnosis. There is only one rule - never listen to hypnosis recordings while driving.


  • Never perform self-hypnosis while you are about to drive a vehicle or while driving.

What do you need

  • A comfortable place to sit or lie down
  • Calming or relaxing music without words
  • Open mind