How to know when to speak to a celebrity

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 21 March 2021
Update Date: 27 June 2024
Celebrities Who Speak Different Languages
Video: Celebrities Who Speak Different Languages


If not for the universal worship and admiration of the stars, they would not have remained so long at the height of their careers. Some celebrities grab attention, while others, on the contrary, prefer to be secretive, aside from their performances. This should be respected. If you see a celebrity live, it is difficult to restrain the urge to come up to talk or at least get an autograph. Be kind, and this meeting will leave pleasant memories for you and the star.


  1. 1 Find the right time. You wouldn't like being stalked by a stranger when you have an important conversation, right? Try to wait until the person is free or ends the phone call.
  2. 2 Be polite. Smile and introduce yourself.
  3. 3 Start with a compliment. Don't overdo it, or you will sound unnatural. Be original. For example, say that they were excellent in this role, or that you approve of working for a charity. Don't give ordinary compliments like “I'm your best fan” or criticize the person.
  4. 4 If you have something in common with the star, share this information. Building a relationship based on similarities is a good way to get someone to speak to you.
  5. 5 Explain what you want. If you want to talk and enjoy the moment, fine. If you want an autograph or a photo with a star, ask quickly and politely. Prepare yourself and make sure you have a pen and a piece of paper before asking. If the star agrees to give you an autograph, give her a notebook; don't make her wait. Also make sure your camera is ready if you want a photo, and never shake your notebook or camera in front of her or his face.
  6. 6 Observe your body language. Body language will show you how they are feeling when they speak. If he is in a hurry or keeps walking when you speak, or looking at his watch, this is a bad sign. If they are depressed, then this is not the best time to talk.
  7. 7 Talk if they are happy with you, but remember that they may be just trying to be polite. Try not to drag out the conversation.
  8. 8 Avoid flattery. Some celebrities lack compliments; they love to hear how wonderful they are.In general, being overly enthusiastic on your part can irritate them, or scare them.
  9. 9 Be a good listener. If they start a conversation with you, listen carefully to what they have to say. Don't interrupt, but keep the conversation going as usual.
  10. 10 Talk about public life. Since you are talking to a celebrity, it is best to avoid talking about family or other aspects of your personal life. As a last resort, it can be embarrassing.
  11. 11 Be careful. Don't get attention if other people don't recognize them. If one fan can be calm, then 10 or 15 others cannot ..
  12. 12 Take pictures carefully. If you have a camera at hand, take pictures at a certain distance, or ask them to take a quick photo. Although, if the celebrity is not in the mood, it is better to take pictures from the side, this way you will not draw attention to them. Do not take photographs until you obtain permission. But if the star is being friendly, you can ask if she will let you take a photo together ..
  13. 13 End the meeting beautifully. Make sure to thank the star for the time, autograph or photo, and say something like "I was glad to meet you."
  14. 14 Accept rejection. It's okay for you to ask for an autograph or a photo, but it's okay for celebrities to refuse. If you were refused, but hurry things up. They must have their own space. Don't be pushy.
  15. 15 Try calling them out by shouting out their real name. Do not call them by their pseudonym, this is very familiar to everyone! You don't know them, they don't know you. DO NOT shout their names out loud.


  • Some of the stars are really really nice and cute and can hug you if you ask. Do not be afraid.
  • Another way: "Sorry to bother you, won't you have time for an autograph?"
  • Celebrities not only need secrecy, but they also need to do a lot in their free time. They also have responsibilities. Try not to drag out the meeting.
  • Most stars prefer the politeness "Hello, if you have time, I would like your autograph!" This is a very polite request and even the most annoying stars will give you an autograph.
  • If you have a good sense of humor, you can take advantage of this when meeting a star, she will appreciate it. Everyone should laugh at least once a day.
  • If an actor has a stage name and you know the real name, but the star does not use it, refer to her only by the stage name. Professional boxers are an example of this. For example, if you meet the Undertaker, you should not refer to him as Mark, but as Taker. The exception may be that he is not in his suit. Another example is Michaels Sean (real name - Michael Hickenbottom). His casual clothes are similar to the ones he wears in front of the cameras, so this exception won't work.
  • A celebrity who is not in the mood doesn't want to be yanked. This desire must be respected. If you approach someone who is trying to remain incognito, try not to expose them.
  • On the other hand, it is a good sign that they are selling something. For example, musicians, buy their CD (even if you already have one) and they themselves will want to sign it for you.
  • Don't try to get an autograph. The best conversation with a star is that you won't expect anything from her. Talk about your environment, recent news, or anything they might be interested in.
  • Something else about professional boxers who play bad guys often stay in the role of their hero even outside of filming, maintaining their image. Exceptions are charity events or visits to the troops. So don't expect a guy like Randy Orton to autograph you. If you ask, and he will look at you as if you were an empty space, this is just his game.


  • Celebrities are not advertising agents; don't try to get famous at their expense. Many will see your attempts, and the stars will no longer want to communicate with you.Don't tell them what a wonderful friend or relative you have, no matter how your acquaintance progresses.
  • Try to avoid contact with the star if she is busy talking to her partner in person.
  • Be careful and don't talk about their career, popularity, and beauty in the past tense. It will offend them.
  • Celebrities are afraid to enter into face-to-face contact with the public, they will not want to communicate with everyone who recognizes them. Just imagine how hard it would be if people talked to you wherever you go!
  • Eliminate irritable behavior and stubbornness.

What do you need

  • Autographed book or something to sign on
  • Pen
  • Camera (phone camera is good for quick photography)
  • Communication skills