How to tell if a boy likes you in high school

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Know If A Guy Likes You In School
Video: How To Know If A Guy Likes You In School


It may seem like it’s impossible to recognize a guy’s sympathy in high school! You might get anxious or confused in his presence, but what about the guy? Pay attention to a number of physical and verbal signs that will help you figure things out once and for all!


Method 1 of 3: Physical Signs

  1. 1 The guy is constantly looking at you. Take a look at it during class, in the hallway at recess, or in the dining room.If he always looks back at you, then it is likely that he likes you.
    • If he quickly looks away when you try to make eye contact, this behavior can be an even greater sign of sympathy, and the guy is just shy.
  2. 2 The guy smiles at you. If you notice that he is looking at you, look into his eyes and smile slightly. A reciprocal smile or a funny look will surely turn out to be a sign of sympathy. In this case, you can even silently say to him "Stop!" or "You're weird" to see if he laughs back or says something.
    • If you're ready to flirt a little, take a look at the guy, then look away and look at him with a smile again.
    • If a guy likes you, he will undoubtedly be pleasantly excited in your presence, but he may also try to hide his excitement. Be careful, but be careful not to think that you are staring at him!
  3. 3 Pay attention to attempted touching. If a guy likes you, he will find any excuse for physical contact. He may playfully push your hand away when trying to make a joke, nudge his elbow lightly to get attention, play with your hair, or touch his shoulder on his shoulder when he walks by. All of these subtle signs can indicate a desire to get a little closer to you!
    • If a guy likes you, he will try to touch you in a friendly manner so as not to cause inconvenience. If his actions hurt you or make you uncomfortable, ask him to stop or ask an adult for help.
  4. 4 Pay attention to how he sits and holds his shoulders. The next time you talk, pay attention to the guy's body position. If he likes you, he can lean back slightly and keep his shoulders straight to turn his whole body towards you. He may also lean towards you or even slouch slightly. So he wants to get closer to you!
    • He may be trying to get close or to look strong, such as crossing his arms or standing with his feet shoulder-width apart.
    • Body language can often help you sort things out, especially if the guy is shy and not overly talkative.
  5. 5 The guy gets jealous when you talk to other guys. When he sees that you are communicating with another boy, he tenses and withdraws or even walks away? This may mean that he is no longer focused on the conversation because he is distracted by you. On the other hand, he may also speak louder or behave in a way that will get your attention back.
    • He may try to hide the jealousy, but a careful assessment of his body language will tell him if the guy is stressed or upset.
    • You don't need to rely on this strategy too often, especially if you like him too - it can get the guy frustrated and feel that his sympathy is not mutual. Even if you don’t feel sympathy in return, you don’t have to play with your boyfriend’s feelings with jealousy.

Method 2 of 3: Communication Features

  1. 1 The guy does his best to talk to you. Does he walk through the classroom or the dining room just to say hello? Does he always try to be your classmate and always try to be in the same study group? If he tries very hard to spend time with you and communicate, then it is very likely that he likes you!
    • This is an especially significant sign if he does not behave this way with other people. If a guy treats you differently and communicates with you more often, then he probably likes you.
    • Even a shy guy can try to talk. Perhaps he walks next to your company during breaks or always greets you in the hallway.
  2. 2 The guy teases you during the conversation. If he is playfully teasing you without a drop of anger, then it may turn out that he is just flirting. Notice how his sarcastic tone or playful remarks are present in conversations with other people. These signs are often indicative of sympathy.
    • For example, he may say, "Why are you so cruel to me?" or "You are so strange!" Already by his intonation and expression, you will understand that he is trying to get your attention, and not hurt you.
    • He may also try to tease you or flirt with a feigned, playful fight over a pencil or piece of paper.
    • His jokes and actions should always be harmless, and it should always be easy for you to understand that he is joking. If he hurts you, ask the guy to stop or talk to an adult.
  3. 3 Start a conversation and see if he asks questions. If he likes you, the guy will want to know as much as possible about you. Start a conversation at lunchtime or during recess and talk about something you have recently done, such as a weekend getaway or a school project. In case of a positive reaction or questions, you can conclude that he is interested in you!
    • For example, you might say, "We were skiing all day yesterday and I'm so tired." He may start asking you where you have been, whether you liked it, who you went with, or something else.
    • He can also pretend he doesn't care and still ask hidden questions like “Cool. I have heard that the snow is especially good for skiing this year. This is true?".
  4. 4 The guy is trying to show off in conversation with you. If a guy likes you, he can brag a little to keep you interested. Pay attention to how he talks about himself, how often he emphasizes his achievements, especially in topics that are interesting to you and he knows about it.
    • For example, he might say, “Yes, I'm on the football team. We are playing well this year ... ”and then wait for your questions to get some more bragging rights.
    • If he knows that you are interested in painting, then he can say: "Once I was in the Hermitage and even saw a painting by Leonardo da Vinci."
  5. 5 Notice compliments. If a guy likes you, he may try to show his interest with subtle compliments. Be careful as they may not be obvious at all. With the help of such compliments, the guy will try to show that he values ​​you highly and wants you to be pleased with him.
    • For example, he might say, "Are you kind of one of the best on the swim team?" or "I don't really like painting, but I like your drawings."
    • Also, his compliments can be playful, like “You probably have the maximum score on your math test? Well, you are a botanist ... ".
  6. 6 The guy is subscribed to your pages on social networks and interacts with you. If he became your followers on Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter or elsewhere, you can assume that the guy likes you. If he likes and comments on your posts or writes you private messages, then the assumption is almost certainly correct!
    • For example, under a photograph of the sea, he can write “Can I go with you next time ??”.
    • He can also send you funny pictures and videos. This will show how he thinks about you and what you like, even when you are not around.

Method 3 of 3: Direct Question

  1. 1 Ask a friend to ask the guy if he likes you. If you want to know for sure, but are too shy or afraid to ask, then ask a close friend to ask this question for you. If you are not even ready for this, then contact one of the guy's friends.
    • You can say: “Zhenya is constantly looking at me! Has he fallen in love with me? "
    • Make sure you phrased your request correctly. You can ask a friend to ask an unobtrusive question like "Hey, I heard that you like Diana, is that true?" or a more playful one like “You like Lena, don't you? Please tell me what you like! That would be so nice. "
  2. 2 Ask yourself if you are close enough with the guy. If you think you know the guy well enough or don't want to involve other people in the situation, you can ask the guy yourself.Try to ask in private so that he doesn't feel awkward or anxious.
    • This prospect can be daunting, but it can help you control the conversation and make sure there is no misunderstanding between you.
  3. 3 Ask what type of girl he likes to see if you fit the description. If you want to start a conversation unobtrusively, ask the guy about the ideal girl he would like to date. If the description sounds like you, then you can safely assume that the guy likes you.
    • For example, you might ask, "Just a random question, but what is your ideal girl?" or "If you could pick the perfect girl, what would she be?"
    • If he is trying to get away from the question, then the guy may not want to describe in detail the type of girls he likes if the description is similar to you. Perhaps the guy is just shy. In this case, try asking directly if he likes you.
  4. 4 Tell me why you think the guy likes you, and then ask a follow-up question. If you're ready to speak directly, take a deep breath and look at the guy. Explain to him that you notice his behavior in your presence and you think that the guy likes you. Ask if it seems right to you.
    • For example, you might say, “I've noticed lately that you are constantly trying to be around me and always joking. You don't behave like that with others. It may sound strange, but I want to ask: do you like me or not? "
    • The prospect can be daunting, but it's the best way to voice your thoughts and find out the answer once and for all. Gather all your courage and take action!
  5. 5 Be sincere if the guy confesses his sympathy. If a guy says he likes you, then it's your turn to tell the truth. If sympathy is mutual, then say so. He will surely be delighted! Keep it simple: Smile and say you like him too.
    • You can say "I like you too" or "This is great, because your sympathy is mutual."
    • If the sympathy is not mutual, then say, “This is so sweet of you. You are a good guy, but I cannot say that your feelings are mutual. "
  6. 6 Don't be discouraged if the answer is negative. If he tells you no, you may feel awkward or have low self-esteem. The answer may upset you, even if you don't feel sympathy for the guy. Nod and say you just wanted to know the answer, then change the subject. If you are very uncomfortable, politely excuse yourself and leave.
    • For example, you might say, “Well, okay. I am not mad at you. I just wanted to understand the situation, you know? " You can change the subject and say, “I came to this point because of a movie that came out recently. Have you already watched? "
    • If you feel like you need to leave, say, “Okay, thanks for the honest answer. It's time for me to run, my mother will come for me now. I hope we will continue to communicate normally? "
    • If you like a guy, his answer may hurt you. Take pride in your courage and remember that your feelings will change over time and the other guy will love you.