How to read binary numbers

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 11 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Read and Write Binary (In 5 Minutes)
Video: How to Read and Write Binary (In 5 Minutes)


1 Find the binary number you want to convert. We will use as an example: 101010.
  • 2 Multiply each binary digit by two to the power of its ordinal number. Remember the binary is readable from right to left... The rightmost position of the digit is zero.
  • 3 Add up the results. Do it from right to left.
    • 0 × 2 = 0
    • 1 × 2 = 2
    • 0 × 2 = 0
    • 1 × 2 = 8
    • 0 × 2 = 0
    • 1 × 2 = 32
    • Total = 42
  • Method 2 of 3: Method Two: Alternative Method with Metrics

    1. 1 Choose a binary number. For example, 101... This is the same method, but in a slightly modified format. Perhaps it will be easier for you to understand.
      • 101 = (1X2) to power 2 + (0X2) to power 1 + (1X2) to power 0
      • 101 = (2X2) + (0X0) + (1)
      • 101= 4 + 0 + 1
      • 101= 5
        • Zero is not a number, but its ordinal must be marked.

    Method 3 of 3: Method Three: Discharge Value

    1. 1 Choose a binary number. We will use as an example: 00101010.
    2. 2 Read from right to left. With each digit, the values ​​are doubled. The first digit on the right is 1, the second 2, then 4, and so on.
    3. 3 Add the values ​​of the units. Zeros are assigned their correlation numbers, but they are not added.
      • So in this example, add 2, 8, and 32. That's 42.
        • You can see that the illustration is labeled No and Yes. This means "no" does not need to be added, "yes" needs to be added.
    4. 4 Translate the meaning into letters or punctuation marks. You can also convert numbers from binary to decimal and vice versa.
      • In the punctuation system, 42 equals an asterisk ( *). Click here to see the diagram.


    • In today's world, the location of the number matters. Suppose we are working with integers, the right digit means one, the next ten, then one hundred, and so on. The location of the binary numbers means one, two, four, eight, and so on.
    • Binary numbers are counted like ordinary numbers. The digit on the far right is incremented by one until it reaches the maximum value (in this case, from 0 to 1), and then the next digit to the left is incremented by one, and starts at zero again.