How to tell if a guy is flirting with you

Author: Sara Rhodes
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Tell If a Guy Is Flirting With You
Video: How to Tell If a Guy Is Flirting With You


Sometimes it can be hard to tell if a guy is flirting. Sometimes, when a girl is sure that a guy likes him, he suddenly starts acting cool or sending mixed signals. Sometimes the behavior of guys is just confusing: it is difficult to understand if they are flirting (and their cute behavior can be mistaken for flirting), ignored or even behaving a little arrogantly. Nevertheless, there are several proven signs of flirting, which we will discuss in this article.


  1. 1 Take a closer look at how he behaves with other women. If he's flirting with you, it probably means he likes something about you. However, if he flirts with all the girls, then he can be a naturally charming and charismatic person who likes to flirt. The next time you’re hanging out with other women, watch how he speaks and treats them. If he talks to them the same way he talks to you, it probably isn't flirting at all.
  2. 2 Notice if flirting is part of his job. If he is at work and works as a waiter or bartender, then part of his job is to flirt with the ladies. Do not attach much importance to how he treats you at work, rather take a closer look at how he behaves with you in his free time. This way, you will get a better idea of ​​how he feels about you.On the other hand, if he works in a more professional field, he is unlikely to flirt with you on the job, even if he likes you - few people want to make problems for themselves, and some are just uncomfortable flirting during working hours.
  3. 3 See if it breaks the touch barrier. If a guy likes you, he will look for any hackneyed reasons to touch you; the reason is simple - he wants to get closer to you. Perhaps he covers yours with his palm, passing you a pencil, or, unexpectedly colliding with you, he puts his hand on your back, or just sits even closer so that your knees or feet touch. If he seems to be always looking for reasons to touch you, then he is probably flirting with you.
  4. 4 See if he laughs at your jokes. Sure, you could be the next Regina Dubovitskaya, but chances are he thinks you're funnier than you really are if he flirts with you. If he likes you, he will laugh at everything you say, even when you're not trying to be funny. If you notice that he laughs too loudly when you are joking, or even giggles nervously when you talk about what you ate for lunch, then this is probably how he flirts with you. It is possible that he laughs because he is worried about your presence.
  5. 5 See if he borrows anything from you. When guys flirt with us, they are always looking for opportunities to spend more time with us. If he always asks for books, films, or lesson notes from you, then chances are that he is simply looking for reasons to talk to you and touch your things so that he can think of you even more. He's probably really interested in you if he acts like he shares all of your interests; so he strives to please you!
  6. 6 Notice if he acts like a gentleman around you. Some guys are born gentlemen, however, when a guy likes a girl, he opens doors for her, pulls up a chair and offers her his coat if she freezes. Perhaps when you walk down the street, he walks to the side to "protect" you from movement. Observe how he behaves with other girls; if he acts like a gentleman only with you, then he is definitely flirting with you.
  7. 7 See if he teases you. Joking is one of the most common ways men flirt. If he makes fun of your clothes, the way you walk, laugh, or anything he thinks is really cute, then he’s definitely flirting with you. If you always feel that a guy is bothering you and pointing out all your "shortcomings", know that he is just flirting with you, because he pays attention to all the details of your behavior.
  8. 8 See if he's lying about common interests. It's great if you and your boyfriend have the same tastes in music, books, films or food, the main thing is not in everything ... If he is too happy and eagerly nods when you mention your new favorite movie or group, then it may be because he is trying to flirt with you - he indicates that you still have something in common in order to please you more. Don't write it down as flaws; this harmless lie is just his way of finding the key to your heart.
  9. 9 See if he gives you small gifts. Perhaps he already gave you more than one pen, because you always forget yours at home. Maybe he gave you lip balm because your lips are always peeling. This is, of course, not a giant bouquet of flowers, but in this way the guy flirts with you and shows that he pays attention to your needs. He is caring and doesn't want to scare you off with a big gift if he's not sure what you like.
  10. 10 Notice if he's making fun of the other guys you hang out with. This is a classic way to flirt with a girl and show your interest.If a guy always makes nasty or just arrogant and funny comments about other guys you know or spend time with, then chances are that he is jealous, because you are paying attention to someone else, not him. If he says something like, "What did you find in him at all?" is a sure sign of flirting.
  11. 11 See if he jokes about your dates with other people. If he attributes every new guy in your life to boyfriends or makes fun of every romantic date you have, then he is definitely flirting with you. He plays with the idea that you are dating someone else because he wants to date you himself. This is a subtle (or not so subtle) way of letting you know that he wants you to go out with him.
  12. 12 Notice if he blushes in front of you. If a guy blushes when you talk, then it's definitely a sign that he likes you and is flirting with you. Look at his face the next time he needs to tell you something, and if he turns bright red for no reason or blushes after saying something even a little personal to you, then this is definitely a sign that He likes you and he just flirts.
  13. 13 See if he's looking for ways to compliment you. Not all guys say, "You are so sexy," to show their interest in a girl. There are many more ways to flirt with compliments. If he compliments your eyes, your hair color, your laugh, or some cute trait in your character, then he is definitely flirting with you. Even if he teases you a little while flirting, for example by saying, "This is the brightest sweater I've ever seen," you know, he is still flirting. Not all guys are comfortable with direct compliments. This is where you need to be discerning. Even if things look ambiguous, it can still be flirting.
  14. 14 Notice if he looks you in the eye. If a guy is flirting with you, then he will look you in the eye in conversation. If he likes you, he'll be too attracted to you to look elsewhere, check his phone, or look for friends. If his gaze lingers on yours, and then he starts to get nervous and breaks eye contact, maybe even with a small smile, this is a clear sign of his interest in you. He may also flirt with you by looking at you from across the room. If you catch him staring at you, then that could also be his way of flirting.
  15. 15 Take a closer look at his body language. If he turns his shoulders, arms, and feet towards you when you speak, instead of turning his body away from yours, then he tries to maintain an open posture and is flirting with you. Pay attention to where he holds his arms - on his sides or crossed over his chest, as well as where his body is facing. If his hands are relaxed, he does not turn away from you, or maybe even leans towards you - it is highly likely that he wants to get closer to you.
  16. 16 Notice if he touches his hair when he is with you. This is another key sign that he is flirting with you. If he likes you, then he will worry about how he looks and how you perceive him. And most of all, guys are worried about their hair Take a closer look at how many times he puts his hand on his hair or how many times he rubs the back of his head with his hand the next time we meet. Some guys start playing with their hair in the presence of a girl they like. If so, he's obviously flirting with you.
  17. 17 See if he is preening in front of you. If a guy likes you, he will want to look his best in your presence. He wants you to see him in his best shape, so he will do anything to make his body look as attractive as possible. The next time you're around, see if he is grooming his appearance, as this can be a serious sign of flirting.
  18. 18 Pay attention to whether he speaks to you with an open face. If a guy likes you, his eyebrows will be slightly raised, his nostrils will flare a little, and his lips will be parted. This is biology. If he likes you, then his face will be on alert, and you can tell if he likes you just by the expression on his face. However, be moderate - do not peer into his nostrils and do not stare at his eyebrows, otherwise he will be frightened.
  19. 19 Listen if he speaks in a low voice. If a guy likes you, he will lower his voice a little. The next time you talk to him, listen to see if he lowers his voice a little compared to how he usually talks to friends, teachers, or other girls. This could be a sign that he really likes you and is flirting with you.
  20. 20 See if he trusts you. If a guy trusts you with personal information, then he is definitely flirting with you. If he tells you something personal about family, pets, friends, or his relationship with his parents, then he is definitely flirting with you. His method of flirting is to open up to you and show that he can be deeper than you think. If he tells you something that he does not tell others, then he is definitely flirting with you.