How to behave around a girl you like

Author: Lewis Jackson
Date Of Creation: 10 May 2021
Update Date: 13 June 2024
How to Be Cool Around the Girl You Like?
Video: How to Be Cool Around the Girl You Like?


You are liking a super cute girl, but every time you are around her you don't know what to do! Do not worry. While there's no guarantee she wants to date you, there are many ways you can make this happen. See step 1 to start behaving appropriately around the girl you like!


Method 1 of 3: Building Your Personality

  1. Build self-confidence. Confidence is one of the most engaging qualities a person can have. You don't have to be super sexy or have the body like actor Chris Hemsworth. All you need to have in confidence is a firm belief in your own values. If you trust your values, what about the girl you like? She will also believe in that value.
    • Building confidence takes time and effort, especially if you have a poor start. Even if you don't believe in yourself, just pretend you do. Pretending to be confident can actually fool your brain into believing you're confident!
    • Walk straight, as if you were having something serious. Take up space like crossing your legs while sitting. Lethargic leaning against a certain point next to me. Avoid crossing your arms or making eye contact when talking to people. Both of these actions are acts of opposition.

  2. Be yourself. Another element of confidence is being self and empathy with those who dare to be themselves. Trying to change yourself to be someone won't do you any good. She will admit that you are uncomfortable with yourself and that you are lying, and that she will not be happy to know this.
    • Show off traits that make you unique and why you are such an interesting person. You don't have to go around wearing a protective bag (is there anyone else now?), But you don't have to hide your love for the computer. She will accept yourself, in case she can't .. she is probably not worth your time!
    • Don't try to be someone, especially if you're striving to be she want. If she's not interested in who you are, then she isn't the girl for you.

  3. Always maintain cleanliness. It is very difficult to attract a girl you like when you overwhelm her with her body odor and greasy hair. Try to shower at least a few times a week with soap. Wear freshly laundered clothes. It's okay to wear jeans and casual pants again, as long as it's not too dirty, but change your shirt every day.
    • Be careful when using post-shaving perfumes or perfumes. Use it very modestly! You shouldn't go over to a girl you have a crush on with a strong perfume. If you must use perfume, use only a small amount for a pleasant smell.
    • Make sure you try smelling a deodorant before you buy it to determine if the smell is not too heavy and what kind of smell it is. Again, don't overwhelm her with her own smell, but a little deodorizing (especially if you've just played a sport like soccer or basketball) will help you get better.

  4. Have a life of her own. Another pretty important factor to keep in mind is having your own life. Don't just focus on that girl and try to be with her 24/7. That way, you won't be able to get any more love from her.In fact, you even become someone who always craves love and lethargy, and then she will not be interested in you much.
    • Follow your hobbies. If you enjoy playing soccer, join a soccer team and join the competition. You can even (if you find yourself brave enough) invite her to a match or ask her to try soccer with you.
    • Having a life of your own means you have friends hanging out with you, even if your groups do interfere with each other. Do something with your friends instead of just pretending to do it when you know the other girl is there, or just join her in an activity.
    • This also doesn't mean you should completely ignore her. Of course not. When you see her by your side (whether at school or general events), ask her how she is doing these days and mention some of the things you're doing (like learning a foreign language on your own, going hiking in home, get passionate about shooting game Call of Duty).

Method 2 of 3: Behavior Appropriately

  1. Show respect. Most boys are taught that they don't have to respect women and behave the same way. Don't be one of those guys. Showing respect doesn't mean being patient or being "pimped", it means treating a girl like a real person (and amazingly, she's always been a child. people).
    • One way to show respect is to stop doing something when she tells you to stop. For example, if you two are playing a trick and she says "Stop!" stop, even if you think she's just joking. If she's joking, she'll let you know and you can move on. Show that you respect her right to say "no" in the tiniest of situations, showing her that you are willing to respect her limits in critical situations. more important.
    • Show respect for others around her (and in general). Don't talk about your ex as a "weirdo" or use such language. Don't underestimate the women, or call them "bitch". You will admit that you have looked down on women and will be considered immature.
  2. Read her body language. Although a lot of guys say that women's body language is a mystery, it's not really that difficult. Remember, you can guess when your sister is upset about you, or when your girlfriend is trying to ignore you. The girl you like won't make any difference, and you can fully understand her.
    • If she doesn't make eye contact with you most of the time, responds briefly, or responds with one word, then it is possible she doesn't like being around you, or she feels sad about you. It is best if you acknowledge the error now.
    • A girl who wants you to be around her will show it quite clearly. She will be directed towards you. She will make eye contact, smile, and laugh at what you say (not mockingly). She may even touch you (like the arm when she's attentive).
  3. Eye contact. Eye contact is one of the most effective ways with someone you have a crush on. This is a great way to use it in the classroom, if you are sitting in a convenient position or on the other side of the room when you go to a party.
    • You can do this in a variety of ways. One of them is making eye contact if she's on the other side of the room, catching her eyes and keeping those eyes. Now, if you are talking to each other, make sure you look her in the eye. For some reason, looking too long and staring can upset the other person.
    • Smile when you look at her, especially if you make eye contact. Smiling a little silly can be even more effective than a wide smile.
  4. Don't be indifferent to her friends. Friends are extremely important to a girl. She will listen to their opinions, even if she doesn't always follow their advice. If her friends don't like you, that will create petty doubts in her mind. To prevent that from happening, make sure her friends like you too.
    • Find out what they like and ask them about their interests. For example, if her friends are extremely fond of TV shows, ask them a little bit about that hobby (what they like about the show, favorite characters, favorite episodes, what makes them see annoying about the show or the fans).
    • If you're talking to a girl you like and have her friends by your side, be sure to get them involved. You can still look at her for longer, gentle and passionate while making sure her friends don't feel you are completely ignoring them.
    • However, don't tease her friends. You shouldn't be seen as a playboy just trying to get any girl to catch your eye. The girl you like will think you are not interested in her if you flirt with all of her friends.

Method 3 of 3: Know What You Should Say

  1. Ask her. When you talk to a girl you like, you want to make her feel special. Everyone enjoys it when someone is interested in them, and the girl you like is no exception. Showing you care about her thoughts will make her more interested in you.
    • Ask her opinion on everything, even if it's silly. For example, say you're wearing a shirt and your friend doesn't like it, ask her if this shirt looks dumb. Tell her she is the final judge. Then she will laugh and feel important.
    • Pay attention to what she does and says, so you can ask related questions. For example, if she mentions indoor climbing, ask her when to start and what makes her feel interested in the sport. Everyone loves to talk about themselves, so before you move on to your own story, ask her other questions about her thoughts.
  2. Listen. Today and in this era people have really lost the skill of listening (really listening) to others. Real listening is when you take the time to absorb what the other person has to say instead of thinking about the next thing you'll say or what you'll have for dinner.
    • For example, even if you are at a loud party, when you talk to her, maintain eye contact, ask questions, and if you lose your story ask her to explain again. (You can use the excuse of the noisy party: "Sorry, it's noisy here. Can you repeat what I just said?").
    • At this point, when you are talking to her, don't get fidgety with your surroundings, or keep looking around the room, or keep checking your phone. She will feel like you don't really care what she says.
  3. Make her laugh. Laughing is the best way to make a connection with someone. This doesn't mean you need to be a classy clown actor (in fact, you're not the most effective clown actor). What matters most is that you make her laugh and talk about entertainment. Everyone has a different sense of humor these days and you know her best, but if you're unsure there are some guaranteed ways that you rarely fail.
    • Make yourself laugh softly. You don't have to say big things to reflect on yourself (it actually makes you feel less confident), but poking at yourself a little will make her laugh and show you that you are. not too serious. For example, tell a story about when you got a balloon in your head on a certain day when you couldn't see it, or when you entered the wrong class because you forgot what day was.
    • Retell the funny story you encountered that day (or last week). It should be a somewhat unusual and a bit funny story. For example, ask if she's ever been surrounded by dozens of zombies and then tell about the walking zombie you came across.
  4. Make fun of her. Jokes can be good or bad, and you need to be careful.Since everyone is not the same, there is no way of making jokes that will suit everyone. Humor and eye contact are important, but there are many other ways you can subtly joke around.
    • Unless she has expressed her opinion, with some girls making fun of it really makes them uncomfortable. Remember this when you are hanging out. If you're not a joker, eye contact and humor will be the safest way.
    • Text-based teasing, however, can be quite effective, it's not the kind of intimidating joke. Of course, you just want to make fun of just one additional element of the relationship between the two of you. Keep texting short, sometimes images are worth hundreds more than hundreds of words (especially funny pictures; ARE NOT send in erotic pictures unless she actually tells you to!). It's best to have a reason to text. You could say something like "see this picture and miss you" (and send a picture).
    • Praising her properly is also a great show of concern and flirting. Don't say very basic statements like "you are the most beautiful girl I've ever met" (which sounds insincere). Instead, say something like "Do you realize you have sparkling eyes? That's beautiful color," or "of course you can solve that problem, you're super smart! "
  5. Tell her how you feel. In the end, the best way to act next to a girl you like is to tell her how you feel. She may never know this. Speaking out can make you feel stressed or scared (this is a very courageous act!). But, if not, both are in an uncomfortable situation.
    • Don't talk in front of everyone. Choose a time and place where you are both alert and calm. Simply say, "Hey, I really like you and I wonder if you'd like to date me every now and then."
    • Don't talk over the phone or text or social media, as you will be seen as shy and most girls don't see this as an attractive quality.
    • Respect her decisions, even if she says "no". You may feel hurt when someone says no, but remember that the problem is not because of who you are, but simply that your offer is not right for her (because she is not interested. either because she has a boyfriend, or she likes girls, etc.). You can ask why if you feel like you should, but if she simply says "Because I'm not interested" then that's the answer for you, let's end it here.
    • If she says "yes" then great! Now the two of you can plan a very happy first date. The relationship may not work out, but you have proven your courage to ask her out on a date and that you deserve her respect.


  • Make her feel as comfortable as possible around you. Be courteous and open.
  • Remember, be kind to everyone. When you treat people well, not only do you have a good reputation, you can make more friends with new friends who might know something about her. But if she doesn't like you, it will further reduce your chances of being with her.
  • Never leave an impression on her that you are only doing this for fun or for a joke and don't really like her. She will never forgive you.
  • No matter what she says, always keep calm.
  • Don't disturb her all day long and keep sending emails or texting if she doesn't reply. She may be practicing sports or at a dance performance.
  • Treat her with respect. You will show that you're polite (her parents might like this too). Make her feel like she can trust you about anything and reach out to you whenever she feels sad about herself. Be her comfort zone).


  • Don't follow. She will get the impression that you are either terrifying or an eccentric. She would wonder, "What the hell is he doing here?"
  • Never ask a friend to express help (if you've gotten to that level). Most girls consider this act of lack of courage, and that you're not serious, she might say no because she thinks this is a joke!
  • Don't lie to her at any cost (even if just a little), it may just grow up until it comes back to harm you.
  • Most people say that when you want to get a girl, make her jealous. A lot of girls take this as a sign that she doesn't have a chance. Tell her that a girl is "sexy" only hurts her feelings, whether she wants to hang out with you or not.
  • Dating a girl you are friends can destroy your friendship forever, but it doesn't necessarily mean the same thing if you both behave properly.