How to please a teacher

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 21 April 2021
Update Date: 26 June 2024
How to get Teachers to Like You | Back to School Tips
Video: How to get Teachers to Like You | Back to School Tips


It is impossible to be the favorite of every teacher, but you can please everyone with their attitude to work. If you do your homework, be attentive, and be proactive in class, your teacher will certainly notice you. In addition to studying diligently, do not forget about good manners. Always be on time and prepared, behave with respect and watch yourself to show your attitude towards the subject and the teacher. You can also go to extracurricular activities, listen to the teacher's opinion, and give gifts on holidays to build rapport.


Method 1 of 3: How to behave in class

  1. 1 Complete tasks on time. One of the easiest ways to please a teacher is to do all of your homework and classwork on time. If you turn in an incomplete job or ask for extra time, the teacher will think that you are not managing your time well or not interested in the subject.
    • Seek help if you do not understand the assignment. It is important for the teacher to teach you, so asking for help will show your interest in learning.
    • Do your homework right away so you don't put it off until the last moment.
    • Tell the truth if you forgot to do your homework. The teacher will be upset, but will definitely appreciate your sincerity.
  2. 2 Strive be attentive in the classroom and participate in the discussion. Almost all teachers are interested in the material they teach. Sometimes it is enough to be attentive and show interest in the lesson to please the teacher. Feel free to respond when asked questions. Talk about the subject with your classmates and the teacher to show your desire to learn and know more.
    • Even if the topic is not very interesting to you, participate in discussions to show the teacher your desire to understand the material.
    • It may be that paying attention to the lessons can help spark your interest in the subject.
  3. 3 Listen carefully teacher's instructions. When the teacher gives homework or explains the requirements for a test, be very careful not to ask again later. During control and independent work, carefully read the assignments to show your interest in the successful completion of the assignments and in a good grade.
    • If you ask questions that have already been answered, then the teacher will consider you a lazy and inattentive student.

    Advice: if you need clarification or help, you can check if you understand the assignment correctly. Ask: “I'm sorry, I want to clarify if I understood the requirements correctly. Could you repeat the last assignment one more time? "

  4. 4 Answer the questions the teacher asks the class. Raise your hand and give answers as the teacher asks questions. If you know the answer, then just answer, but if you're not sure, make your best guess. The teacher will love that you are trying to understand and learn the material.
    • If you have no assumptions, maintain eye contact with the teacher so that he can see your attention.
    • Rhetorical questions do not require answers. Be careful to interpret the teacher's question correctly.
    • Answering wrong is not scary! This is part of the learning process and the teacher will appreciate your efforts.
  5. 5 Ask meaningful questions about the topic of the lesson. If the question demonstrates that you have read a given book or completed your homework, the teacher will notice your work and activity. Speak to the point and do not ask empty questions like: "I don't understand anything, what does this mean?"
    • For example, ask a competent home reading question: “As I understand it, the main character of the book was deprived of love and care as a child? Is that why he couldn't build a relationship with the woman who loved him? "
    • Ask questions that are relevant to the lesson so that the teacher can see your attention.
  6. 6 Study additional materials and do not limit yourself to the tutorial. Teachers are always happy when they can inspire students to learn more about a subject in their free time. If you really want to please the teacher, study the topic or subject deeper so that you can then show your additional knowledge in the lesson.
    • For example, many textbooks of literature contain lists of additional texts for a more detailed study of topics and works. Read such materials for a deep understanding.
    • Find information on the Internet so that you can ask additional questions later in the lesson.
    • Contact your teacher for more information on the subject. He will be overjoyed at your interest.

Method 2 of 3: Demonstrating Good Manners

  1. 1 Come on time and prepared for the lesson. If you want to please the teacher, come to the lesson in full readiness and 5 minutes before the start in order to have time to arrange the necessary things before the call.
    • Bring all the necessary materials and supplies to class.
  2. 2 Be friendly and open-minded with your classmates. The teacher is unlikely to appreciate rude or disrespectful behavior. Everyone came to school to study, so be polite and always listen to other people's ideas.
    • Do not interfere with classmates expressing their thoughts and asking questions.
    • Never insult or mock peers.
    • Be polite and friendly with the guys who are completing the assignment with you.
  3. 3 Treat the teacher with respect and courtesy. Always remember to respect, even if you disagree with something. If you want to please the teacher, be nice and friendly.
    • Greet your teacher when you enter class.
    • Try to strike up a short conversation. For example, you might ask, "Did you watch hockey this weekend?"
    • There is no need to argue and argue when the teacher points out your mistakes.
  4. 4 Put your phone away for class. Looking at the phone while talking to a person is very rude, but even worse is playing or talking on the phone during the lesson. Put your phone in silent mode and put it in your backpack.
    • Follow your teacher's instructions for using electronic devices.
    • Warn the teacher when you are going to record the lecture so that you can write down the full notes later. The teacher should be aware of the use of recording devices.

    Advice: in the event that something happened to you and you are waiting for an urgent call, notify the teacher about this in advance.

  5. 5 Follow hygiene and dress appropriately. Your teacher will always appreciate your appearance in class. Always keep it clean and wear neat, discreet items.
    • You don't have to come in a suit and tie, but a clean shirt or casual clothes will show that you are looking after your appearance.
    • Wash your hair and use deodorant. Nobody likes the smell of sweat in class!

Method 3 of 3: Building rapport

  1. 1 Always thank the teacher for their help. If the teacher extended your assignment deadline or made an appointment to talk about your progress, remember to thank you for doing so. A simple "thank you" plays an important role in dealing with people.
    • Thank the teacher face-to-face after class or attend an optional class.
    • If you are exchanging emails, always write a thank you letter with every teacher replies.
  2. 2 Give an appropriate Teacher's Day gift. In Russia, Teacher's Day is celebrated on October 5, so on this day you can give the teacher a small gift. It is important that the gift is appropriate and acceptable.
    • You can also give the teacher a gift on his birthday or on the last call.
    • Consider the personality of the teacher to choose the right gift. For example, if the teacher loves a particular movie, present a movie poster to hang in the classroom.

    Advice: you can make the teacher laugh with a joke gift like a coffee cup labeled "Student tears" or a trash bin labeled "Complaints box".

  3. 3 Please contact your teacher during visiting hours. During office hours, you can always go to the teacher and discuss the assignment, ways to improve the grade, or talk about the subject. He will appreciate your interest and diligence.
    • During office hours, discuss issues that are directly related to your studies.
  4. 4 Ask the teacher to write you a letter of recommendation. If you are looking for recommendations for taking courses or applying to university, asking the teacher like this will show the teacher that you respect and value his or her opinion. After such a request, the teacher will reflect on your positive qualities and will have a high opinion of you.
    • Ask not to date the letter and address it to “All Interested Persons” if you do not yet know when you will use such a letter.
    • If you know who to give the letter to and when, ask the teacher to include such information in the letter.