How to please someone at work

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 13 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to work with someone you hate | BBC Ideas
Video: How to work with someone you hate | BBC Ideas


At work, it is worth working hard to become a person who is sympathetic, because it will make it easier to collaborate with colleagues, and everyone will enjoy the work process. A pleasant image should be complemented by smiles, and regardless of whether you want to please a colleague because you have a romantic interest, or you just strive to maintain the atmosphere in the team, you can charm everyone with yourself.


  1. 1 Impress your colleagues with your knowledge and your willingness to keep promises. What could be more interesting in a work environment than a smart person? Such a person always does what he has planned. Smart reasoning in the absence of action is frustrating, and fulfilling one's responsibilities and fulfilling all promises is really appreciated. Express yourself in teamwork or preparing presentations, but do not force anyone out of the project - everyone should strive to work together. Be diplomatic - people don't like it when someone flaunts their minds. Work hard and help others, and this is how you can prove to people that you are really good. You shouldn't brag about your intellectual abilities.
    • Be a difficult person to do without, and let everyone know that you can complete any task (and even better than expected).
    • Be the person who is always the best at a specific job. Agree to not only take on challenging assignments, but also mentor and help others.When people understand that you are ready not only to listen, but also to give useful advice, everyone will immediately like you.
  2. 2 Be confident in yourself. Show other people that you believe in your abilities and working methods. At the same time, do not be afraid to seek help from others when you need knowledge that you do not possess. Allowing your colleagues to prove themselves where you need help will strengthen their self-esteem. It is also important to be brave. Make decisions that you are ready to be responsible for because you believe they are correct, even if others do not. Convince others that your decision will lead to positive results, even if no one else thinks it is possible. Confidence in your abilities and the correctness of what is happening will add to your attractiveness.
    • Don't be ignorant and don't stay away from everyone. Believe in your ability and that you can cope with the mission entrusted to you. While you must be qualified enough for your current position, you should try to behave in a way that does not give people the impression that you are conceited and arrogant. It is difficult to find a balance between the appropriate display of your intelligence and bragging. Don't try to prove to everyone that you are smarter or more capable than your colleagues.
  3. 3 Dress appropriately. Appearance plays an important role in getting attention in the office. Aim for office chic and classic while avoiding clothes to wear to the club or meeting friends at the bar.
    • Wear classic, tailored outfits and quality suits. Tailored items speak for themselves and are always successful at work. If you buy ready-made clothes, do not be lazy to adjust them to your figure. If you are forced to wear a uniform, try diluting it with accessories or fashionable shoes, but if prohibited, just try to look well-groomed.
    • Choose things that will emphasize the dignity of your figure, but will not be defiant. If you wear a uniform at work, adjust it to fit, otherwise just wear outfits that fit well. Avoid tight-fitting clothing and low-cut blouses.
    • Don't open too much of the body. While displaying a cleavage or biceps in a bar is perfectly acceptable to get someone's attention, it is strictly forbidden at work because it will earn you a certain reputation. Use common sense (perhaps referring to the employee manual as well) to make sure you adhere to a corporate dress code while maintaining your personality. Look closely at others if you are not sure if you are doing everything right.
    • Add a thing to your image by which you will be recognized. Such a thing could be a certain type of jewelry or watch, or even a whole collection of ties or scarves. You can alternate accessories, every day delighting others with something new. These "signature" things that you wear in style will make you stand out from the crowd and make you more attractive. Avoid weird or vulgar accessories if you are aiming to please someone with a similar sense of style.
  4. 4 Show interest in your colleagues' affairs. All people like it when smart, reasonable and beautiful personalities are interested in them. Your presence and attention is the best gift you can give someone, and in the workplace, such gestures will be appreciated.
    • Be friendly and discreet. It is important not to break the fine line between being interested in a colleague's affairs and over-meddling in his life. Be open and interested in all your coworkers, but don't overdo it with unnecessary questions and personal comments. Ask questions about your colleagues' personal lives so that they can decide what to share.Try to convey to people that you can be trusted, and when they understand that you can listen, they will be ready to discuss something with you in private.
    • Ask colleagues for advice and ask them to participate in a project or help you with a personal issue. Be guided by the closeness of your relationship. While working on a group project, turn to a colleague and ask what he or she thinks about a particular statistic or concept. By bringing people together and involving them in a common cause, especially if people feel that it is important for you personally, you will become a very attractive person in the eyes of others.
    • Be prepared to help a colleague who needs help without expecting to get anything in return. Take the time to create an image of someone who is happy to help others, without putting forward conditions.
    • Know when to stop. Do not participate in other people's discussions behind their backs and explain to everyone that you do not want to be involved in such conversations and do not want to listen to slander. Try to see the good in people.
  5. 5 Flirt in moderation. If you are interested in a particular person, do not impose your flirting. Allow yourself careful remarks that let the person know that you care about them. You can give him a friendly pat on the shoulder or praise him for a job well done. You can leave a bouquet of flowers with a cute note or muffins on a colleague's desk if he or she likes them. Find a way to flirt nicely and unobtrusively and carefully find out if the person is interested in you.
    • Control your behavior - it should not go beyond flirting and turn into stalking. Don't let your attention be mistaken for sexual harassment, so analyze your behavior and avoid inappropriate touching and commenting. Find out what the organization's policies are on personal relationships at work and sexual harassment.
    • If you feel romantic interest in a colleague, ask him or her out on a date to see if the interest is mutual.
  6. 6 Treat trusted colleagues like your friends. Build closer relationships with coworkers you enjoy interacting with, and this will contribute to creating an attractive image.
    • Try to develop relationships with such colleagues. Go out together, attend various events, and your friendship will grow stronger.
    • Stay in touch with all your other colleagues, even if you don't want to spend too much time with them. Have a few phrases near the water cooler, ask about their children and pets, and ask about these questions regularly. Try to communicate with colleagues at morning tea or at other office events so that they do not think that you only need one or two people with whom you have a close relationship. In other words, charm everyone.
  7. 7 Be a happy and positive person. Everyone is drawn to positive-minded individuals who are able to carry away with them, and not to gloomy people who like to spend time alone more. Sadness always attracts sadness, but it can dissolve if a person begins to communicate with a cheerful person who can infect everyone around him with his excellent mood. Smile and laugh as often as possible - everyone loves these people. Appreciate the little things you have at work, and every morning when you greet your colleagues, look them in the eye and call them by name. Praise them for what they are doing immediately upon meeting, do not postpone compliments until later, and in no case forget about the need to tell people something pleasant.
    • Try to be the center of attention at an office party without making yourself joking. Do not do anything that will make you ashamed later (needless to say, this will destroy your image of an attractive person). Don't drink too much and use these parties as an excuse to meet new people and show yourself off.
    • Be honest and open, but also keep some secrecy. Don't pass off all your secrets as coffee with coworkers. Let some things remain a secret, and then your colleagues will think about it and wonder how they can figure you out. Mysteriousness enhances attraction.
  8. 8 Be happy with yourself. Confidence is seen in the way you walk and how you communicate with others. Don't brag about how good you are - better walk proudly, look people in the eye, and smile.
    • Always remember your posture. Your body shape and demeanor send out certain signals. A confident gait, a straight back, and ease of movement will tell others that you respect yourself and that you can be trusted.
    • Memorize people's names and little facts about them. Everyone loves it when people use their first name and remember what they are told. For example, ask a coworker how his mother's birthday, which he talked about last week, went. Small details like this will prove to people that you are listening and you care, and thanks to this, many people will like you.


  • Get ready to showcase your best qualities. A person who likes himself will always be attractive in the eyes of others.
  • Self-control is much prettier than anger, aggression and threats. In a work environment, people are drawn to those who are calm and reserved and who can think sanely even in difficult conditions. Be that low-key person, even if it means you have to train over and over again until it becomes your character. Meditation, psychotherapy, and reflection can help you deal with negative feelings that can sabotage your intention to remain calm.


  • In no case should you take your dress or behavior to extremes in order to please someone at work. In this matter, grace and sophistication will help you, not cheap tricks.