How to help endangered animals

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 9 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
🆕 How To Save Endangered Animals 👉🏼 Save Endangered Species! 🦧 🐘 🦏 2020
Video: 🆕 How To Save Endangered Animals 👉🏼 Save Endangered Species! 🦧 🐘 🦏 2020


Scientists count five known mass extinctions of animals in the entire history of the planet, including the extinction of the dinosaurs, and many believe that we have entered the era of the sixth mass extinction. However, this time around, human activity has become the root cause: total destruction and reduction of habitats, over-fishing, pollution, disruption of food chains and the movement of non-native species are just a few factors. In addition to the complete disappearance of some animal species, extinction poses a threat to the potential development of science and medicine, which are impossible without the animal world.In addition, the extinction of some species of living things can affect the amount of food resources of mankind (due to a disrupted pollination chain). It may seem that the actions and deeds of one person have little effect on such a large-scale problem, but there are many ways to help endangered animals so that they do not turn into relics.


Method 1 of 3: Helping Animals Near Your Home

  1. 1 Find native species that need help. Endangered animal species may seem like a distant problem, but in fact, there are endangered species near you. These can be birds, bears, or beetles.
    • Colonistic plants that destroy local vegetation can act together with animals imported from other regions, which, in the absence of predators, ravage local animal populations. A distinction should be made between invasive and introduced species. The first are species that actively reproduce and displace local and endemic species. Many introduced plant and animal species coexist freely with the local flora and fauna. In fact, almost all agricultural animal and plant species are introduced species.
    • Try to plant native flowers and plants, as native vegetation can attract native birds, butterflies, and other endangered insects and animals.
    • Eliminate invasive weeds and introduced plants in favor of native species.
    • Make bird feeders that are suitable for local species.
  2. 2 Use natural remedies. Avoid chemical pesticides for your garden and vegetable garden in favor of natural remedies. Give local endangered species a chance to prevail in the fight to survive by reducing toxins. Melted water and sewage can carry chemical pesticides over a large area outside your home, so doing so will help protect a large habitat.
    • "Integrated Pest Management" is a "natural" way of dealing with pests and unwanted plants. For example, if you have a problem with aphids, try attracting ladybirds that feed on aphids. People who use the permaculture approach (and many others) are of the opinion that in the case of the dominance of snails and slugs in the garden, the problem is not their presence, but the lack of ducks that feed on snails and slugs, holding the population back.
    • Create a compost heap to get natural fertilizer from local waste and not buy chemicals that are brought in from afar.
  3. 3 Use space wisely. Many people dream of having a huge yard with a perfect lawn, but the constant human invasion of habitats of wild animals and plants is the main reason for the extinction of species.
    • Make your backyard environmentally friendly. For example, in arid areas, native plants should be grown that are adapted to arid climates to help a variety of animals survive.
    • Consider the space you need carefully before moving into a new home. Also consider the benefits of a small plot (eg less work!) And existing built-up areas as opposed to emerging suburban settlements.
    • If you are not planning to move, then try to reduce the harmful influences in your own backyard. Is it possible to return part of the territory to a more natural state - for example, replace the neat lawn with native plants that will grow freely on your land?

Method 2 of 3: How to Combat Climate Change and Environmental Pollution

  1. 1 Buy local organic produce. Support farmers who do not use pesticides and bring food to market without significant fuel consumption (and pollution).Any pollution control helps endangered species, and your actions encourage the development of organic agriculture socially and financially.
  2. 2 Reduce consumption, reuse and recycle waste. Use your local recycling program or create your own initiative to reduce waste in landfills.
    • Landfills and landfills occupy territory, and some types of waste, such as plastic bags and bottles, pollute wildlife and water bodies, which leads to very negative consequences for the animal world.
    • Buy things and groceries without packaging. Go to the store with your package. This will allow you to reduce waste and waste, not to mention contamination during the production and transport of packaging materials. Whales and tigers will be infinitely grateful to you.
    • Encourage neighbors to share special tools and rarely used items. For example, arrange a free tool rental at your local library.
    • Donate old toys, books, games, and clothing to hospitals, shelters, and orphanages.
    • Come up with an original way to use, not throw away the old thing. A toilet flowerpot may not appeal to everyone, but an old kitchen table can be easily converted into a great workbench for a workshop.
  3. 3 Use your car less often. You can get to work and the market on foot or by bike. It is healthy and environmentally friendly. Maintain the delicate balance of our planet's climate. Use public transport.
    • Try not to drive fast while driving. Animal accidents are becoming more common as human and animal habitats become increasingly intertwined. This is a real problem for some endangered species.
  4. 4 Turn off unnecessary lights and appliances to save energy. Unplug TVs, computers, and other appliances that consume electricity even when idle. Do not create "vampires" aimlessly consuming electricity.
    • In addition to caring for animals and plants, you will start saving money. Not a bad decision if you form such a habit. Invite your friends to help polar bears and save money.
  5. 5 Don't waste water unnecessarily. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth. Buy devices to save water in the toilet, taps and shower. Repair leaking pipes and mixers in a timely manner. Even a small hole can seep a large amount of water.
    • Use drip irrigation and other watering agents. Unless prohibited by law, use waste water from showers and sinks for irrigation. If you are ready for such a step, install a dry closet.
    • Humanity's growing water needs are changing freshwater ecosystems and lowering groundwater levels. For example, due to the construction of dams and dams, salmon fish cannot always reach their spawning grounds.

Method 3 of 3: How to Join Forces

  1. 1 Maintain national parks, wildlife sanctuaries and nature reserves that preserve habitats for endangered animal species. Become a volunteer, visitor, sponsor.
    • Teach children to help endangered species of animals and plants. Many parks offer tours and programs for children.
    • Go ecotourism in regions that strive to conserve a large number of endangered species. For example, many residents of Madagascar, an island nation east of mainland Africa, are trying to preserve their island's unique and fragile ecosystem. Your vacation on this island will be a material help.
  2. 2 Leave nature untouched. When you visit national parks and just walk in the woods, follow the rules and help keep nature untouched: do not leave trash, follow fire safety rules, do not touch flowers, eggs, as well as stones and logs.Take pictures and take care of nature.
  3. 3 Join a wildlife conservation group. There are many national and international organizations that are trying to preserve endangered species of animals and plants. You can find such an organization in any city. For example, they remove weeds and plant endemic plants in a local nature reserve. Become a member or even create a new group.
  4. 4 Encourage farmers and large landowners to conserve wildlife habitats and perennial groves. Tell people about the benefits of this approach. If you don't have such acquaintances, become a member of an environmental organization.
  5. 5 Join forces. No wonder they say that "They hear those whose voice sounds the loudest." Talk to people about the importance of protecting endangered species. Awareness is the first step to positive change.
    • Contact your constituency MPs. Ask to support not only laws to protect endangered species at home and in other countries, but also measures to combat pollution and global warming.
    • Communicate the issue to the local community. Create flyers. Perform at schools, libraries and cultural centers. Politely but decisively help people see the big picture and understand that even small actions (and inaction) affect the entire system, including endangered animals and plants. Explain the consequences of such an extinction that will affect everyone, not just wild animals.