How to clean a dirty toilet

Author: Virginia Floyd
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Clean a Very Dirty Toilet Bowl
Video: How to Clean a Very Dirty Toilet Bowl


A dirty toilet is an aesthetic nightmare. You hardly want guests to come to your home and see a stained toilet. You probably don't want to use it either! Fortunately, this is fixable. First, surface clean and locate the source of the stain on the toilet, then use appropriate products and methods to remove all traces of dirt.


Method 1 of 4: Initial cleaning

  1. 1 Read the instructions for use of the toilet. Be sure to check the manufacturer's instructions before cleaning your toilet. Some cleaning products can damage the interior of the toilet, such as the flush valve, or cause discoloration.
    • The toilet must be printed or engraved with the brand name. Find it.
    • Search for the following query: "[toilet brand] + safe cleaning products" (no quotes).
    • Or find the manufacturer's phone number and contact him.
  2. 2 Use a plunger to remove some of the water. If the toilet is full of water due to a blockage, use a plunger to clean it before removing the stains. Lowering the water level should make cleaning the toilet easier.
  3. 3 Use a brush and cleaner. Before tackling serious stains, do the initial cleaning of the toilet. To do this, you will need a cleaning agent, a brush, or an old dish brush. Apply the cleaner to the inside of the toilet and around the edges. Remove dirt with a brush and rinse off the water. We recommend wearing disposable gloves before cleaning. Detergents that can be used:
    • branded cleaners like Comet, Bref and other toilet bowl cleaners;
    • home remedies like baking soda, white vinegar, borax, and bleach.
  4. 4 Pour white vinegar into the toilet and wait until morning. If the toilet is heavily soiled, soak it in vinegar to make further cleaning much easier. Pour 120 ml of white vinegar into the toilet, close the lid and let it sit overnight.
    • If there are stains on the rim of the toilet, glue pieces of toilet paper to them, and then treat them with vinegar so that it stays on the stains.
  5. 5 Find out the cause of the stains. The nature of the stains is decisive in the choice of remedies for their removal. The most common sources of toilet stains are hard water, mildew and mildew. To determine the type of stain, note the following:
    • Hard water - Ring-shaped stains around the inside of the toilet. Their color ranges from pink to red, brown and white.
    • Fungus - stains can appear on any part of the toilet. Look for lightly fluffy patches of blue, green, yellow, gray, black, or white.
    • Mildew - Mold stains can also occur in any part of the toilet, but most often it appears near the top of the toilet or on the cistern. Mold is white at first, but may turn yellow or brown over time.

Method 2 of 4: Removing hard water stains

  1. 1 Use citric acid. Hard water stains are common and unpleasant. Fortunately, they can be removed with the help of available tools. One such remedy is citric acid. Just sprinkle a bag of citric acid on the desired areas of the toilet, wait an hour, and then rinse the stains with a brush.
    • Citric acid is available at most grocery stores.
  2. 2 Use a pumice stone. Pumice stone does an excellent job of cleaning hard water stains. If you have a pumice stone, use it (note that it will not be possible to use it for other purposes in the future) or buy a special pumice brush. Soak the pumice stone in water for 10-15 minutes, then rub the stains with it.
  3. 3 Use anti-static wipes. Antistatic wipes are another great product for removing hard water stains.By the way, used wipes seem to work much more efficiently than new ones! Put on a pair of rubber gloves and then wipe the stains with regular anti-static wipes (used or not).

Method 3 of 4: Removing fungal stains

  1. 1 Use white vinegar. In addition to its unpleasant appearance, bathroom fungus can cause health problems. Fortunately, getting rid of it is easy. Pour half a glass (120 ml) white vinegar into the toilet or spray directly onto the fungus. After that, clean out the fungus with a brush.
  2. 2 Use bleach. Ordinary bleach is another effective remedy for fungus. Pour 1/4 cup (60 ml) bleach into the toilet or spray diluted bleach directly onto the fungus. After that, clean out the fungus with a brush.
  3. 3 Use tea tree oil. Although less commonly used, tea tree essential oil is also effective against fungus. Add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil to the toilet, or spray an essential oil solution (5-10 drops of oil per bottle of water) directly on the fungus stains. After that, wipe the toilet bowl with a brush.
  4. 4 Flush the toilet bowl at least 3 times. If left in the toilet for too long, all three of these can damage the interior of the toilet. Therefore, they must be flushed out of the system. After using any of these products, flush the toilet at least 3 times.

Method 4 of 4: Removing mold stains

  1. 1 Choose a product. Mold in the home can lead not only to respiratory problems, but other health problems as well. That is why, and not because of her awful appearance, it is so important to clear the toilet of her. To kill mildew, you can use the same products as for removing fungus — white vinegar, bleach, or tea tree oil — but the method is slightly different. First, choose which product you prefer to use.
  2. 2 Fill the spray bottle. Pour your chosen solution (bleach water, vinegar water, or 10-15 drops of tea tree oil) into a spray bottle. Take an old spray bottle or buy a new one.
  3. 3 Drain off as much water as possible. Mold loves moisture and thrives in humid environments (this also applies to the toilet). To clean the toilet effectively, it is essential that the inside of the toilet is as dry as possible. So, before you start cleaning, drain the water from the toilet.
  4. 4 Spray the solution onto the inside of the toilet. After you have drained all the water from the toilet (or as much water as possible), spray the area with detergent.
  5. 5 Wipe down the toilet with a brush. As soon as possible (before the toilet fills with water), clean the mold out of the toilet. You may need to repeat this process until all the mold is gone. In order not to rush, you can simply turn off the water while cleaning the toilet.

What do you need

  • Ershik
  • Regular toilet cleaner (store or homemade)
  • Disposable gloves
  • White vinegar, bleach, or tea tree oil
  • Rag or paper towels
  • Liquid detergent (store or homemade)