How to prevent a kidnapping attempt

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 24 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Kidnappings happen all over the world for a variety of reasons. People are kidnapped by family members, sex addicts and ransom hunters. Keep a close eye on your surroundings to spot potentially dangerous situations in time. In the event of an attack and attempted kidnapping, do your best to break free and escape: shout, run and even fight back if necessary. Try to mentally imagine how you will act in such a situation - such psychological preparation will help you if something like this happens in real life.


Method 1 of 3: How to keep an eye on your surroundings

  1. 1 Look in front of you and to the sides so as not to be distracted. Attackers often target people who are distracted and do not notice what is happening around them. You don't have to keep looking at your phone when you walk or ride the bus. Always pay attention to the surrounding landscape and people. This will help you recognize a potentially hazardous situation.
    • Holding the phone in your hands is perfectly normal and even useful if you need to urgently call for help. You just don't have to dive into your smartphone too much without noticing anything around.
    • Pay attention to people's behavior and potential escape routes if someone is constantly looking at you or following on your heels.
  2. 2 Move away from slow moving cars that are driving near you. Even if the people in the salon seem kind, confused, or lost to you, do not go to an open window. Better to cross the street or go behind the house to get away from a stranger who wants to talk.
    • Potential kidnappers can ask for directions and pretend to be looking for a lost pet, as well as other common tricks.They count on pity and your willingness to help (especially for children).
    • If the car drives around you in circles, try to walk into a nearby yard and call your parents or the police. Try to write down or memorize the car's license plate.
    • If you think you are being followed, then you can turn around and go in the opposite direction. If the car also turns around, then the danger of the situation will become obvious.
  3. 3 Cross the street or approach another person if you are being stalked. If a person follows you on foot, then you need to quickly be close to other people, or at least move a sufficient distance so that they cannot grab you. The most important thing is to keep the person away from you so that they cannot touch you or coordinate the kidnapping with an accomplice who may be in a nearby car.
    • Usually the more people there are, the safer. Try to pop into a store or cross to the busier side of the street. Kidnappers rarely attack when the victim is surrounded by people.
  4. 4 Walk and park your car in well-lit areas if it happens at night. If you need to go to the store after sunset, then park closer to the entrance and next to the lamp post. It is also best to walk on well-lit and crowded streets.
    • In the store, you can ask the security guard to accompany you to the car.
    • If you have a gas cartridge, you should know how to use it. It won't help you if it's at the bottom of your purse.
  5. 5 Ask the family "code word" if the person introduces themselves as a friend. Work with family members to choose a passphrase that only you know. If people on the street come up to you and say that your parents sent them to bring you home, they will have to give a code word or phrase. Otherwise, run away and seek help from an adult near you.
    • The word or phrase should be simple but unique so that a stranger cannot accidentally guess your password.
    • Even if the person knows your name and other members of your family, they should still give the code word. Today you can find out the names of people from a variety of sources.
  6. 6 Trust intuition and don't put politeness over safety. If you don’t believe a person and feel that bad vibes are coming from him, it’s better to believe your intuition. If you're uncomfortable, it's okay to get up and leave or call to be picked up. Attackers often take advantage of the kindness of a person or the fear of doing something rude, so it is better to trust your intuition and take care of your safety, even at the cost of “rude” behavior.
    • Our intuition is often based on primal instincts that unconsciously notice potential security threats.

Method 2 of 3: How to run away from an attacker

  1. 1 Run away and disobey, even if the attacker has a weapon. If possible, never get into a car or travel with a person elsewhere. If a person claims that your family is being held hostage and he lamented them harm, then he is almost certainly bluffing. Fight back and run away or shout and don't let yourself get into the car.
    • Sometimes an attacker may say that he will not harm you if you obey. Do not do that. This is just another manipulation from the kidnappers arsenal.
  2. 2 Run away and shout out specific phrases to get people's attention. For a number of reasons, people are less likely to respond to the call: "Help!" Better to shout: “I don’t know you”, “Leave me alone”, “These are not my parents,” - or: “A man in a red T-shirt wants to kidnap me.” Specificity helps to attract attention.
    • Continue screaming until you are a safe distance from the kidnapper.
  3. 3 Forget about personal belongings. If a person grabbed your wallet, backpack, phone, coat, scarf or even blouse, it is better to free yourself and leave the thing in the hands of the intruder in order to escape.An instinctive reaction will be an attempt to take the thing, but this will increase the risk of getting closer to the kidnapper. Better to leave the thing and win a few seconds.
    • Hopefully, the kidnapper will lag behind a few steps or even fall.
  4. 4 Speak up your imaginary benefits. A disease, a father or spouse working for the police, a sensor on your body, video cameras on neighboring buildings - your words don't have to be true. It is important to turn the attempted kidnapping into an unjustified risk in the eyes of the attacker so that they change their mind and let you go.
    • If you are afraid of rape, you can say that you are pregnant or have a sexually transmitted disease.
    • Try to say: “There are cameras on those buildings, so your face will be known to the police within a few minutes after the abduction,” or: “My parents implanted a subcutaneous chip in me so that they always know where I am. The police will find you. "
  5. 5 Pee or defecate if you're in a car. If the kidnapper managed to drag you into the car, then try to use the functions of the body's vital functions. Try to vomit on yourself, on an intruder, or on a seat. Try to give off an extremely unpleasant odor in the hope that the kidnapper will kick you out of the car.
    • Try to make the kidnapper's task as difficult as possible. When attempting to kidnap, there are no rules, so any action to free yourself is permissible.
  6. 6 Immediately call emergency services. If you can use your phone, call the police. No need to call or text a friend or family member. The most important thing is to inform the police that you are in danger, and also give your location so that they can send help.
    • When you call from a mobile phone, your location will almost certainly be tracked, so do not end the call even if you cannot speak.

Method 3 of 3: How to Fight Back an Attacker

  1. 1 Strive to bite the kidnapper. Bite as hard as possible on any part of the body. Typically, a pinching bite can be most painful if you hold a thin layer of skin between your teeth rather than trying to bite harder with your open mouth. The chance of biting through your skin can make you feel nauseous, but don't hesitate.
    • An attacker must be in such pain for you to be able to escape.

    Adrian tandez

    Self-Defense Specialist Adrian Tandez is the Founder and Chief Instructor of Tandez Academy, an internationally renowned self-defense training center. He is a certified instructor in Bruce Lee jitkundo, Filipino martial arts and silat, trained under the guidance of legendary martial artist Dan Inosanto. Has been practicing martial arts for over 25 years.

    Adrian tandez
    Self Defense Specialist

    Fight as if your life depended on it. Self-defense specialist Adrian Tandez says: “If you allow yourself to be kidnapped, your chance of survival will decrease, and if you cooperate with the kidnapper, this chance may not exist at all. To survive, you need to fight back the kidnapper and run away before he has time to tie you up and take you away in an unknown direction. "

  2. 2 Use your free limbs to stab the kidnapper instead of trying to free it again fixed limbs. If the kidnapper has tied your hands, then strive to kick him, feet and head, rather than try to free your hands. If an attacker immobilizes your legs, then use your arms, hands, torso, or head to strike.
    • Use your powers to defend and attack, not to try to free your limbs. Of course, you need to free yourself, but focus on dealing damage to the enemy.
  3. 3 Hit sensitive areas like legs and feet, groin, throat and eyes. Damage to such areas is likely to provoke enough pain to stun and stop an abductor.Aim for your feet and toes, scratch your shins, hit your throat, grab your windpipe or knee, hit your groin, or hit your eyes with your fingers.
    • Your goal is not to gain the upper hand in the fight, but to gain time to escape. Try to break free as soon as possible and run away screaming.

    Adrian tandez

    Self-Defense Specialist Adrian Tandez is the Founder and Chief Instructor of Tandez Academy, an internationally renowned self-defense training center. He is a certified instructor in Bruce Lee jitkundo, Filipino martial arts and silat, trained under the guidance of legendary martial artist Dan Inosanto. Has been practicing martial arts for over 25 years.

    Adrian tandez
    Self Defense Specialist

    Sign up for self-defense courses so that in case of something you will always be ready. Some of these courses are only a few hours long. If you don't know how to defend yourself, you can go into shock when and if someone tries to kidnap you. After completing such courses, you will be prepared for such a situation and will most likely be able to escape.

  4. 4 Attack the intruder with keys or other objects in your hands. Items can often be turned into weapons, so take a look around and check your pockets. Keys can cut a person, books can be thrown at the head, and bricks and other objects on the sidewalk can seriously injure an intruder and help you escape.
    • If you are wearing heels, you can take off your shoes and turn the shoes into weapons.
  5. 5 Run away as soon as you manage to disarm the enemy. Remember that you are not trying to gain the upper hand; you are saving your life. If you managed to wound or stun the kidnapper, start running and screaming. Don't look back so you don't slow down. Keep running until you are safe.
    • Call the police as soon as possible. They can go back to the scene and try to find the culprit. You should also write a statement, undergo a medical examination and provide the police with a description of the attacker.


  • Take a self-defense course to learn how to fight off intruders. These classes can be held at local clubs and gyms.
  • Buy a gas canister or signal whistle and carry it with you at all times.