How to change your handwriting

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Change Your Handwriting | Drastically || revisign
Video: How To Change Your Handwriting | Drastically || revisign


If you constantly receive harsh comments about your handwriting, you may have decided to change it. You can easily improve your handwriting if you use a few tips and pay attention to how you write the letters. However, if you want to completely change your writing style, you need to put in more effort. But it's doable too!


Method 1 of 3: Make changes to improve your handwriting

  1. 1 Find a suitable handle. Each person has a different handle, but in general it's worth looking for one that slides easily and that you don't have to squeeze too hard. The larger handles will help you loosen your grip.
  2. 2 Do not hurry. It takes time to develop good handwriting, and if you're in a hurry, your writing will be sloppy. If you catch yourself careless, take a deep breath, slow down, and start over.
  3. 3 Keep your back straight. Sit at a table with your back straight and your arm straight. Do not grip the pen or pencil too hard, as this can cause muscle cramps in the arm.
  4. 4 Try writing in the air. This method will teach you how to write with your hand rather than drawing letters with your finger, which will improve your writing.
    • Keeping your hand in the air, write large letters in the air, mainly using your forearm and shoulder. This practice will help you get a feel for which muscles should be used when writing.
    • Now write smaller letters in the air.
    • Use paper. When working with paper, start simple, such as circles and oblique lines. If possible, try to space them evenly while still working with your arm muscles.
  5. 5 Don't push too hard. If you press too hard, the letters will come out crooked. It is better to slightly raise your hand and smoothly draw the letters.
  6. 6 Train every day. Take some time to write each day.
    • One easy way to practice is to keep a daily journal. Write about what happens to you during the day or how you feel.

Method 2 of 3: Shape the letters

  1. 1 Check every letter. Perhaps some of them look flat or incorrectly displayed? Practice the correct spelling of this letter by comparing it with a table from the Internet.
  2. 2 Use large letters. Try to write in big letters for a while. This way you can see if you are writing them correctly and correct them on the fly.
    • For writing in large letters, you can use sheets in a wide ruler.
  3. 3 Pay attention to the height of your letters. All letters should be approximately the same height and all descenders should extend approximately the same length beyond the line.
    • For example, the descenders of the letters "d" and "y" should be approximately the same length. In addition, they should not climb into the line below.
    • Use a ruler to check the height. If you put it along the top of the upper and lower case letters, you can see if some letters need to be made lower or higher.
  4. 4 Watch your intervals. Make sure the letters are not too far away or too close together. Half of the lowercase letter "o" should be placed between the letters, no more.

Method 3 of 3: Develop a different style

  1. 1 Go back to school days. If you want to create a new style of writing, you need to retrain, and the process is similar to how you learned to write as a child.
  2. 2 Find a font that you like. You can use font sites to find one that you like very much, or just use the program in which you work with texts.
  3. 3 Print a font with lowercase and uppercase letters. You can also add pangrams, for example, "Eat some more of these soft French rolls and have some tea." Pangrams are texts that contain every letter of the Russian language, so they are good for training.
    • Start with a larger font size, such as 14.
  4. 4 Use tracing paper or other lightweight paper. Place paper on top of the printed page. Circle the letters with a pen or pencil.
  5. 5 Go to copy. After you have translated the letters several times, move on to copying them: look at them and try to write sentences. So you will see, willy-nilly, how the letters actually form.
  6. 6 Try it yourself. Without looking at the font, try writing in the same style. Your handwriting will probably not match the original perfectly, but you will already be using a different style.
  7. 7 Practice writing a font. Writing in this typeface takes a lot of practice. Try taking notes in a diary or making a shopping list in this style. It will come out more naturally over time.


  • Be patient. Learning a new writing style can take time.
  • Do not hurry! This way you can look at what you have already written and think about what to write next.