How to use a pumice stone

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 2 July 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Use A Pumice Stone To Debride A Foot Callus
Video: How To Use A Pumice Stone To Debride A Foot Callus


Pumice is formed as a result of the release of gases during the rapid solidification of lava. It hardens to form a porous abrasive stone that is great for exfoliating dry skin. Before using a pumice stone, soften the hardened skin in warm water, moisten the stone and gently treat the corresponding areas of the skin in a circular motion until the dead cells are completely removed. In addition to its main exfoliating function, pumice stone can also remove hair, lint from fabric, and even clean the toilet.


Part 1 of 3: Exfoliate your skin

  1. 1 Soak rough skin in warm water. Most often, pumice is used to exfoliate the skin on the soles of the feet. Over time, the skin on the heels hardens, becomes rough, and may even crack or flake off. Another potential area for pumice is the elbows. Soak hardened body parts in warm water for about 5 minutes to soften the skin.
    • Collect warm water in a bowl and submerge your feet in the water.
    • Other parts of the case can be treated with a pumice stone while taking a shower.
  2. 2 Wait for dry skin to soften. Soft and pliable skin is easier to remove. Feel your feet after a few minutes. If the skin is still hard, then wait a while (and add warm water if necessary). If the skin is soft, then you can start the exfoliation process.
  3. 3 Moisten the pumice stone. Thanks to this, the stone will glide better over the skin surface. You can soak the pumice stone under warm running water, or put it in the same bowl of water as your feet. SPECIALIST'S ADVICE

    Diana Yerkes

    Skin Care Professional Diana Yerkis is Chief Cosmetologist at Rescue Spa NYC in New York City. She is a member of the Association of Skin Care Professionals (ASCP) and is certified in the Wellness for Cancer and Look Good Feel Better programs. She was educated in cosmetology at the Aveda Institute and the International Institute of Dermatology.

    Diana Yerkes
    Skin care professional

    Expert advice: "It's especially important to remove dead skin cells from your heels in summer when you're wearing sandals and similar shoes."

  4. 4 Treat rough areas carefully. Use a circular motion to remove dead skin with a pumice stone. The softened skin will peel off effortlessly. Continue until you have removed all of the dead layer and you get to the soft skin.
    • Do not press down on the pumice stone too hard. A light effort is sufficient, and the surface of the stone will do the rest.
    • Focus on your heels, sides of your toes, and other areas of dead skin.
  5. 5 Rinse your skin and repeat the procedure. Rinse off dead skin cells and decide if you need to continue. Treat any remaining rough skin. Exfoliate with a pumice stone until you are satisfied with the result.
    • The pumice stone will gradually wear out during use, so it must be turned over from time to time for maximum effectiveness.
    • Rinse the pumice stone frequently to keep the surface from clogging.
  6. 6 Dry and moisturize your skin. Dry your skin with a towel when you're done. Treat the area with lotion or cream to keep the skin from drying out too quickly. Areas with previously dead skin should be soft and shiny.
    • Treat your skin with coconut oil, almond oil, or body lotion.
    • Repeat the procedure as needed to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.

Part 2 of 3: Caring for your pumice stone

  1. 1 Clean the pumice stone after use. Dead skin accumulates in the pores of the stone, so the pumice stone needs to be cleaned after use. Use a stiff brush to clean the stone under running water. Add a small amount of soap. This will keep the pumice stone clean and ready to use.
  2. 2 Dry the stone completely. Place the pumice stone in a dry place so that it doesn't stay damp between uses. Some stones can be hung with a special rope. If you leave the pumice stone wet, bacteria can build up in the pores, making it dangerous to use the pumice stone.
  3. 3 Boil the stone if necessary. At times, deep cleaning can be done to prevent bacteria from settling in the pumice. Boil water in a small saucepan, place the pumice stone in the water, and simmer for five minutes. Use tongs to remove the stone from the water. The pumice must be completely dry before storing.
    • If used frequently, boil the pumice stone every two weeks.
    • If you've used a pumice stone to clean a dirty surface, you can add a cap of bleach to the water to make sure all bacteria are killed.
  4. 4 Replace the stone as it wears out. Pumice is a soft stone that gradually wears out. When it gets too small for easy use or is smooth, head to the store for a new pumice stone. Pumice is inexpensive and is sold at any beauty or household goods store.

Part 3 of 3: Other Use Cases

  1. 1 Remove hair. The ancient Greeks used pumice stone to remove body hair, and some people still use the stone for this purpose. Pumice stone is a gentle natural hair remover. Moisturize your skin in the bath or shower to keep it warm and soft. Moisten the pumice stone and start rubbing your skin in gentle, circular motions. After about 30 seconds, there will be no hair left on this area of ​​skin.
    • A pumice stone gives almost the same results as shaving. Hair is removed near the skin itself, not pulled out.
    • This procedure should be painless. If it hurts, press down less hard on the pumice stone.
  2. 2 Remove fluff from clothing. The soft, porous surface of the pumice stone is great for removing lint and lint from fabric. If you need to clean your sweater, lay it out on a flat surface. Treat areas with pellets in a circular motion. Do not press the stone too hard to avoid damaging the fibers. A gentle pressure will be enough to remove the pellets.
  3. 3 Remove stains on the toilet. Pumice stone removes dirt from the inside of the toilet. First of all, put on heavy-duty cleaning gloves. Then simply pumice the stains. Scrub the stain until it disappears.
    • For stubborn stains, you can use a pumice stone in combination with toilet cleaners.
    • Always use different stones for your toilet and your body, as they will contain germs.


  • After exfoliating the skin on your feet, apply lotion and wear socks to keep your skin moist. This will make your feet softer and smoother.
  • Use a pumice stone at least once a month to remove rough skin in time, or more often if you spend a lot of time on your feet or wear uncomfortable shoes.
  • Pumice stone can also remove lumps from fabric by gentle rubbing.


  • Do not rub your skin too hard, otherwise sores may appear, which can become infected.