How to get British citizenship

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 2 February 2021
Update Date: 28 June 2024
How to become a British citizen | FT
Video: How to become a British citizen | FT


The legislation regarding British citizenship is confusing due to the long history of monarchical rule in the United Kingdom. However, there are two main ways to obtain citizenship, by becoming a naturalized citizen after five years of residence in the United Kingdom, or by marrying a British citizen and living in the country for three years. At the same time, in order to apply for citizenship, it is necessary to meet certain criteria.


Method 1 of 4: How to Become a Naturalized Citizen

  1. 1 Live in the United Kingdom. It usually takes five years to become a naturalized citizen before you can apply for citizenship. You must have a visa to live in the UK.
    • Among the types of visas that allow you to live in the UK, you can cite a work visa, a student visa, a spouse or partner visa, a retirement visa, and a visitor visa.
  2. 2 Complete the UK Residency Form. In this application, you will need to provide information about your visa and your current position. If the application is approved, then you will be allowed to stay in the country for an indefinite period, for you will not be set a specific date of departure, as is the case with a visa. ,
    • This application form must be completed one year before applying for citizenship.
  3. 3 You must have no criminal record. You must be a good citizen to be eligible for UK citizenship, however minor offenses are usually not considered.
  4. 4 Make the decision to stay in the United Kingdom. You must have plans to live in the UK if you want to become a naturalized citizen.
    • You must have lived in the United Kingdom for a specified number of days before applying for citizenship. You can only be outside the United Kingdom for 450 days in the last five years, and in the last year, no more than 90 days.
  5. 5 Prove your knowledge of English. You must prove your ability to communicate in English (more on this later).
  6. 6 Take the Life in the UK test. This test is about British culture and life (more on this later).
  7. 7 Submit your application and pay the fee. The amount of the fee depends on what type of citizenship you want to obtain.
    • You can submit an application in one of three ways: 1) download the application form via the Internet, fill it out and send it by mail; 2) contact your local National Civil Service (NCS) office to help you complete the application; 3) use the services of a private agency or entrepreneur who can also help you fill out the form.

Method 2 of 4: Obtaining British Citizenship by Marriage

  1. 1 Live in the United Kingdom. You must have lived in the United Kingdom for the past three years and not left the United Kingdom for more than 270 days during this period, with no more than 90 days in the last year. You must have a visa to reside in the United Kingdom. Usually a partner visa is required for this type of citizenship, but you can also stay in the UK on other visas: visitor or student.
  2. 2 You must be over 18 years old. To obtain this type of citizenship, you must be an adult.
  3. 3 You must have no criminal record. That is, you should not commit any serious offenses lately.
  4. 4 You must be a capable person. That is, to be sane. The authorities are especially worried about you getting married and entering the country of your own free will.
  5. 5 Prove your knowledge of English. You must prove your ability to communicate in English (this will be discussed in more detail below).
  6. 6 Take the Life in the UK test. This test concerns British culture, life, management (this will be discussed in more detail below).
  7. 7 Apply for and receive a residence permit in the United Kingdom. This means that you are not required to leave before a certain date.
  8. 8 Pay and apply for citizenship. It costs money to fill out and submit any application.
    • There are three ways to apply for citizenship: 11) download the application form via the Internet, fill it out and send it by mail; 2) contact your local National Civil Service (NCS) office to help you complete the application; 3) use the services of a private agency or entrepreneur who can also help you fill out the form.

Method 3 of 4: Taking the Life in the UK test

  1. 1 Buy the related tutorial. The tutorial is titled Life in the United Kingdom: A Guide for New Residents, 3rd Edition.
  2. 2 Master the information in the textbook. The textbook and test cover such issues as obtaining British citizenship, British traditions and culture, issues of legislation and administration of the UK. In addition, the textbook will give you an insight into the history of Great Britain and its main events.
  3. 3 Prepare for the test. Read the tutorial and learn everything it takes to pass the test.
  4. 4 Sign up for a test. You must sign up for the test a week in advance and there will be a fee to take the test.
    • To sign up for testing online, you will need to have an email address, an identity document, and a debit bank card.
  5. 5 Collect the required documents. Take with you the same identification document that you provided when registering for testing. You will also need to prove your residential address, such as electricity or water bills, a credit card statement, bank statement, letter from the UK Home Office, or a UK driver's license showing your name and address.
    • To take the test, you must have the specified documents with you. In their absence, the authorities will not allow you to take the test and will not return the money paid for it.
  6. 6 Take the test. To take the test, you should go to the test center.
    • The test will take less than an hour of your time. Usually, you need to answer about 24 questions.
    • You must answer 75% of the questions correctly in order to receive a letter confirming the successful passing of the test. You can then attach this letter to your UK residency or citizenship application. Since you will receive only one copy of the letter, try not to lose it.
    • If the test fails, you can try retaking it after a week. However, you will have to sign up for it again and pay.

Method 4 of 4: Confirmation of English Proficiency

  1. 1 Come from an English speaking country. The easiest way to overcome this requirement is to arrive from an English-speaking country (Australia, Canada, New Zealand or the USA). If you are coming to the UK from one of these countries, then you do not need to prove your knowledge of the English language.
  2. 2 Your knowledge of English must be at level B1, B2, C1 or C2. That is, you must communicate at least averagely in English.
  3. 3 Take the English language proficiency test. There is a whole list of tests in the United Kingdom that can be used to validate your knowledge.
  4. 4 Confirm your knowledge with a diploma of education conducted in English. In other words, you may have a degree from an English-speaking university.
    • Having a diploma is an alternative way to prove your knowledge of the English language. There is no need to have a diploma in addition to passing the aforementioned language proficiency test. You will need either one or the other.


  • It is possible to become a registered UK citizen if certain requirements are met, which is much easier. You must be born of a British citizen or citizen (no later than January 1, 1983), not a citizen of another state, otherwise be a British national, or be a native of Gibraltar or Hong Kong. You can get into this category even if you do not meet the requirements for obtaining citizenship of other categories, and if you are under 18 years old.