How to enjoy phone sex

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 8 January 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How to Have Phone Sex
Video: How to Have Phone Sex


Phone sex can be a great way to connect with your partner if you are far apart or just want to spice up the relationship. To truly enjoy phone sex, you need to relax, put your doubts aside, and stop worrying about whether your voice sounds sexy or not. Sure, it might sound silly at first, but once you get a taste of it, you start to have fun and look forward to your next phone call. How do you enjoy phone sex? Take a look at Step 1.


Method 1 of 2: Personalize yourself

  1. 1 Be liberated. If you want to enjoy phone sex, then the first thing you should do is relax. Let your hair down, take a short bath, lie on the floor, or do something that helps you relax. If you are anxious or nervous about phone sex, there is no chance that you will enjoy it. Phone sex is a lot like real sex - if you're nervous or tense, you won't get any pleasure.
    • Put on loud music and dance a little. Watch a Youtube video that cheers you up. Do whatever is fun and relaxing for you.
    • Plan your date on the phone so that you have at least an hour of rest before it. Having sex on the phone after a nervous meeting or after a tough day at work can make it difficult for you to adjust your sexuality.
  2. 2 Forget all the problems. If you want to have phone sex, then drop all worries. Sure, there are many things that worry you, but phone sex is a relaxing thing when your voice sounds sexy and when you feel comfortable telling the other person what you want without being in the same room with them. You may worry about having phone sex with a stone face. Once you understand what things are bothering you, then it's time to dial the dial tone.
    • If this helps you, then write down all the things you are worried about on a piece of paper and destroy that piece of paper. Once you understand what is bothering you, you can begin to eliminate all of these causes.
    • Talking to your partner about your concerns can also help - read the next section to learn more about that.
  3. 3 Start feeling sexy. You won't be able to enjoy phone sex in your pants, or if you haven't taken a shower for several days. Prepare as if you are preparing for real sex with your partner. Take a shower. Wear something that makes you feel sexy. Drop some perfume if you like it. Behave as if you were on a date night. You can even light a few candles, play slow music, or whatever, that will help you feel sexy and prepare for phone sex.
    • It can be difficult to start phone sex from scratch. If you are working to feel sexy before picking up the phone, it will be easier for you to tune in.
    • Send yourself a sensual message. Pat yourself on your back, shoulders, or erogenous zones to get yourself in the right mood.
  4. 4 Restrain your laughter. One of the reasons you won't be able to enjoy phone sex is because you won't be able to do it with an impassive face. Laughing at the inappropriate moment during real sex can make your partner feel completely nonsexual, and so does phone sex. Work on laughing before starting a conversation, or on quickly getting back to the main topic after an accidental laugh during phone sex.
    • If you and your partner are comfortable with each other, then a little chuckle will not spoil the experience of sex, be it real or over the phone. Work on knowing in advance when you’re going to laugh and learning how to restrain your laughter.
    • Try to close your eyes while talking to your partner. This will help you turn off your head a little and enjoy the process without worry.
  5. 5 Play the role until the role is you. If you can't get yourself in the right mood, then you can simply pretend to be someone who enjoys phone sex. Even if you feel like you are overreacting and the things you do and say become ridiculous, just carry on. Self-confidence is half the battle, and if you keep pretending to enjoy phone sex for a long time, you will soon believe it yourself. Likewise, when you smile for a long time, you may end up making yourself think of something funny.
    • Just play the person who enjoys phone sex. Stop telling yourself that you are pretending, and soon you yourself will believe it.
  6. 6 Find yourself a phone image. If you can't be yourself during phone sex, try pretending to be someone else. You can give yourself a sexy phone look. Maybe your partner likes dirty talk. Maybe your partner imagines that you are a stranger. The phone image will help you forget about your own experiences and think less about what you are doing or saying.
    • Imagine that you are playing a role. You are not always yourself when you role play in the bedroom, are you?

Method 2 of 2: Working with a partner

  1. 1 Make sure you feel comfortable with your phone sex partner. Your problem may be that when your partner is already fully prepared for telephone sex, you are not yet sufficiently tuned in. In this case, you need to ask yourself why you cannot tune in, are you comfortable with this person. You may feel that you do not know your partner enough to have phone sex with him, or you may not be sure that your partner will keep everything secret; if you feel that you are not yet ready to move on to such a relationship with your partner, then it is better to talk about it and wait until you are ready.
    • If your partner truly cares about you, they won't force you to do things you don't like. Be open about your feelings, wait until you are ready.
  2. 2 Talk to your partner about your concerns. Tell your partner what is holding you back from enjoying phone sex. If the reason is that you don't feel. If the main reason is not that you are uncomfortable with your partner, then talk about your concerns. Maybe you can't do it over the phone. Maybe you can't take it seriously. Maybe you are afraid that your partner will think that you are not good enough at this business. You can talk to your partner about any worries and try to find a solution together.
    • Your partner will reassure you that you have nothing to worry about and that you just have to relax and see what happens. If he or she is worried about you, then he will not judge you for what is happening in the bedroom.
  3. 3 Repeat after your partner. If your partner has more experience with telephone sex than you, then you can simply repeat after him. Instead of starting a wireless connection yourself, wait while he or she talks about what you are wearing, says that you are sexy, tells what he or she is doing to you. Your partner may get angry while waiting for you to swing; as soon as you feel more comfortable, you can begin to take the initiative in your own hands.
    • If your partner realizes that you are nervous about your inexperience, then he will let you just repeat after yourself.
  4. 4 Don't be afraid to ask for help. If you are only halfway through what passionate phone sex is, or you don’t know what to say, then don’t be afraid to ask your partner to help you. If you are experiencing difficulties, then do not be afraid to say so. Your partner will support you and get you back on track.
    • You might say something like, “Sorry, I don’t know what to say” or “I don’t know what to do next ... maybe now you? It is completely natural that you ask for help, just like in the bedroom.
  5. 5 Get in a sexy mood. If you want to enjoy phone sex, it’s not enough to just say “hi” and immediately say how you are turned on. First, you can have a little sexual conversation, without uninteresting details, like an upcoming job interview or a trip to your aunt. Then, you can talk about what you are wearing and how you would like to be around. If you feel like you are moving in the wrong direction, then it will be difficult for you to enjoy phone sex.
    • If your partner is doing everything faster than you are, ask them to stop for a bit until you get ready. You might say something like, "I'm not ready to take off my clothes yet, I want to talk to you a little ..."
  6. 6 Don't be afraid to accept that you are failing. Phone sex isn't for everyone. Deal with it. If you feel like you've tried everything and still can't do it, tell your partner that phone sex is not for you. You don't have to do through yourself what you don't like, in real life and over the phone. If your partner in bed decided to do something that you do not like, then you would tell him about it; behave the same way during phone sex. If your relationship is serious, it doesn't matter if you enjoy phone sex or not.
    • Don't be angry with yourself for not being able to tune in before having phone sex. There are many other ways to spend time sexually together, such as dirty talking, striptease, or role-playing in the bedroom.


  • Make sure you are in a secluded place where you can relax and tune in to sexual intercourse.
  • You have to be sure who you are talking to!
  • Make sure your voice is sexy, but don't overdo it!
  • Remember that you can be heard but not seen! You can do whatever you want, and you can create any external images you like that no one will know about.


  • Make sure you are in a secluded area.
  • Be confident in the person.
  • Make sure you can relax and be yourself.