How to get along with your sister

Author: Marcus Baldwin
Date Of Creation: 22 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Get Along with Your Younger Sister
Video: Get Along with Your Younger Sister


If you often quarrel with your sister, do not despair, this problem can be solved. If you want to have a strong relationship with her, you need to learn how to get along with each other. Strive for positive interactions with your sister. Work to become more polite and kind to her. Treat your sister like a friend. Appreciate her for the good qualities she possesses. Notice them. Think about the qualities that attract you to her. Why do you find her an interesting and attractive person? In conflict situations, discuss the problem instead of quarreling or fighting. With the effort you can build a strong relationship with your sister. If your sister is angry with you, give her a chance to calm down. Then apologize. Try to calm her down. Buy her a little gift that will allow you to make amends. Invite her to spend time at the mall. If you are upset with your sister, tell her how you feel. Remain calm while talking. Discuss the problem. If that doesn't work, ask someone you really trust for advice. Do your best to build a strong relationship with your sister. She is part of your family. And deep down, your sister loves you as much as you love her.


Part 1 of 3: Bring Positive Communication With Your Sister

  1. 1 Support your sister on her path to success. If you want to have a good relationship with your sister, do your best to make her feel supported. Instead of being jealous of her, become her personal cheerleader. This will make her feel important and you will have a strong relationship.
    • If your sister achieves her goal, be sure to sincerely congratulate her.For example, if your sister ends the semester with an excellent student, say, “Great result! I am so proud of you!". If you support your sister, she is more likely to support you when you need her.
    • Remember, it's okay to be jealous from time to time. Perhaps you want to achieve the same as your sister. However, do not follow the lead of negative emotions - put them aside and sincerely congratulate your sister.
  2. 2 Set reasonable boundaries. However, do this in a respectful manner. Boundaries are important to any healthy relationship. You are unlikely to be able to have a strong relationship if you do not set reasonable boundaries. You have the right to personal physical and emotional space. If your sister invades your space, politely ask her not to. Don't get annoyed.
    • If your sister hurts your feelings with her behavior, ask her to stop doing it. It sometimes takes a while for siblings to understand each other's boundaries, and it may be that your sister is inadvertently invading your privacy. In times like these, react appropriately.
    • Ask your sister to stop misbehaving. However, do it as a mature person. Don't say, “Get out of my room! I don't want you to be here! " Instead, try saying, “Sometimes I want to be alone. It’s hard for me to concentrate on reading when you’re around. ” If your sister continues to misbehave and disrespect you, you can discuss this with your parents. Alternatively, you can stop communicating with your sister, completely ignoring her, until she learns to treat you with respect again.
    • Sometimes our brothers and sisters just don't understand that we are trying to set boundaries. Feel free to ask your parents for help if your loved one does not respect the boundaries you set.
  3. 3 Do household chores together. Working together is a great way to improve your relationship with your sister. Help your sister with her household chores, and also ask her to help you. Doing work together, like washing the dishes or cooking something delicious, makes each of you feel like part of the same team.
    • Try to make household chores fun. This will help you strengthen your relationship with your sister. If you don't like washing dishes, try composing songs while you wash to pass the time.
  4. 4 Treat your sister like a friend. Many take siblings for granted. Perhaps you, too, do not see her as a person, but simply treat her as a member of the family. Try to treat your sister like a friend. Ultimately, many siblings become good friends.
    • Think about how you feel about your high school friends. Most likely, you do not tease or offend them, which cannot be said about your attitude towards your sister. So try to treat your sister with the same kindness as you treat your friends.
    • Spend time with your sister. Just because she is a member of your family does not mean that you cannot spend time with her as a friend. Go shopping together. Invite her to ride a bike together. Play a board game together. Thanks to this, you will have a warm relationship with your sister.

Part 2 of 3: Change the way you feel about your sister

  1. 1 Don't be jealous of your sister's talents and abilities. Siblings are often jealous of each other, which tends to be the main cause of tension in relationships. If your sister, for example, is very fond of reading, chances are she gets a lot of attention from relatives. Instead of being jealous of it, admire her talents.
    • Remind yourself from time to time of your own talents and skills. Your sister may have read all of Jane Austen's writings, but you probably have talents of your own too.You may be good at basketball. Your sister can skate well, and you, in turn, can boast of excellent riding skills.
    • Remember, every person is unique. There is no point in comparing yourself to your sister, because you are different people. It is normal that you have different talents and skills.
  2. 2 Appreciate your sister for her good qualities. In situations where you are angry with your sister, try to focus on her positive qualities. Instead of focusing on the things that annoy you, think about the reasons why you value your sister.
    • Take a break from household chores during the day to show appreciation for your sister. When she does what you like, remember to tell her about it.
    • For example: "Lena, I am very grateful to you for helping me with my math homework."
    • If you learn to appreciate your sister and are grateful to her whenever she does something good for you, you will not be overly upset in conflict situations. You will remember your sister's good qualities outweighing the bad ones.
  3. 3 Think about the future. It can be difficult for people to get along with siblings when they live under the same roof, especially if they have to share personal space and belongings. Perhaps this often upsets you. At such moments, try to think about the future. Remind yourself that you may not be able to see your sister every day in the future. This will help you appreciate her even more.
    • Many siblings become good friends as adults. Even if your relationship is strained right now, you may become best friends in the future.
    • Remember this when you are upset. From one conflict situation, one should not draw a conclusion about the relationship as a whole. By thinking about the future, you can deal with the negative feelings you have.
  4. 4 Don't put labels on your sister. Sometimes, when we live with someone under the same roof, it is difficult for us to consider this person as a separate person. Perhaps you just treat your sister like a member of your family. For example, you may think, "My sister is so smart," or, "My sister is good." Try to expand the scope and go beyond the labels you put on your sister. Try to see personality in her.
    • Stop for a second and think when you have the urge to label your sister. Try to question your opinion about her. Does your sister hold the same opinion of herself? Is there something about your sister's personality that doesn't fit the label you put on her?
    • Focus on the personality traits of your sister that don't fit your imagination. Perhaps you think of your sister as an athlete rather than an intellectual person. However, how do you explain that your sister got a high grade in chemistry in a semester?
  5. 5 Spend time with your sister. If you want to learn to appreciate your sister, spend as much time with her as possible. Do one thing. This will keep you in a strong relationship. Spend time with your sister every week.
    • If your sister plays basketball, set aside time to attend the match she is participating in. If she is learning to play the piano, keep her company and attend the next lesson together. Invite your sister to accompany you to your classes or activities you attend. You can, for example, invite her to an upcoming art exhibition.
    • Spend time with your sister during the day. Watch a movie after school. Play a game together. Discuss topics such as movies, books, and music.

Part 3 of 3: Resolve Conflicts

  1. 1 Think before you react to what your sister says or does. The worst thing you can do during an argument is to react quickly to your sister's words or behavior. If your sister hurts your feelings, take your time, wait a bit before taking any action. Take a few deep breaths and count to five. This will help you avoid a breakdown that will only exacerbate the situation.
  2. 2 Use words to solve the problem. If a conflict situation has arisen between you, the only means by which you can resolve it are words. Do not Cry. Never use physical violence, as this will only make matters worse. You don't want to accidentally cause serious harm to your sister during an argument.
    • Tell your sister that she has hurt or upset you. Use words to explain to your sister that she is misbehaving. Don't get angry in return.
    • For example, say: “Lyuda, don't pinch me. It hurts me. " This is a more effective way of resolving the conflict that has arisen than if you started yelling or pinching your sister back.
  3. 3 Avoid those that can lead to conflict. Surely you have topics that are best left out. Your sister may not like to discuss school-related topics. Also, you most likely have different views on some issues. If discussing certain topics leads to conflicts, try to avoid them. We all disagree about something, and that's okay.
  4. 4 Talk to your parents. If you are unable to resolve the conflict, contact your parents for help. It is important for parents that you and your sister have a good relationship. They will be happy to act as an intermediary if problems arise between you.
    • Don't talk about the problem in a negative way. It is unlikely that you want your parents to treat you like a vile or conflicted person. Remember that you are trying to solve the problem, not trying to get your parents to take your side.
    • For example, you can say: “Dad, lately I have often had conflicts with Sophia. Please tell me what is the best way for me to behave in a situation when I find out that she is reading my diary? "


  • Find activities that you and your sister enjoy, and do it together. Let this be a special time for the two of you.
  • Try to make her laugh! Humor can help bring people together and reduce tension in certain situations.
  • If your sister looks upset, ask her what happened. Expressing concern will strengthen your relationship.
  • When things get out of hand, try to walk away. Sometimes spending time apart can help you calm down and look at the situation from a different angle.
  • Try making muffins together. You can hardly meet a person who doesn't like cupcakes. You can have fun in the kitchen! If your sister refuses to cook with you, don't be discouraged; maybe she's just in a bad mood. Prepare cupcakes with someone else and invite her to do it at another time.
  • Ask your sister what she likes to do. Make a list of her favorite activities. So, you can do what she likes together.