How to dye your hair with lemon juice

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 24 March 2021
Update Date: 25 June 2024
How to Bleach Your Hair With Lemon Juice
Video: How to Bleach Your Hair With Lemon Juice


Want to lighten your hair for a natural look? Want to look like a Californian girl with blonde curls that shine in the sunlight? Don't worry, it's easy. Just follow the steps below to get beautiful blonde hair.


  1. 1 Mix lemon juice with water. Mix a quarter cup of warm water with one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Pour all this into a spray bottle.
  2. 2 If you have dry hair, mix lemon juice and hair conditioner. In order not to dry out the hair, a hair conditioner is used. Combine a quarter cup of conditioner and one cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice. For the best effect, mix the composition in a small bowl and let it brew.
  3. 3 Protect your skin with a layer of sunscreen. Since the lightening effect is "activated" by the sun's rays due to citric acid, you should protect your hands from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.
  4. 4 Apply the solution to your hair. For full effect, spray the mixture all over your hair and lightly brush over it with a brush.
    • If you just want to bleach your hair, take cotton wool soaked in a lemon mixture and run over the strands that you want to bleach. Keep track of which strands have already been bleached, as this is a rather long process and, in order for the effect to be, you will have to use the clarifier repeatedly.
    • If you are using a mixture for dry hair, take a baking brush or similar and apply the mixture to the strands you want to lighten. This solution will be thicker than a solution with regular water, so it will be harder to lighten your hair with it.
  5. 5 Find a comfortable spot in the sun. You will need to sit in direct sunlight for 60-90 minutes for color changes to be noticeable.
  6. 6 After 90 minutes have passed, reapply lemon juice. Continue to sit in the sun for another 30 minutes.
  7. 7 Rinse your hair thoroughly with hair conditioner. Wash your hair and then soak it well with hair conditioner or other natural balm.
  8. 8 Wait a while. Don't expect a quick result, lightening your hair with lemon juice takes a while! Expect color changes within 3-4 weeks:
    • Dark brown to light brown or beige
    • Light brown to golden
    • From dark blond to light blond
    • From dark red to dark blond
    • From light red to linen
    • Brunettes will not notice significant changes.

Method 1 of 1: Other Ways to Lighten Hair

You can use these methods in conjunction with lemon juice for best results.

  1. 1 Try lightening your hair with Cassia Obovata. Cassia is a plant that contains a golden or light yellow dye. It is also known as "colorless henna" and will give your hair a golden hue.
  2. 2 Use chamomile tea to lighten your hair. Chamomile tea works best with light brown and blonde hair. Apply it in the same way as with lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide.
  3. 3 Use hydrogen peroxide. Of course, this method is not as "natural" as the previous ones, but it works one hundred percent. (Lightening hair with lemon juice, albeit a more "natural" way, but it still harms hair to the same extent as peroxide).
  4. 4 Try to lighten your strands with cinnamon! Cinnamon works great on dark hair and smells much better than peroxide. So try it too!
  5. 5 Try the honey method. Honey is another great hair lightening agent. It's natural, doesn't dry your hair like lemon and peroxide, and it works great!


  • If you only apply lemon juice to your natural blonde curls, you will only get streaks.
  • If you do not have time for the first procedure, continue this process for several days.
  • Don't use bottled lemon juice.
  • Be patient! You will need to repeat this procedure several times for the best effect.
  • It is advisable for children and young people to ask adults for help.


  • Don't lighten your hair often, as the sun's rays can seriously damage your skin. Beware of burns, it is easier to prevent sunburn than to cure it.
  • Don't overuse. Using more than one lemon per day can result in a coppery tint to your hair.
  • This method may not be as effective if you have dark brown or black hair.