How to lose 5 kilograms in a week without pills

Author: Carl Weaver
Date Of Creation: 25 February 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
Lose 5 Kgs In 10 Days | Lose Weight Fast | How To Lose Belly Fat | How To Lose Weight Fast
Video: Lose 5 Kgs In 10 Days | Lose Weight Fast | How To Lose Belly Fat | How To Lose Weight Fast


Greater weight loss is usually only possible in obese people. If you want to lose a lot of weight in a very short period of time, try following our instructions.But remember that any weight loss program includes lifestyle changes and healthy habits that need to be maintained over time.


Method 1 of 4: Paperwork

  1. 1 Do math. When you define your goal, it is important to know what will need to be done to achieve it. Before you start counting calories, determine how much you need to burn in order to lose 5 kilograms in a week.
    • There are 3500 calories in 500 grams. You have seven days to lose 5 kg.
      3,500 x 10 = 35,000 calories to burn
      35,000 / 7 = 5,000 per day
      5000-2000 calories per day = 3,000 calories per day
      • As you can see, it's ridiculous to even try to burn 3000 calories a day. However, a very strict diet, exercise, and initial weight loss of fluids (depending on your size - the bigger you are, the easier it will be) can help you get as close to that number as possible. Your weight fluctuates by a kilogram throughout the day, so this also needs to be considered.
      • Fortunately, dieting isn't the only way to control calories: exercise can help too. In this fast and intense diet, you'll need both.
  2. 2 Keep a diary. You will have to write down everything that you eat, and this will make you think every time about what you are fueling your body with. Keep a journal and write down everything you ate and drank this week.
    • Let them test you. Show the magazine at the end of the day to a friend, family member, or coach. Knowing that another person will control you can become additional motivation. If they wish, you can offer to keep such a diary together.
    • You don't only need to record your food! Record your exercises too! This way you will see that your efforts are paying off.
  3. 3 Share with others. Sometimes it can be difficult to be strict with yourself if you are going through it alone. After all, will something terrible happen if you eat this candy? No. Let a friend help you in this test.
    • Any social activity must be active. Prepare dinner with your family instead of going to the restaurant. When your society supports you and does not tempt you with various temptations, you are moving towards success.

Method 2 of 4: Overhaul Your Diet

  1. 1 Limit your intake of processed foods. This way, you can reduce your daily calorie intake and keep you feeling full without starving yourself. You need to pay attention to vegetables, excluding fries.
    • Energy density is the amount of calories (or energy) in a given weight of food. If the food has a low energy density, it contains fewer calories per gram of food. This means that if you consume such foods, you can eat at least around the clock, but this will not affect your waist. A 400 calorie fried chicken is a lot less food than a 400 calorie salad.
    • Basically, foods like fruits and vegetables fill us up faster with minimal calories. Proteins and carbohydrates contain 4 calories per gram; in fat 9. Fiber contains from 1, 5 to 2, 5, and in water, of course, 0.
    • To eat a low-density diet, eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy and meat products (foods high in water and fiber), and avoid processed foods and processed foods.
      • The easiest way to cut down on processed foods is to stop going to fast food restaurants and restaurants. If you do this, you will know exactly what you are eating.
  2. 2 Eat 5 times a day. In addition to the 3 main small meals, have a snack (healthy food). Your meals should be smaller, but you will feel fuller.
    • There is a scientific basis for this rule. When we eat, our thermic effect of food increases. High TEF speeds up our metabolism, reduces hunger and leads to weight loss.
    • Since you eat more often, you will need to reduce your portions.You don't eat anymore; you are simply spreading out meals throughout the day.
    • Your snacks should be small and healthy. Use fruits, nuts, or low fat yogurt. If you are on a time limit, break up your snacks into portions and place them in zip-top bags. This way you don't overeat and you can grab a bite to eat on your way to work.
  3. 3 Learn more about portion control. By serving standards, an adult should eat 90 grams of protein, 87.5 grams of starch, and 175 grams of vegetables per meal. If you eat more than your body needs, then your weight will only increase; however, remember that if you eat less, you may also gain weight (or stop losing weight).
    • You need to eat to keep your body in good working order and prevent it from gaining weight. Look at the serving size and compare it to the items around you. 1 bell pepper - one serving of vegetables - about the size of a baseball. An apple - one serving of fruit - about the size of a tennis ball. One serving of pasta is about the size of a hockey puck. One serving of cheese should look like 4 dominoes. And the chicken? Imagine a deck of cards.
  4. 4 Drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Drink one glass before bed and in the morning, a glass (or two) before each meal. Cleansing your body of daily toxins is one of the best ways to lose weight. Also, water will help you feel fuller even before you start eating.
    • Always keep a bottle of water with you and train yourself to drink constantly. The more you drink, the more you will be thirsty and the better you will feel. You will have a lot more energy.
    • Scientists advise men and women to consume 3.7 and 2.7 liters, respectively, including water, which is found in food and other drinks.

Method 3 of 4: Get active

  1. 1 Get some cardio workouts. Exercising should be part of your daily schedule, even when the week is over and you want to continue to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Exercise gives you energy and speeds up your metabolism, and it helps you lose weight more successfully. Exercise planning is highly subjective and depends on your health, so see your doctor to find out which regimen is right for you.
    • Cardio burns more fat than strength training, but both are essential to maximize weight loss. If you don't like running, try swimming or elliptical training.
      • Do interval training. Interval workouts include repetitive high-intensity exercises for 30 seconds to several minutes, with pauses of 1-5 minutes for recovery (with little or no physical activity). Also, intense training accelerates the weight loss process. So the next time you grab that challenging machine, work intermittently, and in 15 minutes you can finish your workout.
    • A lot of activities can be considered cardio workouts, and you never even noticed it. Here's how many calories you can burn in 30 minutes of exercise:
      • Aerobics - 342
      • Boxing - 330
      • Jumping rope - 286
      • Tennis - 232
      • Basketball - 282
      • Swimming (freestyle) - 248
  2. 2 Do some strength training. Someone who does cardio and strength training will burn the maximum amount of fat and build muscle. If you've never lifted weights before, ask a friend or trainer at your gym for advice.
    • Don't have time for the gym? No problem! Buy dumbbells for your home. You can train whenever you want, however you want, and you do not need to buy a subscription.
  3. 3 Add yoga. Let's admit to ourselves: 5 kilograms per week is a difficult task. You need to burn as many calories as possible. So why not do yoga while the show is on TV?
    • Yoga burns 3 to 6 calories per minute. In an hour in front of the TV screen, you will burn 180-360 calories.
      • Yoga is not the most intense workout.However, it leads to more conscious food intake (this cannot be linked to other types of exercise), and this, in turn, leads to weight loss.
  4. 4 Keep moving. You've been to the gym five times this week doing yoga. What else can you do?
    • Bike to work. Take the stairs. Do anything that will help you burn calories and be active.
    • Do all the household chores that you have been putting off. You will be surprised that washing the car, cleaning the garden, rearranging furniture can also make you sweat.

Method 4 of 4: Alternative Methods

  1. 1 Read about fast diets. They are called fast for a reason, but you want to ... test yourself, so choose the diet you like:
    • Juice diet. All your food should be in liquid form. Only juice around the clock. You can buy juices for this purpose at your local supermarket, but it's best to make your own.
    • Cleansing Diet. You drink a mixture of 30 grams of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, 0.5 grams of cayenne pepper, and 300 grams of pure water. That's all.
    • Sleeping beauty diet. You don't have to eat the nasty worm, but all you can do day and night is sleep.
    • Maple diet. As with the cleansing diet, it is a mixture of maple syrup, lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and water. Again, this is all you can eat.
      • These are unhealthy diets. There are no exceptions. Most people break down after a few days and put on the weight (and then even more) that they have lost. If you want to lose weight permanently, you cannot get carried away with diets for a week. They all harm your health.
  2. 2 Go to the sauna or bath. You will flush water easily. You will not lose fat, but you will lose volume.
    • It is important to drink plenty of water and not go to the sauna too often. 15-20 minutes a day is enough. Drink a glass of water after the procedure.
    • Saunas are not safe for children. Better to leave them at home (supervised, of course).
  3. 3 Consider body wraps. Beauty salons now offer many types of wraps that will tighten your skin and help you lose weight. Take a closer look at the list of local salon services and try it yourself.
    • Most often, salons offer mineral, detox, slimming and anti-cellulite wraps. Each of them uses a different herb; choose the one that suits your requirements.
      • The wraps relax and improve the condition of your skin. No research has yet proven that they draw out or destroy toxins in your body.


  • If you don't have the money and time for a gym and a trainer, you can go for walks regularly.
  • Make a list of the exercises you should do every day.
  • If you don't have money for a gym or a trainer, you can go up and down stairs for 10-20 minutes a day, or walk around the area every day.
  • Walk your dog, it's nice and fun!
  • Concentrate on your goal when you need motivation. You can lose weight, but it can also take a little longer. If so, don't be discouraged. Every body is unique, so pay attention to your differences and stick to a regimen that will help you lose weight quickly but safely.
  • Check with your doctor before making any major lifestyle changes, especially when it comes to diet. Your doctor will help you find the best weight loss program.
  • Run at least 2 kilometers a day. If you don't like running, walk 5.


  • You must eat. If you start to starve, your body will start storing fat. You will lose a lot of energy and it will be difficult for you to maintain an active lifestyle.
  • Don't overdo exercise. If you faint or don't drink enough water, your body will give up. And this is the very last thing you should strive for.
  • Losing 5 pounds in a week is not an easy task, to say the least.If you have already started this adventure, it is important to keep your head high at all times. You may not achieve your goal in the allotted time.