How to tighten up the ass

Author: Florence Bailey
Date Of Creation: 27 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
3 Simple Exercises to Tighten/Tone Your Butt
Video: 3 Simple Exercises to Tighten/Tone Your Butt


With a pumped-up booty, your pants size will immediately decrease, and it will help you overcome the attraction effect that begins to manifest itself inexorably with age. This article will cover a series of lunges, squats, ball exercises, and yoga exercises that will help you vary your activities and keep your muscles tense all the time.


Method 1 of 4: Performing lunges

Lunges keep your butt and hips toned, are good for building your balance, and strengthen your core muscles. You can do dumbbell or medicine ball lunges to add extra resistance to your exercises.

  1. 1 Do an exercise with forward lunges. When doing lunges, make sure your knees stay straight over your feet. If you don't have dumbbells, then you can simply put on a backpack with one or two thick books. Make sure the backpack is snug against your back.
  2. 2 Do an exercise with back lunges. If you have sore knees, then you strain them less with back lunges than with forward lunges. Keep your torso straight to further relieve tension on your knees. If you can't squat very deep in the beginning, don't worry. The more you do this exercise, the deeper you will be able to squat, and the more effective your training will become.
  3. 3 Do lunges with steps. Stepped lunges are a series of forward lunges that are performed alternately with different legs. You will need a lot of space to move around freely. Think about squatting lower on your lunges and keeping your knees at an almost 90 degree angle. If you find it difficult to perform this exercise with small weights in your hands, then you can simply place your hands on your hips.
  4. 4 Perform medicine ball lunges with a twist. Such a lunge is performed forward with the addition of a turn. When you bend your knees, you twist your torso before straightening up again. When holding the medicine ball, you can extend your arms forward. Just don't block your elbows.

Method 2 of 4: Doing Squats

When squatting, all the emphasis is on your buttocks the moment you lower yourself closer to the floor. Focus more on working your glutes rather than quads while doing squats.

  1. 1 Squat with an expander. In this exercise, you perform squats with external resistance from an expander. Instead, you can pick up dumbbells, or put a barbell on your shoulders. Distribute the weight correctly over your heels while squatting. This way you strain your knees less.
  2. 2 Perform a squat on one leg. Start these squats without weights until you hone your skill. To take more load, you can stand on a bench and lower one leg to the ground, while bending the other leg to support your weight. Do not touch the ground until just before straightening. Squatting like this will make your legs stronger.

Method 3 of 4: Using a bouncy ball

Bouncy ball exercises will help you strengthen your muscles while working out your glutes.

  1. 1 Do a bouncy ball exercise. In this exercise, engage your abdominal muscles and do not raise your hips very high. This will prevent your back from arching, which can lead to many injuries. Support your body with the strength of your arms.
  2. 2 Raise your pelvis with a bouncy ball. This exercise is similar to the bridge exercise, but here you start with bent knees and roll the ball away from you, straightening your body. As soon as you lower your body closer to the floor, you roll the ball back towards you.
  3. 3 Imitation of swimming on an inflatable ball. You are trying to maintain balance on the ball, straining at this very moment the gluteal muscles. For more work, place only one hand on the floor. Change your hands so that both sides work the same way.

Method 4 of 4: Doing Yoga Poses

These positions will make your glutes stronger because you are working a large muscle group from different angles. Yoga has its benefits, such as concentration and good self-control in stressful situations.

  1. 1 Upward facing dog pose. The upward facing dog will strengthen your glutes by opening up your ribcage. Keep your wrists in line with your shoulders to avoid arching your back. Also, do not forget to put pressure on your hands and lift your head up to avoid pressure on the cervical vertebrae.
  2. 2 Chair pose. This exercise will make your glutes and legs stronger while you stretch your shoulder and chest muscles. If you have flat feet, this exercise will also strengthen the arch of your feet. Do not forget about the position of your tailbone when you lower yourself. Your back should remain straight and extended.
  3. 3 Crescent Pose. This pose keeps your buttocks in good shape and also stretches the muscles of your chest and arms. Place a pillow or rolled towel under the knee you are leaning on if it hurts to stand on it. If you have had a back injury, do not bend over backwards, opening your arms.


  • Don't quit after the first day. It will take you a while to see the first results.
  • When you are at the very bottom during lunges and squats, then try to linger in this position, instead of immediately straightening. This is a very good moment for the gluteal muscles, increasing their tone.
  • Exercise while pretending to be underwater. This will slow down your pace and make the exercises smoother. Plus, your muscles will stretch better, which makes every movement more meaningful.

What do you need

  • Dumbbells
  • Expander
  • Medicine ball
  • Inflatable ball
  • Yoga mat
  • Patience