How to play a trick on your sister

Author: Helen Garcia
Date Of Creation: 14 April 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
TOP SIBLING PRANKS! Trick Your Sisters and Brothers || Funny DIY Pranks by 123 GO!
Video: TOP SIBLING PRANKS! Trick Your Sisters and Brothers || Funny DIY Pranks by 123 GO!


As much as you love your sister, she probably gets on your nerves from time to time. If you are looking for a way to get revenge on her, this article is for you! Here we describe several options for pranks, all of which are not only very funny, but also will not harm anyone.


Method 1 of 6: Come up with a prank that works for your sister

  1. 1 Think about your sister's personality. Of course, you know her well - she is your relative, and you probably live together and grew up side by side. Before pranking your sister, think about your sister's character and temperament. What kind of person is she? How will she react to a joke?
    • Does she like to laugh? Maybe almost everything seems funny to her? If so, there will be more draws to choose from.
    • Is she sensitive and easily embarrassed? In this case, you need to be very careful in choosing your jokes. You may offend her a lot, but you shouldn't risk your relationship.
  2. 2 Think about your sister's interests. To come up with the perfect prank, it is worth considering the special interests and hobbies of your sister. She will remember your prank if you manage to use something that is very important to her.
    • Does your sister play sports? If so, you can build your prank around this craze. At the same time, it is important not to cross the line and not to destroy things that are dear to her.
    • If your sister is a soccer fanatic, try blowing some air out of her ball every night. Of course, she will have to regularly pump it up again (which will be fun!), And the ball will remain intact.
    • Your sister may be very fond of reading, but her favorite is classical literature. Put on covers from her favorite books to Susan Collins' The Hunger Games.
    • How surprised she would be when, instead of Great Expectations, she pulled a volume with Katniss's dilemma off the shelf! Who knows, maybe she decides to read the book to understand why it became so popular.
  3. 3 Think about your relationship with your sister. It is important to consider not only the personality of your sister, but also how your relationship is shaping up.
    • You may be very outgoing, but if you and your sister do not share personal experiences (for example, because she is not so open), an inappropriate joke or many jokes in a row will ruin your relationship.
    • Reflect on the bonds between you and your sister. If you both enjoy cooking, a good joke can cheer both you and your sister.
  4. 4 Find a prank that won't put your sister in a stupid position. The best jokes are the ones in which everyone can laugh. together (even if the one who is being played will not be laughing right away). Don't use pranks that make everyone laugh over your sister.
    • It is difficult to find the line between a harmless joke that will simply embarrass or surprise a person from a prank that will mortally scare or humiliate him. Don't even think about evil pranks.
    • In order not to cross the line, think how you yourself would react to such a joke.
    • For example, if your sister hacked your phone and renamed herself your girlfriend in your contact list, would you get angry, confused, or think that someone is encroaching on your privacy?
    • If you could not forgive your sister for a particular prank, give up the idea of ​​using this prank.
  5. 5 Choose pranks that will not cause physical harm. Do not hurt you emotionally or physically.
    • There are pranks that make a person fall, and there are those where something falls on the victim.
    • If there is nothing dangerous about the draw, chances are that everyone will like it. But don't forget that you can never guarantee that everything will go as planned.
    • It won't be funny at all if your sister falls in the wrong direction and bangs her head on the table after you smear the floor with oil.
  6. 6 Be creative. In the next chapter, you'll offer some proven pranks that are considered classics. After reflecting on your sister's personality and your relationship with her, choose what you like.
    • Don't forget that the best pranks are witty, original jokes that target a specific person.
    • Use all your imagination to, instead of, "Why did you do this?" a sister would ask you, "How did you do that?"

Method 2 of 6: Food Tricks

  1. 1 Put salt in her sweet porridge. This is a classic prank. When the sister turns away, pour a few tablespoons of salt into the porridge and get ready to watch her sleep the first spoonful.
    • If your sister is careful (perhaps she sees right through you?) And watches her plate, you can add salt to the cereal in advance, but there is a risk that your parents will also decide to cook this porridge.
  2. 2 Freeze the porridge. This is another version of the porridge draw. Cook it in the evening, when your sister goes to bed, put a spoon in a plate and put everything in the freezer. Be the first in the kitchen in the morning and put your sister's porridge on the table.
    • She will not immediately understand why when she takes up a spoon, the whole plate is in her hand.
    • You can freeze her orange juice at the same time.
  3. 3 Play a joke with sparkling water in a can. The sister will think that you are a very caring brother, since you yourself offered her a cola, but she does not know that you have previously shaken the can a lot.
    • Yes, this is also a classic trick, but it was popular for many years for a reason! There is nothing better than an unexpected fountain that hits right in the face.
  4. 4 Try another drink trick. If your sister has a stock of her favorite soda in the fridge, turn the tab on the can 180 degrees and watch as she doesn't understand why the can won't open.
    • You can go ahead and do this with all of her bottles, and then watch her reaction.
  5. 5 Leave her a sweet surprise. Does your sister have a sweet tooth? If so, she will not be able to refuse the candies and cookies that you slip her. Mix sweet and salty. Separately it will be delicious, but together it will be terrible.
    • This trick can work if your sister has friends visiting, but they don't want to take you to their company. Play both your sister and her friends!
  6. 6 Offer her a donut. This prank is also suitable for when your sister has friends visiting. Buy a dozen donuts with cream inside, use a large syringe to remove the cream from the inside (eat it yourself - you deserve it!), And then replace the cream with mayonnaise.
    • When your sister's friends see the donuts, they think your parents bought the treat. Bring your camera with you to take unique shots of them biting donuts for the first and last time!
    • Buy donuts with jam and replace jam with barbecue sauce. Ugh!
  7. 7 Make a caramel treat. This prank can be held on Halloween. Sister will not be able to resist the caramel "apples" that you leave for her on the table. You will have to tinker with the preparation, but all this is not so difficult.
    • Peel several heads of raw onions (if you take one, it will look suspicious) and stick sticks in them.
    • Take individually wrapped caramel candies.
    • Place the candies in a microwave safe bowl, add two scoops of milk and heat in the microwave until the candies are melted (about two minutes). Stir the mixture several times.
    • Dip the onions into the caramel so that the entire surface is covered with the liquid mixture. Place the onions in the refrigerator to freeze the caramel.

Method 3 of 6: Practicing Makeup

  1. 1 Make a sweet mask. For the trick to work, the sister needs to sleep deeply enough. Sneak into her room while she sleeps and smear honey on her face. Be prepared for her to wake up screaming in the morning!
    • Hide the evidence. Put the honey in the kitchen cupboard and wash the spoon.
  2. 2 Give your sister an unforgettable shower. This trick can be done with a honey mask. Unscrew the shower head and place the chicken stock cube inside. When my sister runs into the shower to wash off the honey from her face, hair and hands, she will be in a warm broth!
    • Try crushing the cube so that it dissolves faster and so the watering can can be screwed into place.
    • Try to make sure your parents don't end up in the bathroom before your sister. Sneak into the bathroom right before your sister appears.
  3. 3 Change your shampoo. Here's another variation on shower prank. Pour honey into the shampoo jar your sister uses. When she squeezes it over her head, her hair will turn into a gooey mess.
    • The honey shampoo must be liquid or it won't leak out of the bottle. Try mixing honey with water or a little shampoo or conditioner. However, most of the mixture should be honey!
  4. 4 Stir the dye into the shampoo. Take a few bags of colored instant drink and put them in the shampoo jar your sister uses. We recommend red or green.
    • If only the sister does not wash herself half asleep, she will probably notice that colored streams of water are flowing down her. It will be fun to hear her screams as she tries to wash off the paint with shampoo!
  5. 5 Help your sister style her hair. When she manages to wash her hair of all the nasty things that you put on her, she decides to blow-dry her hair. But the surprises don't end there. When she is in the shower (or overnight), pour a small amount of baby powder into the hair dryer.
    • When the sister turns on the hairdryer, the powder will scatter all over the room. Shower again!
  6. 6 Help your sister get tanned. This is a very funny prank, especially if your sister likes to spend a lot of time in the sun. It's simple: replace your tanning lotion with a self-tanner. After a few days, she will begin to notice that the skin does not look at all the same as before.
    • If you are completely cunning, try replacing not only the body cream, but also the face cream.
    • Try to find a self-tanner that smells like her regular cream, otherwise she will immediately suspect a dirty trick.

Method 4 of 6: Pranking in the Sister's Room

  1. 1 Prepare a shiny surprise. If you have time and your sister is not at home, buy a few rolls of foil and wrap everything in your sister's room in foil.
    • Start with small items in drawers and on shelves, then work your way up to larger items, including the bed.
  2. 2 Throw photographs into the room. Pick a wacky photo of you and print many copies of the photo. When the sister is not at home, cover all the free space with these photos and wait for the sister to return and open the door.
    • You can be more careful and place the photos in different places. Put one under the monitor, fix the second on the mirror, hide the third in the closet, the fourth in the pillow, and so on.
    • There is no need to hide all photos at once. You can stretch the rally over several days and lay out the pictures in a day or two.
  3. 3 Transform your sister's room into a fan girl's dwelling. Prepare everything on the eve of a friend's visit or a friend's boyfriend. Choose a celebrity that your sister liked before, but whom she has already outgrown (for example, Dima Bilana).
    • Buy some magazines and print pictures from the internet, then paste posters over the entire room to make it look like the room of the artist's biggest fan.
    • If you have money to spare, try getting a full-length cardboard performer figure and display it in a prominent place.
    • Now watch how she will explain to her friends that she is not really in love with Dima Bilan!
  4. 4 Swap things. This draw will take quite a long time, but it will be worth it. When your sister is not at home (or even better, if she does not spend the night at home), rearrange everything in her room.
    • For example, if the bed was on the left, move it to the right. Swap all the things in the closet, rearrange the drawers in the dresser.
    • Put everything together very neatly (if it was when you started), just in a different order.
    • When your sister comes back and asks who did it, tell her that you have no idea what she means. Say this: "Nothing has changed. Are you all right?"

Method 5 of 6: Pranking With Your Phone

  1. 1 Rename the contacts in your phone notebook. You will need to briefly steal your sister's phone and replace contacts.
    • If your sister has a boyfriend, swap your and his details. Now you can read personal correspondence!
    • You can change your password. Just write out a new combination, otherwise she will have to go to the service center and pay money to unlock.
    • You can delete all the names in the notebook and replace them with names like "Unknown 1", "Unknown two", and so on. It will take her ages to restore the names!
  2. 2 Change your sister's passwords. If you know your sister's passwords, you can take advantage of this. Go to all of her pages (Facebook, email, Twitter) and change the passwords. She will be upset, and if you can behave as if nothing had happened, you can watch her as she tries to figure out what happened.
    • Try using something like "my sister is the best" as your new password. She would never guess to try that combination.
  3. 3 While you have your phone, record a new voicemail message.
    • Come up with something ridiculous. Trying to speak in the voice of your sister, read the following text: "You called Masha, the head of Dima Bilan's fan club. I am now reading his messages on Twitter and cannot answer you, so leave a message after the signal."
    • When you're done, mute her phone so she doesn't hear someone calling her. If she doesn't pick up the phone, her friends will listen to the message you recorded.
  4. 4 Reconfigure the auto-corrector on her phone. If your sister texting a lot, this prank is what you need. Secretly take your sister's phone and analyze the messages she writes. Determine what words and phrases she uses most often, for example, "Coming soon." Adjust the proofreader so that it replaces this phrase with something silly or weird.
    • For example, every time she dials "I will be soon", the phone will replace this phrase with "I love Dima Bilan".
    • You can replace a phrase with something very long and boring - for example, a paragraph from a textbook.

Method 6 of 6: Miscellaneous Draws

  1. 1 "Infect" your sister. When she's asleep, sneak into her room and draw dots on her face with a washable marker or lipstick. When she wakes up, gasp and ask if she is sick.
    • She will run to the mirror, thinking that she has chickenpox or something even worse!
  2. 2 Wake up your sister ahead of time. When she goes to bed, set the alarm five hours in advance (but don't touch yours or show it to your sister). Set your alarm clock at three in the morning, and when it rings, go to your sister and tell her that it is already eight in the morning, and she will be late for school now.
    • You will have the opportunity to watch how she will quickly run around the room and get ready, and then she will notice that it is still dark outside.
    • If your sister does not keep the calendar or is younger than you, you can try to convince her that it is time for her to go to school on Saturday morning. You don't even have to wake up in the middle of the night to do this trick!
  3. 3 Set multiple alarms. Collect as many alarms as possible (5-6 will be enough) and set them at different times (for example, 2 a.m., 2:30, 3, and so on). Hide them in different places that your sister does not look into before going to bed (for example, in a closet, in a dresser with linens, behind curtains).
    • Set your alarm a few minutes before the first alarm in your sister's room so you can watch everything.
    • In the morning, the sister will be very angry, because she will not get enough sleep, so it would be better not to appear in front of her.
  4. 4 Scare her. If you bought your sister's favorite artist's cardboard figure, reuse it. Place it in the middle of your sister's room near the bed at night.
    • Make some noise to make her wake up and cover her ears with your hands, because she will scream in fear!
    • If you don't want to buy a shape, you can make one out of old cardboard or boxes. Take the largest boxes you can find and use scissors to cut out a human figure.
    • If you are not good at drawing, place the cardboard on the floor and have a friend lie on top so you can trace the outline.
    • You may need to glue the figure together from several pieces (this requires a wide tape), but you do not need beauty. You should have a rough figure. Your sister will still be half asleep when she sees her.
  5. 5 Reassure your sister that she is growing faster than usual. Use the pins to pull her favorite jacket from the inside so that it becomes narrower. You can tuck her jeans and shirt sleeves and pin them up.
    • Place special pads in your shoes. The simplest ones are very cheap. Trim them to fit in your sister's shoes.
    • If the shoes fit loosely on the foot, use two pads.
    • When your sister tries to get dressed in the morning, everything will be cramped and small for her.


  • As you think through the joke, remember that you cannot use substances that your sister is allergic to or cannot get rid of.
  • Do not cause physical harm. Many pranks are based on the fact that something falls on a person or he falls himself.
  • You may think it’s all bruising and a bad mood, but the prank could result in serious injury. You don't want to be the cause of the fractures.
  • Be aware of your sister's personality and your relationship with her. If you often joke with each other, everything will be painless and fun. But don't go too far, because it can hurt your relationship. After all, you are family!
  • Be prepared to respond with your sister. Beware!