How to prune a money tree

Author: Clyde Lopez
Date Of Creation: 24 June 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
How To Prune Money Tree Plant (Pachira aquatica) - Pruning Big Houseplants
Video: How To Prune Money Tree Plant (Pachira aquatica) - Pruning Big Houseplants


The money tree (pakhira), also known as the lucky tree, is a popular houseplant that fills space with positive energy and beautiful greenery. It has a thick, often woven trunk and large green leaves. The tree can grow up to three meters high.Pruning the money tree will ensure that the tree does not grow too quickly and retains its beautiful shape. First determine when to prune the plant and then prune it with a sharp pruner. Try to pluck and prune the tree regularly to keep it healthy and grow beautifully.


Part 1 of 3: Determining Pruning Time

  1. 1 Prune the tree when it starts to overgrow. A money tree should be pruned if it grows too tall or too wide for its pot. You may notice branches or leaves extending from the top of the tree and creating an uneven shape. This means it's time to prune the tree to reshape and promote healthy growth.
  2. 2 Remove brown or wilted leaves by pruning. If you notice dry, wilted, or darkened leaves, you can trim them. Dry brown leaves may indicate that the air around the tree is too dry or cold. It is also possible that the tree is not getting enough natural light.
  3. 3 Prune the tree regularly in the spring. A money tree is best kept in shape if it is pruned at least once in the spring. Make it a goal to prune the tree at least once a month between March and May so that the tree can thrive throughout the year.

Part 2 of 3: Pruning the tree

  1. 1 Use a sharp pruner. Buy a pruner (garden shears) from your local garden store or online. The scissors must be clean and sharp so that you can properly trim the tree.
    • Do not use the pruning shears with which you have pruned plants with diseases or pests, as they can get into the tree through the scissors. Clean the scissors with water or use another pruner that is designed only for pruning the money tree.
  2. 2 Find two branches that extend from the trunk in a V-shape. Place your finger over the V-shaped fork to mark the cut.
    • Pruning the tree at a V-shaped fork will ensure that the tree retains its shape and growth.
  3. 3 Cut the trunk 1.3 cm above the V-shaped branches. Hold the secateurs at a 45 degree angle when cutting. Make an even cut to remove branches and leaves.
  4. 4 Remove branches from the top and sides of the tree. Gradually work your way around the tree, cutting off branches from the top and sides of the tree that appear to be regrown. Double-check that you are cutting 1.3 cm above the V-fork on the trunk.
  5. 5 Prune branches with dry or brown leaves. When you spot dead, dry, or brown leaves on the tree, cut them off at a 45-degree angle from the trunk. Make sure that there is a piece of branch at least 1.3 cm long on the trunk so that it can grow more lush and healthy.
  6. 6 Prune no more than half the size of the tree. Better not to risk it and cut a little at a time. Remove some overgrown branches with brown leaves. Then step away from the tree and look at its shape. If the tree still looks uneven, trim more branches until it looks more even.
    • Do not remove too many branches or leaves as this can slow down the tree's growth. It is better to remove little by little.

Part 3 of 3: Taking care of your tree

  1. 1 Pluck and prune the tree regularly to prevent overgrowth. If you notice new buds on the branches, pinch them with your thumb and forefinger so that they grow well. And also pruning shears can remove overgrown branches to keep the tree under control and stimulate healthy growth.
  2. 2 Water the roots of the tree when the soil is dry to the touch. Water at the roots with a watering can or jug ​​with a long spout, as water on the trunk or leaves can cause rot and attract pests. Water only the roots of the tree when the soil is dry, as over-watering is undesirable.
    • To prevent root rot from developing, water the tree less frequently during the winter months.

    Chai saechao

    Plant Specialist Sachao Tea is the founder and owner of Plant Therapy, which was founded in 2018, in San Francisco, California. He calls himself a plant doctor, believes in the healing power of plants and hopes to continue to share his love for them with those who are willing to listen and learn.

    Chai saechao
    Plant specialist

    The money tree is an unpretentious plant that does not require special care. Water the tree every three weeks, depending on the weather. Water the plant more frequently on hotter days.

  3. 3 Repot the tree every 2-3 years. If you notice that the root system is filling the pot, you may need to replant the tree. Plan your transplant in the middle of the summer months. Remove the tree and soil from the pot. Use a clean pruning shears to cut off 1/4 of the roots. Then place the tree in a new pot with drainage holes and fresh soil.
    • Water the money tree well after transplanting to stimulate its growth. You can immerse the entire pot in a tub of water, or water the roots thoroughly with a watering can.