How to prepare for a breakup

Author: Janice Evans
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
How to Prepare for A Conscious Breakup, According to a Breakup Coach
Video: How to Prepare for A Conscious Breakup, According to a Breakup Coach


If lately you have been feeling that you and your partner have become estranged from each other, you are probably worried about a possible breakup. If you feel like a breakup is imminent, you should prepare for it.This can be tricky if you don't know where to start. First, think over a plan of action, and then start preparing for an independent life. This will help you not only cope with the breakup, but also move on with your life in peace.


Method 1 of 4: Analyzing Relationships

  1. 1 Ask yourself uncomfortable questions. Sometimes it can be difficult to know if your relationship is really doomed or if it's just a big fight. Before you break off the relationship, think about whether you understand everything that is happening correctly. Analyze the state of the relationship at the moment. Think about how you and your partner are feeling before you break up. If you start to distance yourself from your partner, it can be difficult to move back.
    • Reflect on the quality of your relationship. Do you often feel good or bad together? Do you feel tired due to the constant alternation of quarrels and times of peace?
  2. 2 Think back to what has been done to maintain the relationship. Think about what you have already done and how you tried to solve the problems. Who in your couple is ready to work on a relationship? If only you or only your partner, the relationship is unlikely to be salvaged.
    • Have you ever discussed your relationship with your partner? How many times have you tried to fix everything? Have you tried going to a psychotherapist?
  3. 3 Enjoy the relationship while you can. If you decide that your relationship can no longer be saved, accept the idea that it will end soon. Do not wait until they are over, but rejoice in the good that is now. Remember the pleasant moments from the past, think about what conclusions you can draw and what experience you have learned from this relationship.

Method 2 of 4: Psychological and Emotional Preparation

  1. 1 Change your attitude towards living alone. Begin to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the breakup. After the breakup, many believe that they will now always be alone. Try to understand that a non-relationship period is an opportunity to take a break from problems. Being single can mean being a free person. Get rid of negative thoughts.
    • Think about all the bad things that happened in your relationship, and imagine what life would be like without these problems.
    • Make a list of the benefits of ditching these relationships and the things that will please you when you are alone.
  2. 2 Treat yourself with care. You might be sad about the breakup, and that's okay. Let yourself be sad. Don't blame yourself - just remind yourself that you weren't right for each other. Don't let the breakup make you feel sorry for yourself or get depressed. Love yourself the way you would like someone else to love you, and treat yourself the way you deserve it.
  3. 3 Try to reconsider how you feel about not having a partner and being alone. In many cultures, having a couple is valued more than not. This puts many people under pressure to enter into relationships that they don't like or maintain relationships that don't bring them joy. But there is nothing wrong with high standards - don't settle for what doesn't suit you. You deserve the best!
    • Consider if you have felt lonely in this relationship.
    • Remind yourself that not having a couple does not mean that you are alone. There are people in your life who are ready to be there and who are interested in making you happy.
  4. 4 Imagine that you are happy. Draw a picture (on paper or in your imagination) of where you would be in the near future. Think about what your life will be like without a partner. Imagine that you are happy and calm. If you can visualize change, you will have something to strive for after the breakup.
    • What would you like to do? Do you dream of visiting any place?
    • What would you like to eat? Maybe there is a cafe in your city where you wanted to visit, but did not go there because your partner did not want to?
    • Who would you like to spend time with? Do you have friends with whom you have lost touch? Are you dreaming of some kind of relationship?
  5. 5 Remember who you are. People in relationships often become so immersed in their partner that they forget about themselves. As you prepare for a breakup, think about yourself: what a good person you are, and what could be lost with the emergence of current relationships in your life.
    • Make a list of the things that make you yourself. Pay special attention to positive traits.
    • Think about your strengths.
    • Go back to the hobbies you gave up.
    • Think of a breakup as an opportunity to rediscover yourself and understand what you want out of the relationship.

Method 3 of 4: Change of Scene

  1. 1 Start to get rid of things that remind you of the past and make you regret breaking up. If there are a lot of relationship reminders in your room or apartment, get rid of the excess. Before and after a breakup, you don't need constant reminders about your ex.
    • Put all your partner's belongings in a box and pass them on through your friends.
    • If you want to keep things that remind you of the relationship, hide them away or get rid of them.
  2. 2 Change anything in your home. If getting rid of the things that remind you of a relationship isn't enough, take over the entire space. Think about how your home should reflect your new status. Move furniture or buy new one. Choose other colors. Change whatever is needed to keep the room fresh, cozy and beautiful.
  3. 3 Start taking a closer look at yourself. During a breakup, it is important to monitor your health so that it will be easier for you to recover. Think about what you will do and get started. This will help you lessen the effects of breakup stress on your body.
    • Buy healthy foods and immune-boosting vitamins (such as vitamin C). This will help protect the body from the effects of stress.
    • Go to bed on time and sleep an average of 8 hours per night.
    • Go in for sports. Exercise can fight depression, promote health, and promote the production of endorphins, hormones of joy.
    • Keep a diary and record your experiences there.

Method 4 of 4: Preparing for Living Alone

  1. 1 Think over a plan of action at the time of separation. If you think that it will be difficult for you to cope with emotions, think over a plan in advance so that everything goes with minimal losses. This is especially important if you are living with a partner you will be breaking up with.
    • Attract trusted friends and family. Tell them what's going on. Tell them you will need their help and keep their numbers handy.
    • Have someone else pick up your belongings from your partner or bring them the things you have left.
    • Promise yourself not to keep in touch with your partner after a breakup, and keep your promise.
    • Think about where you will go after the breakup and where you will live.
  2. 2 Distract yourself immediately after breaking up. You will be sad for a while, so you need to keep yourself busy. Prepare films that you have long wanted to see or books that you have long wanted to read. Watch the entire season of your favorite TV show at once. Buy your favorite food and put it in the refrigerator.
  3. 3 Initiate a break. If you are preparing for a breakup and are confident in your decision, initiate the breakup yourself. There is no point in delaying what you don’t need or cannot fix. To avoid excruciating waiting, talk about breaking up yourself.
    • Talk to your partner in person. Don't end the relationship by phone or text.
    • Talk about relationships and how they have affected you. Don't blame or judge your partner.
    • Explain that you want to break up. Avoid the cliché that it’s not your partner, but you.
  4. 4 Spend time with your friends. As you prepare to break up, try to connect with friends with whom you have lost touch. This will help you not only relieve the stress of the breakup, but it will also help you get through the breakup. Trust your friends and let them help you.Let your friends support you: eat ice cream with them, watch a movie, play a sports game in the park, go to a party.
  5. 5 Don't cheat on your partner. Perhaps you are unhappy in this relationship and want the attention of the other person. But don't be led by your emotions until your current relationship is officially over. Even if your relationship has exhausted itself due to the betrayal of your partner, do not stoop to his level. After the breakup, give yourself time to come to your senses and only then agree to a new relationship.
    • Be open with people, make new acquaintances, go to new places, but take your time to start a relationship with the first person you come across.