How to Prepare for IAS in India

Author: Joan Hall
Date Of Creation: 27 July 2021
Update Date: 23 June 2024
IAS Preparation Tips for Beginners - When and How to Start by IAS Topper Junaid Ahmad
Video: IAS Preparation Tips for Beginners - When and How to Start by IAS Topper Junaid Ahmad


IAS (Indian Administrative Service) is a dream come true for most students. Reaching it is a big deal. If you are really determined and willing to follow the tips below, you may be in a position to come.


  1. 1 Read two different newspapers and try to understand the meaning of each article. Pay more attention to the first home page, international and sports news pages. Don't forget about the rest, but don't spend too much time on them.
  2. 2 Keep a personal diary with the most important dates and events that take place in the world.
  3. 3 Whenever you come across a new thought in a newspaper or any magazine, write it down in your personal diary. Flip through these pages when you have free time.
  4. 4 In whatever class you are in, try to study all subjects thoroughly. You should be able to answer any question in the text, even if asked from next year's program.
  5. 5 Buy various editions of universal books and some important yearbooks. Study them every time you have nothing else to do.
  6. 6 Look online or in other textbooks if you have doubts about the dates or events you are studying.
  7. 7 Manage your time wisely. If you look at the examples of famous people, you will see that timing is at the root of their success.
  8. 8 Don't get tired preparing for IAS. Take pleasure in what you do.
  9. 9 Make sure you can answer any questions you may be asked about the latest events. Check out the latest developments and try to answer any questions that might be based on them.
  10. 10 Have a clear understanding of all aspects and principles of the policy. You can easily learn the basics of politics by referring to political topics in grades 8-10. You should also be aware of all current political figures.
  11. 11 Have willpower and determination and you will certainly achieve your goal.
  12. 12 Join the IAS training in the 1st year. Don't waste your time! Work hard and success will come to you.


  • Write down all the important dates of world events in your personal diary.
  • Read the newspapers carefully every day so you can answer any question asked later.
  • Take your time and study hard in school.
  • Buy some generic and specialty books; bookmark various websites that you might find useful.


  • Don't try to study everything at once, leave something for future study.