How to forge a signature

Author: Gregory Harris
Date Of Creation: 7 August 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024
how to forge a signature
Video: how to forge a signature


Signature-forging skills can come in very handy. Studying the structure of the signature and copying it ideally is really interesting. So you can jokingly sign your letters “A. Pushkin "or" T. Shevchenko ". It is illegal to forge signatures to defraud, so be careful with these skills. If you want to learn how to forge a signature without anyone noticing the difference, proceed to the first step.


Method 1 of 3: Using tracing paper

This is the easiest way to forge a signature, but it is also easy to expose. Tracing paper can be a great practice for forging signatures, but if it is carefully checked, you may need to forge it by hand.

  1. 1 Place tracing paper over the original signature. The tracing paper is translucent so that the signature is clearly visible. If you don't have one handy, you can use thin white fanfold paper.
  2. 2 Circle the signature lightly with a pencil. Slowly and confidently circle the lines, curves, and dots in your signature. Try to draw so that your hand does not shake and the pencil does not tilt. To make a similar signature, note the following:
    • Line thickness. People usually press more in certain places of the signature. For example, the right side of the letter "A" might be thicker than the left.
    • Signature slope. Pay attention to the natural slope of the signature as you stroke. Be sure to follow it.
    • The sequence of writing letters. For example, do you think that a person wrote the top line over a large "P" or "T" immediately or after writing the entire signature? This little detail can affect the final look. It's subtle, but it can tell the difference between subtle and obvious fake.
  3. 3 Place the tracing paper on the part of the sheet where you want to transfer your signature. To make your signature look natural, make sure you line up the sheet correctly. Many do not sign neatly and neatly, so keep this in mind when signing.
  4. 4 Contour the signature. Take a pencil or other pointed instrument and draw around the signature with sufficient pressure. Its outline will appear on the paper. Do not press too hard so as not to tear the paper and change the appearance of the signature.
    • Brightly drawn outlines will be perceived as a sign of fake, so try to make them as pale as possible. But they must be legible enough to be drawn around with a pen.
  5. 5 Remove the tracing paper and trace the outlines with a pen. Do not pull your hand off or twitch. Try to make your signature as natural as possible.

Method 2 of 3: Hand Signature

It is difficult to learn how to forge a signature by hand, but if you do everything correctly, you can learn how to display it in such a way that it will be almost impossible to distinguish it from the original. The main thing is to practice until you learn how to display the signature naturally.

  1. 1 Examine the original. Take a close look at the signature and pay attention to how it is written. Each one displays the signature differently - if you try to copy it without researching it, chances are good that you will make some obvious mistakes. As you study the contours, pay attention to the following points:
    • Connections of letters. Do they often find one on top of the other, or is there a space between them?
    • The shape of the letters. Are they picky? Wrong shape? Curved? Curls?
    • Height and size of the loops. Are they big and rounded? Small and sharp? Correct hinges are the key to a good fake.
    • Consider the slope. Is the signature tilted to the right or to the left? How strong is the slope?
    • How much space does a signature take on a line?
  2. 2 Try turning the signature upside down. Perhaps this will help to consider it from a different angle. Look at it as a drawing, not as a signature. This will help you see it more objectively and reproduce it as it is without engaging in the habits of writing your signature.
  3. 3 Observe the manner of subscribing several times. This will help you get a feel for the lines and curves in your handwriting. Try to imitate the movements of the person who originally drew the signature.
  4. 4 Write your signature several times. Now that you understand the signature, start displaying it. You will have to do this more than once before it looks like the original. It may surprise you how difficult it is! Signatures are difficult to forge, which is why they are still used to authenticate documents.
    • As you practice, pay attention to minor differences with the original signature. Correct any bugs if necessary.
    • Practice until the process of writing the signature is natural for you and until you can write it non-stop.
  5. 5 Write your signature confidently. The moment the pen touches the paper, you should be confident enough to write out the signature without undue delay and without lifting the pen. A confidently written signature will look more natural than if you hesitate and carefully display it. Sign up quickly and resist the urge to tweak anything. There is no turning back.

Method 3 of 3: Avoid Missing

There are certain signs indicating that the signature is forged. Anyone who takes a close look at it will be able to say that it is not real if you make these mistakes.

  1. 1 Pay attention to what you write. Many newbies who forge a signature for the first time pay too much attention to the original and forget to look at what they write. If you look at the original instead of keeping track of what you write, the signature will turn out to be uncertain and unnatural. This is a clear sign of a scammer.
    • If you are short on time to practice signing before you put it, your best bet is to study it, paying attention to all the important elements. Then write it as naturally as possible while keeping an eye on how you write.
  2. 2 Do not touch the signature with the pen a second time. The next sign of a fake is its correction.Just think: do you, after writing the signature, go back to make the letters more even? Of course not. Surely you are satisfied with an incomplete "y" and a careless "v". If you can see the finished points or lines, such a signature can hardly be called natural.
  3. 3 Do not pull off the handle. Think about how you make your signature. You sign in one motion, without lifting the pen from the paper. The abrupt signature indicates that the person interrupted, lifted the pen, then started again. This is a clear sign of a fake signature. Avoid this mistake and write as naturally as possible.
  4. 4 Make each signature a little different. Nobody subscribes the same way every time. It is easy to expose a fraudster if he displays exactly the same signatures on many documents. This problem can be encountered when using paper tracing paper. Make your signature a little different each time to make it look original.


  • Copy the signature several times.
  • If anyone suspects that the signature is forged, pretend that you think the person is joking and it is impossible to forge the signature.
  • If you do not have tracing paper, you can lay one sheet on top of another and hold them against the window, or simply bring them up to the light.
  • Save the tracing paper for future reference.
  • Also pay attention to the color of the pen used by the person whose signature you want to forge. If the pen is red, use a red one; if he uses a pencil, do the same.
  • If you want to copy the signature, use carbon paper or shade the back of the paper and then copy it.


  • Do not try to forge the signature of a very influential person (for example, president, minister, etc.).
  • Do not press too hard on the pencil, or you may leave a mark on the paper to which you transfer your signature.
  • When filing a forged document, behave confidently and don't worry too much so that the person doesn't suspect anything.
  • Don't be naive and don't forget that signature forgery is illegal.

What do you need

  • Paper tracing paper
  • Original signature
  • Pencil
  • Pen