How to clean tiles

Author: Mark Sanchez
Date Of Creation: 2 January 2021
Update Date: 29 June 2024
How to Clean Bathroom Tiles (Clean Like Pro)
Video: How to Clean Bathroom Tiles (Clean Like Pro)


1 Sweep or vacuum the floor daily. This will help remove dirt, food crumbs and other debris that accumulate on the tiles. Debris left over long periods of time in a damp room can quickly turn into deeply ingrained dirt.
  • You should also sweep and vacuum the tiles before each cleaning or cleaning.
  • After sweeping the floor, walk over the tile with a dry cloth or dust mop.
  • 2 Dry the floor with warm water. If there are no stains on the floor and it does not need a lot of cleaning, all you need to do is wipe it off with a wet mop. Rinse the mop in fresh water after wiping one part of the floor. Repeat until you've wiped off the entire floor.
    • For a daily shine, simply wipe the floor with a clean, damp dusting cloth.
  • 3 Dry the floor. Whenever you clean the floor with clean water or mixed water with a cleaner, always wipe it down with a dry mop. In this way, you prevent the rapid accumulation of dirt on the tiles and contamination of the joint.
  • 4 Wipe up spills promptly. If you drop a glass of juice or even water, you should wipe it up immediately. The longer you wait, the faster the water will be absorbed into the joint between the tiles. Spills from dried oranges and other sugary liquids can also be quite sticky.
  • 5 Clean the dirtiest spills with a disinfectant. If your pet pees on the tile or you drop a raw steak on it, spray the area with disinfectant and then wipe it off right away.
    • If possible, spray only the area of ​​the floor where the trouble has occurred. Strong chemicals can destroy or discolor tiles.
  • Method 2 of 3: Deep Cleaning Techniques

    1. 1 Wipe the floor with a mixture of vinegar and warm water. Dissolve half a glass of vinegar in 3.7 liters of water. Rinse the floor with the resulting solution. If the floor still doesn't look clean enough, take fresh water and cleaner and wipe it off again.
      • After you wash it, rinse the floor with clean warm water.It is very important to rinse off any remaining soap from the tile so that it does not attract dirt.
      • Do not use vinegar or chemicals on marble flooring. Read the article "How to Clean Marble" to find the information you need to safely clean stone floors.
    2. 2 Remove stains from tiles. Leaving the spill on for a while can stain your tiles. Prepare a paste to clean the area.

      • Prepare a paste by sprinkling 1: 1 washing powder into warm water.
      • Take a dust rag and rub the paste over the stain. Then let the stain soak in for 5-10 minutes.
      • Scrub the area with a soft brush and then rinse the floor with warm water to remove any remaining paste.
      • Repeat the process if the stain is still visible.
    3. 3 Clean mold from tiles. Mold can sometimes appear on the tiles in the bathroom. The best preventive method is to ventilate the room after showering to allow the floor to dry. If mold has formed on the tile, ammonia will easily cope with it.

      • When removing mold, wear a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands. The room should be well ventilated during cleaning.
      • Prepare a 1: 1 solution of water and ammonia.
      • Take a soft brush and wipe down the tiles.
      • After removing the mold, rinse the floor with clean water.
    4. 4 Removing rust stains from tiles. Most likely, you will not do this very often, but if you do, kerosene will help you a lot.
      • Put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands.
      • Take a clean rag and soak it in kerosene.
      • Wipe off the rust with a rag.
      • Rinse the floor with warm water to remove any remaining rust and kerosene, then repeat the process if the rust has not completely disappeared.

    Method 3 of 3: Cleaning the joint between tiles

    1. 1 Eraser. This method is great for cleaning a small area of ​​a stained seam. Just run the eraser along the seam until the stain is completely gone. To do this, use either a white or pink eraser.
    2. 2 Baking soda. Most dirty joints can be cleaned with this method.
      • Make a paste with baking soda and water.
      • Take an old toothbrush and apply the paste to the stained seam. Rub the paste well into the seam.
      • When everything is wiped off, rinse the seam with warm water.
      • For stubborn stains, allow the paste to dig into the stain for a few minutes, then start rubbing.
    3. 3 Remove tougher stains with bleach. If conventional methods don't work, use bleach.

      • Put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect your hands.
      • If the seam between the tiles is white, take bleach and dilute it in water at a 3: 1 ratio. Do not use bleach on colored seams, as it may discolor it.
      • Take a toothbrush or the edge of a sponge to scrub the seam with mortar. Be careful not to let the bleach get on the tiles.
      • After you've cleaned everything, rinse the floor with warm water to remove any traces of bleach.
      • After the floor is completely dry, carefully apply sealant to the joint to prevent it from absorbing dirt.


    • For seam cleaning, you can go to a hardware store and buy a seam brush.
    • Hand washing and drying one section at a time will usually produce better results than mopping the tile.