How to shave your legs for the first time

Author: Eric Farmer
Date Of Creation: 8 March 2021
Update Date: 1 July 2024


Leg hair growth is a natural part of growing up, and many girls and women are more comfortable shaving off their hair. If you want to shave your legs for the first time, first you need to stock up on the necessary tools, learn the correct shaving technique, and take care of your legs after the procedure.


Method 1 of 3: Choosing Tools

  1. 1 Use a ladies' razor. Women's razors have a round head and curved handle that are designed to help you reach hard-to-reach areas behind your knees and around your ankles.
  2. 2 Get a razor with replaceable attachments. These razors have a replaceable head, and the handle remains unchanged. A special cartridge can be purchased for changing heads.
    • While these razors are more expensive, they often have moisturizers or lubricants such as vitamin E on them, which is great if you have sensitive skin.
  3. 3 Take a disposable razor. This is a great option if your skin is not sensitive or if you want to get rid of the entire shaving razor after use.
    • Disposable razors are usually cheaper.
  4. 4 Take a razor with multiple blades. It is very important to choose a razor that has more than one blade, as one blade is more likely to scratch your skin. Usually razors come with three blades.
    • The number of razor blades can be up to six! Experiment to determine how many blades work best for your skin.
  5. 5 Buy foam or shaving gel. You need a lather to help the blade glide easily over your skin. Using a foam or shaving gel will help prevent irritation from the razor blade, as well as prevent the red rash caused by this procedure. Shaving foam will also help reduce cuts.
    • Don't want to buy shaving foam? Hair conditioner is a great substitute. Plus it's much cheaper.
    • If you have sensitive skin, avoid shaving foam that contains alcohol. The rubbing alcohol will dry out your skin.

Method 2 of 3: Learning Proper Shaving Techniques

  1. 1 Shave when you finish showering. Warm water will soften the hair on your legs and open up the follicles, making shaving easier. Start shaving after your feet have been in water or running water for 10-15 minutes.
  2. 2 Wash your feet with soap and water. Before shaving, wash your feet with soap and water to prevent infection while shaving.
  3. 3 Cover your leg completely with shaving foam. Apply shaving foam generously with your hands to cover the entire surface of the leg you want to shave.
    • If you want a perfectly smooth result, apply the shaving foam with a special brush (shaving brush). This will help lift the hair and make it easier to remove during the procedure.
  4. 4 Hold the shaver at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. You yourself will feel the urge to hold the razor at an angle, which is likely to be about 30 degrees. Make sure the razor handle points to your toes.
  5. 5 Shave in the direction of hair growth. Shaving along the growth of your hair (or down your leg) is the best option for your first procedure. The hair is quite long during the first shave, so by moving in the direction of its growth, you will reduce the possibility of irritation.
    • Shaving against hair growth (or up the leg) is good for short hair.
    • If you have sensitive skin, always shave along the growth of your hair (or down your leg).
  6. 6 Pass gently over the knee and ankle. Shaving around the knee and ankle is the hardest part of the process, especially the first time. Move slowly in these areas and do not apply too much pressure to avoid cutting yourself.
  7. 7 Rinse your razor between sets. Remember to rinse your shaver every 2-3 sets. If you continue with the blades clogged with foam and hair, you are more likely to cut yourself.
  8. 8 Rinse your feet in cold water. When you're finished shaving, rinse your feet in cold water to close your pores.

Method 3 of 3: Taking Care of Your Feet

  1. 1 Apply moisturizer or oil regularly after your procedure. To keep your feet smooth, always use a moisturizing lotion or aftershave oil. It also softens the hair and makes you less prone to infections that cause ingrown hairs.
  2. 2 Stop bleeding from cuts with petroleum jelly. If you cut yourself while shaving, it's easy to fix. Bleeding from these cuts is difficult to stop, but if you dry the area and pat the Vaseline onto it, the bleeding will stop.
  3. 3 Treat irritation after shaving. If you develop a bright red rash as a result of the procedure, take care to get rid of it, otherwise the rash will turn into scars. Apply a warm compress to the area to loosen hair trapped under irritated skin.
  4. 4 Change your razor regularly. The razor should be replaced at the first sign that it is dull. This usually happens after 5-10 treatments. Shaving with a dull blade will irritate your skin.
    • Old razors actively breed bacteria that can cause infections.


  • Be sure to discuss shaving your legs with a parent before you start.
  • Always apply a moisturizer to your skin after shaving.


  • Never share your razor with anyone else.

What do you need

  • Razor
  • Shaving gel
  • Moisturizer